Treatment for rotten teeth

Treatment for rotten teeth

Rotten teeth are classed as severely decayed teeth, getting treatment is necessary but what is the best treatment for rotten teeth.?

Teeth decay, tooth cavity or dental caries all begin when the enamel on the teeth begins to breakdown.

Dental plaque starts to build up and together with food bacteria breaks down the tooth enamel. When enamel has broken down teeth cavities will begin to form.

Failure to get treatment for these cavities means they get worse.

Dental cavities are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria to infiltrate your teeth and gums, rotten teeth are the end result so treatment for rotten teeth is essential.

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Teeth cavities can occur at any age

Teeth cavities can occur at any stage of life, even baby teeth are affected by sugar inside the formula milk through extensive use of the baby’s bottle.

The sugar found in formula will congregate around teeth and with the combination of bacteria hastens the enamel breakdown.

This condition is most commonly found in rotten back teeth or the bottom teeth can also be rotten, treatments for these rotten teeth can help to restore them.

Causes of rotten teeth

Throughout your life dental caries occur due to a combination of factors that include:

  • Not looking after your teeth
  • Choice of foods that you eat
  • Prescribed medications
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs abuse

Foods that cause teeth decay

It’s a well proven fact that high sugar foods or starchy foods assist in breaking down the tooth enamel.

By regularly consuming sugary drinks the tooth enamel will deteriorate more quickly.

The food that you eat contains naturally occuring bacteria that hastens the process.

The combination of food and bacteria causes acid build-up that goes after the enamel and accelerates the breakdown of the tooth enamel, what treatment can you do at home.

Good daily oral hygiene habits are essential to slow down the enamel deterioration process and tooth decay.

Use a quality electric toothbrush, use a flouride toothpaste, use a professional flossing product to take away as much food bacteria as possible.

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Have you badly decayed teeth

If you find that your teeth have decayed too much contact Fintan on 0873490104 for advice on treatment for rotten teeth.

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford and Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary we provide affordable dental solutions for decayed or rotten teeth.

Call Fintan 0873490104 our local Irish coordinator for a free xray and dental consultation, get the best advice on treatment for rotten teeth.

Know when teeth are rotten

There are certain things to look out for to know when teeth are rotten, most patients complain of feeling sensitive to hot or cold drinks and food.

In addition sweets or sugary drinks cause a similar sensitivity, there may be pain when biting food.

As tooth decay gets worse, toothaches become more regular and more severe in nature.

You may experience bad breath on a regular basis, another common symptom is you may experience a bad or unpleasant taste in your mouth.

As the dental caries progress you might experience some swelling in your gums.

If you recognise any of these symptoms please call Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 for a free consultation about treatment for rotten teeth.

Notice some discoloration

Examine your teeth in a mirror, you may notice some discoloration, this occurs as the teeth enamel deteriorates causing tiny holes in the teeth.

Look closely at your teeth, dark spots may appear as the decay progresses.

Tooth decay gets worse, regular toothache becomes unbearable, teeth can crack, pieces break off, a full tooth can fully break at the gumline.

It will become difficult for you to eat, you may experience weight loss.

By not eating properly your body is missing vital nutrients that are important for your health and wellbeing.

These symptoms of rotten teeth are more apparent in the back of the mouth, by comparison rotten front teeth aren’t as common.

If you recognise any of these symptoms please call Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 for a free consultation about treatment for rotten teeth.

Dangers of badly decayed teeth

You should be aware of the dangers of badly decayed teeth, we know the dangers from bacteria and how it causes teeth to rot.

As bacteria gets into the tooth, it travels into the gum tissue, an infection can occur, it can go into the bloodstream.

A bad infection can cause extreme illness, untreated it can lead to sepsis, sepsis has been known to kill people.

Symptoms of infection in teeth

The symptoms of infection in your teeth are:

  • Severe fatigue
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • A lack of energy
  • Diarrhoea

Should the infection develop further into sepsis, some can feel confused, they may experience hallucinations and could end up in a coma.

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Stages of tooth decay

Basically, there are three stages of tooth decay. The earliest stage is not much more than the initial breakdown of the tooth structure. (enamel)

Tiny cavities may be noticed, treatment can reverse this early tooth decay stage.

During the more advanced tooth decay stage the cavities are more significant.

At that stage the dental caries have developed much further than just the enamel but not as far as the tooth pulp.

At the very advanced stage of tooth decay (rotten teeth) dental caries appear in the pulp of the tooth,

Our dentist in Wexford will decide on treatment for rotten teeth according to what level of decay there is, in the majority of cases treatment can save those rotten teeth.

Best rotten teeth treatment

I’m sure that you expect the best rotten teeth treatment from our experienced Hungarian dentists in Perfect Smile Dental clinic Hungary.

That is why our Hungarian dentists in Wexford will put together a dental plan that will clearly show what treatment for rotten teeth is best for you.

The dental plan will outline where the rotten teeth are located, in addition it will show how to use the latest techniques to bring those teeth back to a state of perfection.

In other words, to restore those rotten or decayed teeth so that you can chew, eat, and drink hot food and cold drinks without any difficulty.

Your smile is so important, it creates such a good first impression, having a new set of teeth can impact your health and wellbeing in a positive way.

If you have rotten teeth at the front contact Fintan 0873490104 for advice on treatment for rotten teeth.

It doesn’t matter where the rotten teeth are located, we can help with treatment at Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Teeth decay

Teeth decay that occurs on the back or bottom teeth are treated using traditional fillings and dental crowns.

Tooth decay occurs more frequently in the back of your mouth because of their location.

When it comes to daily brushing and flossing these teeth are harder to get at, so they may not receive the same care as the ones at the front.

Treatment for rotten teeth no matter what stage of decay they are at, will make a remarkable difference to your teeth.

No matter how rotten your teeth are at Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary we can offer several options for every stage of decay.

In the early stage of teeth decay treatment

In the early stage of teeth decay, the enamel has broken down and small cavities are apparent.

Our dentists will perform teeth decay treatment that involves a flouride procedure that reverses the tooth cavities and rebuilds the enamel.

This treatment will not be used if dark spots have progressed or there are symptoms of bad breath.

The early stages of tooth decay may just appear more like tooth discoloration.

At the advanced tooth decay stage

If our Hungarian dentists find that you are at the advanced tooth decay stage, they can quite easily use treatment for rotten teeth.

This treatment will restore the teeth that are permanently damaged.

Cavities in the affected teeth are now visible to the naked eye.

The areas that are decayed are removed, the spaces that are left are filled using resin made from porcelain or composite resin that matches the tooth.

In certain cases, an amalgam comprised of various porcelains and metal will be used for the filling.

If the tooth has been weakened by decay our Hungarian dentists will work on it to prepare it for a custom made crown that fits perfectly over the tooth.

A decayed tooth can be treated to the extent that when a crown is fitted over it there are no problems.

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Root canal treatment

As I stated earlier tooth decay can reach the inner tooth pulp and damage the tooth permanently.

When this happens root canal treatment is the best option.

The tooth pulp that is affected needs to be removed by an endodontist, a root anal specialist, the area is the sterilized and filled.

The dentist may use a medication to treat the affected area.

If the tooth is too far gone or beyond being restored it will need to be extracted.

In this scenario a dental implant will be recommended to restore the extracted tooth.

The treatments for rotten teeth listed may well be for decayed teeth also, particularly when the tooth decay stage is early.

There are different treatments available for rotten teeth, call Fintan on 0873490104 to find out more.

No matter how bad you’re teeth are we have treatments at affordable prices that will restore them to feel and look amazing.

Fix rotten front teeth

Patients often want to know how do we fix rotten front teeth.?

Front teeth are somewhat different from back teeth, they are thinner and have less roots.

In addition, front teeth require a different treatment where cavities or tiny holes are present.

The same treatment options apply to broken or chipped teeth.

Our Hungarian dentists in Perfect Smile Budapest can use veeners over rotten teeth.

Or he can choose to put dental crowns over those affected teeth.

Contact us in Hungarian Dentists Wexford for all the options on treatment for rotten teeth, the number is 0873490104.

Veeners for decayed teeth

Veneers for decayed or rotten teeth are a good option where decay is found at the front of the teeth.

They also apply where teeth broken or chipped.

Teeth veeners are ultra thin, the dentist fixes them to the front of the teeth.

Your teeth will need filing down to make the veeners fit properly.

Veeners over teeth are very cosmetically appealing.

Crowns for rotten teeth

Dental crowns for rotten or badly decayed teeth are a good option as a treatment.

When our dentist files down the affected tooth he will take a photo.

Then an impression will be brought to the laboratory, a custom-made crown is made.

The new crown is then placed over the treated tooth, it stabilizes the old teeth and it covers it fully and improves the look.

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Fintan Duggan researched and wrote this post entitled treatment for rotten teeth.

If you have any or all of the above symptoms of rotten teeth it’s not to late to save them.

Call Fintan on 0873490104 for an early appointment and diagnosis in Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Dental implants and gum disease 



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