Where can I get cheap dental implants

Treatment is so expensive in Ireland so people ask where can I get cheap dental implants.

Is it possible to get affordable dental implants in Ireland or do you have to go abroad for treatment.?

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Why are dental implants so expensive

In Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary we regularly hear patients asking why are dental implants so expensive.

In Ireland the costs of running a dental clinic are often used as one of the reasons for the high cost of dental implants.

There are other costs including the salaries paid to dentists which are on average about €95,000 per annum, a dentist in Hungary earns just under half of that.

Dental implants

Why do people in Ireland pay so much for dental implants? according to Google a single dental implant can cost up to €1,500.

If you are looking for cheap all on 4 dental implants or all on 6 dental implants it’s unlikely that you will find them in Ireland.

You always have the option to go to a popular European dental destination where treatment is considerably cheaper.

Did you know that a dental implant in Hungary costs just €549.

I believe that €549 is close to being the cheap dental implants that you will find anywhere.

To find out more about the treatment you will need to make an appointment in Hungarian dentists Wexford.

To do this simply give Fintan a call on 0873490104.

You will be give a date and time to meet with the experienced dentists in Wexford for a free consultation.

Are cheap dental implants good quality

In the case of dental implants it’s very important to compare like with like.

You now know where you can find cheap dental implants that are of the same standard as those used by dentists in Ireland.

Dental clinics in Hungary such as Perfect Smile are offering cheap dental implants that are exactly the same brands you will find in Irish clinics, for example brands like:

  • Straumann
  • BioHorizons
  • Nobel Biocare

The quality of the dental implants in Hungary isn’t in doubt, the materials used are top of the range, definitely on a par with Irish clinics, the dentists are highly regarded and experienced.

So, if you are looking to save money on dental implant treatment why not call Fintan on 0873490104, ask for a free panoramic xray and consultation with Hungarian dentists Wexford.

Cheap dental implants Perfect Smile Hungary image

Treatment in Ireland

I totally get it when patients in Ireland that need dental implants are prepared to pay tens of thousands of euros for treatment instead of looking at treatment abroad.

I know that many are happy to get treatment in Ireland, even though the cost can be high.

If you have a dental plan that includes a large number of implants the chances are that the cost is between €10,000-€15,000.

That’s a significant amount of money to have to spend on treatment.

It’s not surprising that some may even ask, where can I get cheap dental implants.

Can I recommend that you consider Hungarian Dentists Wexford.?

Hungary for implants

I can tell you from our own experience of Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary that cheap dental implants are available in that Clinic.

If you are looking for more information on where can I find cheap dental implants call Fintan on 0873490104.

He can put you in touch with Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary where they can offer you a free consultation in their Wexford town dental clinic.

Find out more about cheap dental implants:

  • What the procedure is
  • Are you a good candidate for this treatment.
  • How long is the treatment going to take
  • How much is it going to cost
  • More about aftercare in Wexford
  • More about regular check-ups in Wexford

Are dental implants worth the money

Because the price for dental implants in Ireland is so high, are they worth the money.?

To be honest, if you are in a position where a number of your teeth are missing then dental implants are an excellent way to replace them.

Many of our patients at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary tell us how happy they are following treatment, here are some of the reasons why:

  • Dental implants are durable
  • They last a long time
  • They feel the same as good normal teeth
  • Food tastes so much better
  • Best of all you will find a new set of teeth to be really good for your wellbeing and confidence.
Find cheap dental implants Perfect Smile dental Hungary image

At the end of the day, many people in Ireland would like to know where can I find cheap dental implants, the cost of bone grafting for dental implants is an issue also.

The reasons are clear.

The treatment is necessary to replace missing teeth or badly decayed teeth.

To find less expensive, affordable, top quality dental implants call Hungarian Dentists in Wexford for more information.

The alternatives are old fashioned dentures, whilst these are considerably cheaper than implants they are not a long term solution.

Looking for cheap dental implants

If you are convinced that dental implants are the way to go for you to get new teeth, then why not contact Hungarian Dentists in Wexford with a trip to Perfect Smile Hungary in mind.

It all starts with a visit to our Hungarian Dentists clinic in Wexford, tel:0873490104

Give Fintan a call to arrange a free consultation.

Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists image


I wrote this article to inform people about the answers to this common question “where can I find cheap dental implants”.

For those that don’t mind travelling outside Ireland for treatment knowing that they can return to Ireland for aftercare and regular check-ups Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary is certainly a viable option.

Read more on the best crowns for teeth.





Read more on all 4 dental implants

Where can I get cheap dental implants image

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