Implants for missing teeth
If you have one or more teeth missing then this post on implants for missing teeth will help to inform you about the best treatment to replace teeth that are missing.
At our Wexford town clinic our dental team are happy to offer you without charge a panoramic xray and consultation with our Hungarian dentists.
All dental treatments are carried out in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre where implants for missing teeth are less expensive than in dental clinics in Ireland.
We pride ourselves on the professionalism of our staff and the quality of the dental implants that we offer not to mention the aftercare services in Wexford.
Have you lost some of your teeth.?
Teeth that go missing do so for any number of reasons that include:
- Teeth decay
- Gum disease
- An accident
- Smoking
- Excess alcohol
Whatever the reason where there are multiple teeth missing it can cause problems especially when eating, speaking or smiling.
Missing teeth can cause embarrassment, the gaps between teeth can slowly fill in with the adjacent teeth causing crooked teeth.
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary recommends implants for missing teeth because they are the gold standard in teeth restoration treatments.
Not only do implants completely restore gaps in your mouth they provide the closest thing to a natural tooth available and your jawbone is preserved.
To find out more about the procedure and the cost of implants for missing teeth in Hungary ring Fintan anytime 0873490104.
Fintan will be happy to offer you a free consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford town clinic.
Multiple missing teeth
Multiple missing teeth require a little bit of thinking outside the box, by that I mean can less implants be used to replace a number of missing teeth.?
The answer is yes, our experienced Hungarian dentists can use just 4 or 6 dental implants that cuts the cost of treatment substantially.
Basically our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary offers affordable all on 4 or all on 6 implants to support several prosthetic teeth.
To find out more about the procedure and the cost of implants for missing teeth in Hungary ring Fintan anytime 0873490104.
Free consultation options for missing teeth
Don’t delay, call Fintan 0873490104 book a free consultation to find out your options for missing teeth.
During the free consultation in Wexford our lovely Hungarian dentists will perform a comprehensive examination of your gums, jawbone and teeth.
He will want to know how many teeth are gone, where they were positioned, the condition of any remaining teeth, the health of your jawbone, soft tissue and your overall health.
Once he has all of the relevant information he will discuss with you if implants for missing teeth are a suitable treatment for your situation.
At Hungarian Dentists Wexford and our state-of-the-art clinic Perfect Smile in Hungary we want you to have confidence that we will take good care of you.
Feel free to read more about us here, we understand that it’s a big deal to step forward and get your teeth replaced, many thousands have done so, read some patients testimonials here.
Aftercare in Wexford
We want you to feel secure in the knowledge that Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary has complete aftercare for all patients returning from Hungary in Wexford.
Don’t delay, call 0873490104 book a free consultation to find out your options for missing teeth.
The success of implants for missing teeth largely depends on how well maintained they are following treatment.
As the patient you are required to use an electric toothbrush, brush your teeth in the normal way at least twice a day, floss regularly and keep up to date with regular check-ups in Wexford.
By working with our aftercare service in Hungarian Dentists Wexford careful maintenance and care means that your imlants should last a lifetime.
How long do implants last.?
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary use only the best quality implants they include top brands like Nobel Biocare, Straumann and BioHorizons.
These top brands are more affordable in Hungary, they have a remarkable track record going back more than 40 years as implants for missing teeth.
In conjunction with dental bridges implants have a 95% success rate and should last a lifetime.
How long should implant treatment take
Dental implant treatment is a surgical operation, we tell our new patients that the procedure will take two trips to Hungary, each trip consists of 7 days.
The reason for two trips is what we call osseointegration or the process of the implants fusing with the jawbone, a period of 4-6 months is required.
Most patients that come to Hungarian Dentists Wexford for implants for missing teeth can have their treatment completed within 6 months.
When our surgeon has completed the implantations, a metal screw the same size as your natural teeth is put into place.
Our laboratory technician has created porcelain crowns to connect to the metal screw on a temporary basis until you return to Perfect Smile for the second phase of treatment.
Why get implants for missing teeth
Why get implants for missing teeth?, honestly the reasons are compelling:
- Huge improvement in how your teeth look
- As comfortable as natural teeth
- Chewing and eating becomes normal again
- Smiling comes so naturally
- Food tastes good
- Jawbone and remaining teeth are preserved
Implants for missing teeth bring so many advantages that a good few years ago just weren’t available when patients had multiple teeth missing.
To be honest, implants for teeth not only resemble real teeth so much, they feel and function like your own teeth, they really are a seamless integration into the structure of your teeth.
Your bite could be affected if the teeth next to the gaps caused by missing teeth begins to affect the alignment of the teeth next door.
Food particles can become trapped leading to tooth decay and gum disease can accumulate, restoring those missing teeth should be a priority.
Don’t delay, get in touch with Fintan call 0873490104 book a free consultation to find out your options for missing teeth.
What do dental implants look like
Of course you will want to know what do dental implants look like, they really do an amazing job especially when the front teeth are missing, here are some before and after photos to show you what can be achieved.
Are dental implants suitable for you
New patients want to know if they are suitable candidates for dental implant treatment, here are some pointers:
- Have you lost one or more teeth
- Have you bad tooth decay
- Are your teeth loose
- Are your teeth falling out
- Have you broken teeth through injury
If you answered yes to all or some of those questionts then you need to get in touch with Fintan.
Call anytime on 0873490104, ask for a dental consultation about implants for missing teeth in Wexford.
Older patients may feel that they may not be good candidates for teeth implants, that may not be the case at all.
The average cost of dental implant bone graft in Perfect Smile Hungary will save you money.!
Get in touch with Fintan, call him now on 0873490104, get a second opinion, there is no charge..
This post on implants for missing teeth was researched and put together by Hungarian Dentists Wexford local coordinator Fintan Duggan.
Call Fintan anytime on 0873490104, ask for a dental consultation about implants for missing teeth in Wexford.