What Do Veneers Cost

What do veneers cost

Dental veneers are used to improve the aesthetic appeal of front teeth, what do veneers cost and where is the cheapest place to get this popular teeth restoration work done.?

Veneers cost between €500-€750 each in many dental clinics across the island of Ireland, at Hungarian Dentists Wexford veneers cost as little as €365 each.

To save money on the cost of veneers treatment consider travelling to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary just two hours drive from Budapest.

Call Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 for a second opinion and free consultation on what do veneers cost in Hungary.

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What are veneers

Veneers are made from a thin material that our professional dentists places over the visible front teeth to improve the size, shape and colour of them.

Dental veneers can significantly improve how front teeth look, they are particularly good at disguising and improving misshapened or discoloured teeth.

We use either composite bonding or porcelain to produce dental veneers.

Composite bonding means that the veneers are fabricated in the laboratory by a dental technician, a dental cement is used to to bond them to teeth.

Porcelain is used to create veneers in the lab, porcelain veneers are considered to be more durable, aesthetically more pleasing and are less likely to be affected by staining.

When we talk about what do veneers cost, there is a difference in the cost of composite bonding veneers and porcelain veneers.

Composite bonding veneers cost between €175-€350 each in Ireland whilst a porcelain veneer costs between €550-€750 per tooth.

In a situation where patients need a large number of veneers the overall cost to restore front teeth can run into thousands of euros.

To get a comparison on what do veneers cost in Perfect Smile Hungary with aftercare in Wexford ring Fintan on 0873490104 for a free consultation.

When are veneers suitable

Veneers are popular and suitable in situations such as:

  • Where teeth are chipped
  • Where teeth are discoloured
  • Where teeth are stained
  • Where there are spaces between teeth
  • Where teeth are misshapen

What is the procedure

Following the free consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford patients come to Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary for treatment.

Patients arrive at the state-of-the-art dental clinic on the first day to have their teeth prepared for treatment and impressions taken.

We have our onsite laboratory where our skilled technicians can get your new veneers ready in a day or so.

Veneers are ideal at creating a smashing new set of amazing looking teeth, the whole process can be achieved in one trip to Hungary.

They are ideal in situations where patients have teeth “gaps” that cannot be closed by orthodontic treatment, others may have worn away the edges of their teeth.

This may cause them to prematurely age, others may have crooked or mal positioned teeth, veneers can greatly enhance the shape, size and appearance of these teeth.

To get a comparison on what do veneers cost in Perfect Smile Hungary with aftercare in Wexford ring Fintan on 0873490104 for a free consultation.

Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford image What you need to know about veneers

Not everyone is suitable to have veneers fitted, gums must be in a very healthy condition to be considered for veneers.

If gums aren’t healthy you may need gum treatment done before veneers can be fitted.

In situations where teeth are chipped or badly worn down they will need treatment beforehand, bad habits such as nail biting can cause issues with veneers.

Night splints may be necessary to protect the veneers and to prolong their lifespan.

We don’t accept patients younger than 18, the reason for this is as young adults get older their gumline shape changes.

The nerves are closer to the tooths surface, this can cause issues during treatment.

Cost of veneers in Hungary

When people ask about what do veneers cost in Hungary the answer is, a lot less cost than people would have to pay in Ireland.

Over 20 years, thousands of patients from Ireland have made the journey to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary for lower cost dental treatments.

We have skilled dentists, technicians and other staff to make sure you get the best quality veneers and a great looking smile at lower cost, Wexford for aftercare.

Veneers can be fabricated in the lab to be any shade you prefer, they can be whiter than white, they can be bright, they will look amazingly natural and a huge boost to your self-confidence.

Don’t delay, give Fintan in Hungarian Dentists Wexford a ring on 0873490104, ask for more information on what do veneers cost in Hungary.

You may be surprised.!




Cost of veneers in Hungary image

4 thoughts on “What Do Veneers Cost”

  1. Wow I didn’t know that veneers were so expensive! I know that many people need them because they want to have more aesthetically pleasant teeth. I do have space between my teeth, but I never considered getting veneers. Besides my space between my teeth, there’s no real issue with my teeth because they’re not tainted or whatsoever. My sister has veneers and the result is pleasant. iv’ seen girls with veneerers making them look like a horse!

  2. This article provides a great overview of dental veneers and their costs, especially for those considering treatment. I appreciate how it highlights the significant price difference between Ireland and Hungary, making it easier for people to make informed decisions.

    It’s impressive that Hungarian Dentists Wexford offers such competitive pricing, and the mention of Perfect Smile Dental Clinic is a fantastic option for anyone looking to save money without compromising on quality. The detailed explanation of the different types of veneers, composite bonding versus porcelain was really helpful, too. It’s good to know the pros and cons of each to choose what fits one’s needs best.

    Overall, this piece is informative and reassuring for anyone thinking about enhancing their smile with veneers!


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