Tooth implant prices

Tooth implant prices

Tooth implant prices in Ireland can vary quite a bit, for example a single tooth implant can cost in the region of €1,400 to €2,000 each.

If you are someone that needs more than one tooth implant the cost can be quite prohibitive.

You could decide to go to a dental vacation country like Hungary where tooth implant prices are considerably lower.

Not only that dentists’ in places like Hungary are just as qualified as dentists’ in Ireland.

They have the same level of qualifications and skills.

Some like Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford have been caring for patients in Ireland for more than 20 years.

Their reputation is in good standing, go to this page to learn more.

A few years back patients had a limited number of choices.

For example if someone had missing teeth the only option would have been full mouth dentures.

Many were unhappy with these for a number of reasons, they didn’t provide satisfactory chewing capacity.

Nor did full mouth dentures look very aesthetically pleasing.

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Tooth implants

Nowadays all dental surgeries offer tooth implants, or dental implants.

The tooth implant prices can be justified because of their superior functionality, aesthetic beauty and durability.

Read on and find out more about tooth implants and why you need to find out about tooth implant prices.

A good reason is because by going to dental surgeries in places like Hungary you can save thousands of euros.

Tooth implants are less expensive in Hungary compared to the exact same treatment in Ireland.

How much should tooth implants cost.

Depends on where you want to have your tooth implants done.

Over the past 10-15 years Irish consumers have been able to avail of the exact same dental implant treatment in places like Hungary.

The treatment there is at considerably less cost.

In Ireland the cost of full mouth implants (that would be 10 top and 10 bottom) could cost ( €1,400 x 20 × €28,000).

So, you could end up paying a lot of money if you require full mouth implants top and bottom, that’s tooth implant prices in Ireland.

However you may only need a smaller amount of tooth implants.

Sometimes dentists’ can use old teeth to act as a bridge, thus eliminating the need for tooth implants in that place.

If someone needed just ten tooth implants it could cost up to €14,000, that a unit cost if €1,400.

Of course people that are prepared to take a trip over to Hungary can avail of savings in the region of 50%.

So tooth implants costing €14,000 in Ireland could cost approximately € 8,000 in Hungary.

That’s a considerable saving of €6,000 even when you consider the cost of flying to Hungary €150, hotel €50 per might, food €10-15 per day.

Depending on the treatment needed one would have to stay in Hungary for 5-10 days and may have to return for a second visit.

Dental tourism

When people are comparing tooth implant prices the question of which country is better for what is known as dental tourism.

After all you need the correct information to make an informed decision on where is best to have your treatment.

On the plus side you will find that dental implants and porcelain crowns are considerably less expensive in countries like Hungary and Turkey.

Apart from the cost saving you get the chance to visit a foreign country and have a little holiday.

On the slightly negative side, can you trust what you are being told.?

Does the dental surgery use the best quality materials and equipment, what happens if something goes wrong.

Are you dealing with a professional service, these are the questions that you need to know the answers to.

Before you decide on tooth implant prices and where is the best dental clinic for you to go to.

Hungarian dental implant Centre Wexford image contact

Hungarian dentists’

For example in Hungary it takes five years or ten semesters to obtain a D.M.D. degree in dentistry.

The University in Debrecen, Hungary has carefully designed and structured the 5-year program.

That ensures that each dentist has a high level of knowledge and skills to allow them to carry out their work in a responsible and professional manner.

Irish dentists’

In Ireland to become a qualified dentist a person needs to complete a 5-year course in Dentistry at Queen’s University Belfast.

The Dental school is responsible for providing dental education for the whole of Ireland and beyond since 1920.

The program has been designed to ensure that people that graduate have sufficient knowledge and dentistry skills.

Because they need confidence to be effective and successful at caring for dental patients.

Comparing both dental professions in both countries its evident that the levels, skills and knowledge are much the same.

So when you compare tooth implant prices in both countries you are comparing like with like in terms of professionalism, skills and materials.

What’s a mini tooth implant

A mini tooth implant will have the same design, structure and shape as a normal tooth implant, the exact difference is in the actual size.

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry refer to a mini tooth implant as a smaller version of a traditional tooth implant.

The diameter would be about the size of a pencil head.

Mini tooth implants are used in the main where there isn’t enough jawbone available because of bone loss.

In other words not enough jawbone to offer support for longer tooth implants, mini tooth implant prices in Ireland can cost between €500- €1,500.

Mini tooth implant prices in Hungary would cost approximately 50% less, you would need to book an appointment to determine the cost.

Its important to have an examination before a dentist could determine what your individual needs are.

How much space for tooth implants

A lot of research has been done on how much space for tooth implants.

Experts agree that a minimum of 1.5 to 2 mm is required for a successful dental implant between it and the natural tooth.

In a similar way a 3mm gap is required between each implant.

The reasons for this are implant stability and aesthetically pleasing, the dentists’ knowledge will determine what us best for you.

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Do you need an xray

Regular type xrays like biting view, or peri-alical are needed.

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford the dentist will order a Free panoramic xray ( OPG or orthopentomamogram) of your mouth at no cost.

This type of xray provides the dentist with vital information pertaining to the health status of your teeth.

The dentist will carefully study the xray, examine your teeth to determine what type of treatment is needed for you.

It could be a tooth implant, filling, root canal treatment.

Nowadays top-notch dentists’ use what’s called a cone-bean CT scan.

That gives them a more rounded view of the different cavities in the oral cavity.

Why are tooth implants so expensive

There are a number of reasons why tooth implants are so expensive, firstly, most are made from medical grade titanium.

By itself titanium is quite expensive.

Secondly a successful tooth implant requires knowledge, finesse, attention to detail.

It also requires extensive experience at dental implant planning.

In Northern Ireland dentistry fees cost up to $36,000 per year to become a dentist.

In Hungary the University of Pecs charges $17,350 annually to study dentistry.

So it’s relatively cheaper to study dentistry in Hungary, you can see why tooth implant prices are significantly cheaper in places like Hungary.

It’s less expensive to become a dentist, it’s a much cheaper country to live in compared to Ireland.

Business costs are less in Hungary, its important to bear all these things in mind when you compare tooth implant prices.


I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article on tooth implant prices.

Being informed is the only way to make a decision on tooth implant prices and where you should go for your treatment.

Check everything out thoroughly before you make your choice.


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