Dental implants and crowns
Dental implants and crowns go together as a replacement for missing teeth, the crowns sit on the abutment that screws into the implant.
The dental implant is made of titanium, a very strong metal that is placed by a surgeon into the jawbone below where the natural tooth used to be.
The surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic, the skill of the surgeon is critical to the optimum implantation and its success.
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary with our experienced dental team and state-of-the-art technology have a 95% success rate with dental implants and crowns.
We offer local free consultations in Hungarian Dentists Wexford where you can meet our dentist to discuss implants and crowns.
Contact Hungarian Dentists Wexford local Irish coordinator Fintan on 0873490104 to book a free xray and free consultation.
Teeth that are missing or decayed
You may have some teeth that are missing or other teeth that have become damaged, broken or decayed.
We recommend dental implants and crowns to completely replace missing or damaged teeth.
The difference that this treatment can make to your everyday life is transformative, imagine being able to eat, talk, and smile without effort.
Implants and crowns have the ability to transform how you feel about your teeth and yourself, indeed that perfect smile is within reach.
You can literally have brand new teeth within the next 4-6 months, we advise two visits to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.
Dr Tamas or Dr Heda fly from Perfect Smile Dental Clinic near Budapest to Dublin airport and on to Wexford every four weeks.
They come to offer their expertise in dental implants and crowns.
Get in touch with us at any time day or night Fintan 0873490104.
Cost effective treatments
If you want to find out more about our cost effective treatments and which treatment is the best for your teeth, come to Hungarian Dentists Wexford.
From what I understand prices for dental implants and crowns in Ireland can vary between €1,450-€2,500.
For patients that have multiple missing teeth and a number of decayed teeth it’s easy to see how the full cost of treatment is beyond many patients budgets.
I mentioned that Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary offers cost effective dental implants and crowns, here is an example:
The best quality implant brands are BioHorizons, Straumann and Nobel Biocare, we only use the best in our clinic.
We offer these top quality implants with prices starting at €549, the abutment on top €130, the dental crown €285, making the total cost €964.
In our state-of-the-art clinic near Budapest our team including our surgeon, dentists, assistants, dental nurses, laboratory technicians together can help you with your teeth.
Dental implants brands
Dental implants brands such as Nobel Biocare, BioHorizons and Straumann are the best that money can buy, these brands are the same as those used in Ireland.
Basically you are saving roughly €500 on dental implants and crowns by coming to the best European dental clinic.
The savings on treatment are even greater where multiple teeth are affected.
You have peace of mind knowing that your aftercare and check-ups are completed in Hungarian Dentists Wexford clinic.
Get in touch with us at any time day or night Fintan 0873490104.
Types of crowns
The types of crowns that we use in Hungary are made from different materials that include:
- Zirconium
- Porcelain
- Ceramic
- Porcelain fused to metal
The materials are the best quality that money can buy, the crowns are the icing on the cake so to speak.
The first part of your treatment involves placing the implants inside the jawbone, that is completed under anaesthetic.
The second part of the treatment involves screwing the abutment into the implants, a temporary set of crowns are fitted on top.
This all takes place within 7 days, at the finish we make sure that you are happy and ready to go home.
We call you back to the clinic in Hungary after 4-6 months, by which time the implants should have fused well together with the jawbone.
We complete the dental implants and crowns treatment by removing the temporary set of teeth and replacing those with your new permanent teeth.
This portion of the treatment takes a further 7 days, all in all treatment takes between 4-6 months to fully complete.
My name is Fintan Duggan, my phone is 0873490104, I did travel to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary four years ago.
In my opinion the clinic is top class, they offer professional dental implants and crowns at cost effective prices.
If you need to know more ring me day or night on 0873490104.
References High survival rates (98.4