Pros and cons dental implants

Pros and cons dental implants

This post covers the pros and cons dental implants, dental implants have become a very popular way of solving the problem of missing teeth.

They may not be suitable for everyone so let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons dental implants and with this information you can decide whether or not dental implants are the best option for you.

When looking at the pros and cons dental implants the first thing that springs to mind on the pro side and there is no doubt about this dental implants are a long term answer for many patients that have teeth missing.

Notwithstanding the fact that implants help to preserve the jawbone as well as preventing adjacent teeth from moving they look completely natural, they function perfectly and feel the same as your own teeth.

Pros and cons dental implants image

Of course closely aligned with the pros and cons dental implants and on the cons side dental implants involve major surgery that can be a little risky in terms of infection, damage to other teeth, a delay in bone healing, bone loss around the implants.

Not to mention dental implants are very expensive especially in Ireland, prices range from €1,500- €2,000 per implant, that can increase a lot especially if you need multiple implants.

Of course, you always have the option to travel to dental destinations such as Hungary where you will find that dental implant treatment is available at a much lower price.

To find out more why not book a free consultation in Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town and find out if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

What is a dental implant?

In a nutshell a dental implant is a titanium replacement for the root of a missing tooth, it’s a small post that supports an abutment.

This is typically made of metal on occasions a dentist may also use alternative materials such as Zirconia or less common would be gold.

Zirconia has become more popular simply because it’s the same colour as natural teeth, in other words it’s not so visible in the mouth.

An abutment is used to help with the regeneration of gum tissue, they are called healing cuffs, a healing cuff abutment is placed over a dental implant.

Its wider so it allows more space for the crown, the crown is a prosthetic that looks and feels like a real tooth and it completes the dental implant structure.

Its important to know that included in this article on the pros and cons dental implants is the fact that dental implant surgery has been successfully completed in more than 97% of cases over the past 30 plus years, it’s not new technology, its proven to be a real long term even a lifetime solution to the problem of missing teeth for so many patients.

Dental implants pros

One of the biggest pros of dental implants is the fact that they feel and look exactly like natural teeth.

Once you have an implant it’s very hard to tell the difference between it and your natural teeth, a dental implant is attached to the jawbone and will feel as solid and natural as your normal teeth.

Eating and chewing

One of the many drawbacks of dentures is the issue of eating and chewing with them, many patients complain that they move and sometimes fall out.

It can be quite embarrassing and uncomfortable, this is definitely not the case as this article on the pros and cons dental implants points out.

Once dental implants are in place those issues associated with dentures will be a thing of the past.

Thete is a new feeling of being able to eat and chew food of all kinds without difficulty will be present allowing the patient to chew and eat whatever type of food that they fancy whether its chewy, crunchy, hot or cold.

Are dental implants permanent

In most cases a dental implant is durable and permanent, providing the patient takes the required care such as dental flossing, regular brushing with an electric toothbrush.

You should use a quality mouthwash the implants will last a very long time, it’s also important to visit the dentist for a yearly check up, after 10-15 years in some cases the crowns may need replacement


Dental implants require little maintenance, it helps if the patient follows a balance diet, not too much sugar, daily flossing and brushing the same as you would for your normal teeth.

Pros and cons dental implants Wexford town clinic

Bone loss prevention

Bone loss can be an issue for patients, dental implants are the same as normal teeth in that they are permanently fixed to the jawbone.

Because of this they help to strengthen the jawbone and crucially prevent further bone loss because screw thread works the same as a tooth root.


Many of our patients at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town have come back from our bigger clinic in Hungary and commented on how their new dental implants look and feel so amazing, you can read some of our patients testimonials by clicking here.

Dental implants cons

Its important to balance the pros and cons dental implants with information on the cons, just like any other treatment there are downsides, however the downsides aren’t too serious….

Not everyone that comes to our Wexford clinic for a free consultation will be deemed suitable for dental implants, there are a couple of reasons for this.

Firstly the condition of the jawbone has to be taken into consideration, if there isn’t sufficient jawbone or a bone graft won’t work a dental implant may not be suitable.

Secondly, the patients gums must be in a healthy state because the treatment includes surgery and healthy gums are a prerequisite for healthy healing.

Dental implants when done professionally are not a quick fix, the treatment can take many months to complete damaged teeth may need to be extracted, the site will need to be cleaned and prepared for a dental implant.

Once the abutment is installed there will be a period of waiting to allow the underlying bone to develop and mend. Finally, the positioning of the prosthetic is the last step in the treatment, all of this can take several months.

The price of dental implants

When reading about the pros and cons dental implants one of the first impressions that sticks out is the price of dental implants.

I know that many people are a little disheartened by the prices charged in Ireland for dental implants, a quick Google search shows that dental implants prices in Ireland can range from €1,500-,€2,500 per implant.

Naturally if a patient needs full mouth restoration procedure that includes up to 28 dental implants then the price will be in the region of €42,000.

To many that is prohibitively expensive, the good news is that at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town you can book a free consultation and get a much less expensive quotation provided you don’t mind a short flight to Hungary.

Who can benefit from dental implants?

Whilst reading about the pros and cons dental implants it’s clear that dental implant treatment takes a number of months depending on how many that you need.

It’s also very costly but the benefits are tangible and long-lasting, however not everyone is a good fit for this type of procedure, to be sure that dental implants are the right choice for you:

  • You need to have teeth missing or teeth that need to be extracted, dental implants will give you a natural looking functional set of new teeth.
  • Sufficient bone to take the implant, in a case where the bone has worn down a bone graft will be needed, more time to heal will be needed.
  • Good health is required, people that have chronic illness or those that are heavy smokers may not be eligible for dental implants, gum disease can also be a factor.

Are dental implants worth the money?

Many people question are dental implants worth the money, this article on the pros and cons dental implants has tried to give you as much information as possible about implants.

In Ireland the cost of dental implants particularly for those that need a lot of work done has become prohibitive for many.

There are options available to Irish people for example by travelling to a dental implant destination like Hungarian Dental Implant Centre in Hungary it is possible to save thousands of euros, we have a dedicated clinic in Wexford town where you can go to for a free xray and consultation, to find out more contact us here.

Leaving aside the cost of dental implants, they are significantly more cost effective compared to dentures because of how long they can last.

We have patients that receive dental implants over 20 years ago that still have them in good working order.

Dental implants impact directly on certain areas of people’s lives, cosmetically they look so good, they also help to protect and preserve the jawbone.

At the same time the adjacent teeth won’t shift, furthermore you just can’t put a price on your self-esteem and how being able to eat, chew and smile with confidence boosts your everyday life.

Hungarian dental implant Centre Wexford image contact details


If you want to find out more about the pros and cons dental implants including how much less you can pay for them by contacting us at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Main Street Wexford, we are very happy to offer you a free consultation in our Wexford town clinic where Dr Tomas will be happy to speak to you and you will find out if dental implants are the right choice for you.








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