What is a dental crown

What is a dental crown

You may well ask what is a dental crown because a dental crown may be the best solution to cover broken or decayed teeth.

A dental crown is basically a covering over an existing tooth that is made from ceramic, porcelain, metal or glass.

Who might need a dental crown

At Hungarian Dental Implant and Crown Centre Wexford town we offer dental treatments to patients that need a cover over a decayed or broken tooth where a sizeable amount of the original tooth is missing.

For example following root canal treatment or where there is a weak tooth to protect it from breaking, dental prosthesis are also recommended to cover over badly shaped or stained teeth, they can also be used to hold a denture or bridge in position.

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Dental crown the procedure

To answer the question of what is a dental crown fully its important to know the procedure, in other words what can the patient expect.

First if all we recommend that you visit our Wexford town clinic for a free consultation so that our dentist can determine if this treatment is the right option for you, to book call Fintan on 0873490104.

OK, so you have been given a dental plan that involves this treatment in Hungary, you arrive at our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary.

On your first day in surgery our dentist and his team will get your teeth ready for treatment by removing a layer of the outer surface, your dental crown will be the exact same thickness as that of the layer that is removed.

Mould is taken

In order to manufacture a crown our dentist will then take a mould of said tooth or teeth and our dental technician will then prepare thloe crown and it will be a match for your existing teeth allowing it to seamlessly blend in.

In order for you to carry on eating normally you will be given a temporary crown while your new crown or crowns are being made.

When your new dental crown or crowns are ready our dentist will fit them into place using temporary dental adhesive or cement.

You will wear your new crowns for a couple of months to make sure everything is or before they are permanently fixed in our Wexford town clinic.

Caring for dental crowns

are not like normal teeth in the sense that they cannot decay, however the tooth edge that it sits on may, so you will need to brush your teeth regularly using fluoride toothpaste, you must also floss your teeth as recommended by dentists worldwide.

Benefits of dental crowns

To fully the question of what is a dental crown we must also look at the benefits of dental crowns.

First and foremost they are a great way of protecting teeth that are broken or weak, without doubt crowns do improve the appearance of your teeth especially those that are crooked or stained, they can last for a number of years if they are looked after properly.

What can go wrong

Sometimes dental crowns can fall out or break, there are a couple of reasons for this the tooth underneath the crown has decayed or the dental cement used to hold it in doesn’t work properly.

How much tooth is needed for a dental crown is a good question, perhaps this crown isn’t your first and you want to know if an additional dental crown can be placed safely.

Perhaps your tooth or teeth have been damaged significantly to a point where so little natural structure is still there, or your dentist has informed you that any decayed tissue needs to be removed.

No matter what you think or have been told its important to find out all you can about what is a dental crown.

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Adequate tooth structure

Dental crowns will not work unless there is adequate tooth structure to bond to and support them from the ground up.

A dental crown is a cap over a tooth so it’s very important to know how much of a tooth is required for a crown, in the majority of cases that we see a dental crown is fitted after we reduce the natural tooth’s structure.

Providing there is minimal damage to the existing tooth there shouldn’t be any problem placing a dental crown there.

Problems will arise if a considerable amount of the existing tooth has been weakened by damage or decay, there are a number of options that our experienced dentists can do in cases like this, why not book a Free consultation at our Wexford town clinic to find out more.

Composite resin

We use composite resin to build a strong base for the dental crown mainly because it can bond very effectively with enamel, composite resin has been used in dentistry for many years for bonding and filling, it wouldn’t be strong enough to build a complete tooth it will enable a solid base for one.

Post and core foundation

In certain cases our dentists will use the post and core foundation method, if damage and decay has compromised the dental pulp post and core is used whereby root canal treatment is needed so that unhealthy tissue can be removed from the inside and make it hollow.

Following root canal treatment gutta-percha (a rubber like material) is used along with a tiny post made if metal to provide stability.

We then use dental cement to provide a seal over the tooth, composite resin is then used to finish and shape the remaining structure, following the process completion a dental crown is put in place.

Replacing a missing tooth

A dental artificial tooth is an option to replace a missing tooth, however in order to do this successfully an implant bolstered crown is needed.

That means a dental implant must be considered, a dental implant is basically a prosthetic tooth that screws into the jawbone, an abutment (small metal post) will be fixed into the gums to make a base in which to cement a dental crown.

Can dental crowns fit all teeth types

The beauty of dental crowns is the fact that they can fit all teeth types and sizes, even teeth that have fallen out altogether.

The dentist will look at the teeth structure to determine what technique to use in order to make an adequate base for these artificial teeth.

To find out if your teeth are suitable for this treatment why not book a free consultation at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford by clicking here.

Are there alternatives to dental crowns

When answering questions on what is a dental crown we must also ask what are the  alternatives.

In a case where a patient has teeth discoloration then veneers (thin layers artificial teeth that are fixed to the front surface of teeth) may be an option, in the case of a chipped tooth our dentist may recommend a tooth rebuild.

A partial denture may be used, it’s a particular type of plastic and metal structure that is clipped onto the teeth and supports one or more than one false teeth, these are cheaper than crowns and faster to fit, however they do require specialized care and maintenance.

A dental bridge is another procedure that could be used the damaged tooth is extracted, the two adjacent teeth will be slimmed down.

A bridge made of two artificial teeth will be made and attached to healthy teeth, a false tooth will be placed in the gap, a dental bridge is long-lasting, durable and it looks natural.

A dental implant are by and large considered to be the best way to replace a tooth that is missing, an implant is made up of a post (replacing the roots) and a crown that is placed or implanted into your gum by a dental surgeon.

A dental implant is a very long term solution because they can last up to 30 years or more, they help to preserve the jawbone.

Caring for them is the same care as your normal teeth, however they can be very expensive unless you travel to a dental destination like Hungary.


I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article on what is a dental crown, as you can see they are an excellent way to cover decayed or damaged teeth.

It’s well worth the time to book a free consultation in our Wexford town clinic and find out if you are a good candidate for dental crowns, call Fintan on 0873490104 now.




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