My teeth are in a mess

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town we hear and understand why patients are saying “my teeth are in a mess”. We can help you change that to ” I love my new teeth”.

Lets take a more detailed look at why people’s teeth become unhealthy or through genetics they may be born with a set of teeth that are unsatisfactory.

Many of us take our teeth for granted, that is the case until there is a risk that we are losing them.

Our teeth are so important to our daily lives, we need them to smile, talk and eat normally and without any discomfort or pain.

 If our teeth don’t look healthy our self-confidence can be affected especially as we interact with other humans, perhaps you are in the frame of mind and convinced that ” my teeth are in a mess”.

Please contact Fintan on 0873490104, at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford our Hungarian dentist can definitely help you to change your mindset from ” my teeth are in a mess” to a completely new mindset namely ” I love my new teeth” 

My teeth are in a mess image

Brushing and flossing

I understand that all dentists will tell us to that brushing and flossing is the best way to look after our teeth, however it takes more than that.

At Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary we recommend that our patients come to our Wexford clinic on a regular basis for check-ups by our Hungarian dentist, don’t put it off because the longer you leave it the bigger the risk of pain and perhaps more expensive dental issues.

If you are in a situation and feel like “my teeth are in a mess” they may feel like they are becoming loose or falling out, don’t wait for worse to happen, call Fintan on 0873490104, arrange a consultation with our friendly Hungarian dentist in the Wexford town dental clinic.

It may not be too late to save your teeth, our dentist will be happy to examine your teeth, he can explain the reasons why people lose their teeth, here are some of them: 

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is very common, it starts when bacteria from food in your mouth makes types of acids that go after the enamel or tooths surface, they attack the surface of the tooth (enamel) leading to small holes called cavities appearing, if these aren’t treated they can cause infection, pain, and at worst tooth loss.

Tooth decay happens to people of all ages, basically it can start in childhood and progress into your senior years, even young children can suffer from early childhood cavities, when it begins in their front teeth and goes all the way to the back.

Receding gums in adults is a common enough problem, this Lets bacteria from food to cause teeth decay, worse still it affects the root of the tooth and causes it to become unhealthy, it all makes for an unhealthy situation making many people feel that ” my teeth are in a mess”.

What can be done about tooth decay

We know that acid build up from starches and sugars found in food and drink causes the enamel on the teeth to lose valuable minerals, this can cause a white spot to appear, an early sign that teeth are decaying.

At this point it is essential to take action and get those valuable minerals replaced by a dentist through fluoride application.

As tooth decay moves forward, there may be tooth pain, you may feel sensitivity when you eat hot or cold foods

In some cases the area becomes infected, an abscess forms, more pain, fever or facial swelling may be evident.

It isn’t a pretty picture, it does affect how teeth work in terms of chewing, eating, talking and most important smiling.

It also leads to tooth loss, hence the reason that so many feel ” my teeth are in a mess”.

Why not give us a call on 0873490104, our Hungarian dentist is in the Wexford clinic every four weeks, he can advise you on how best to sort out the mess that your teeth are in.

We provide the very best dental treatments in our fabulous dental clinic in Hungary at prices you can afford, contact Fintan on 0873490104.

Gum disease cause teeth in a mess

The other main issue that causes teeth in a mess is gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease, the main causes are the build-up of bacteria and plaque in the gums, the result is inflammation and/or infection, this causes teeth to become loose and at risk of falling out.

The symptoms of gum disease are irritated or swollen gums, a throbbing pain in the mouth, constant bad breath, an increase in sensitivity towards cold or hot food, and teeth can become discoloured. 

If you haven’t been to a periodontist ever you could have gum disease and it could well be another reason why you feel ” my teeth are in a mess”

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Teeth in a mess- the options

Nowadays, modern dentistry is using the very best technology to offer patients so many options if they feel that ” my teeth are in a mess” at our Hungarian dental clinic Perfect Smile we can offer many options for treatment to those patients that feel “my teeth are in a mess” for example:

1. Fillings

Fillings are the first port of call, this method can only be used if there is slight tooth decay and no teeth have fallen out, the decay is cleaned out and composite bonding or filling is put in place.

2. Tooth extraction

We never want to extract a tooth unless it is completely necessary, however if the tooth decay has gone too far or the gums are beyond offering structure and support to your teeth, I’m afraid extraction is the only option.

3. Root canal treatment

Tooth decay can get right down into the roots, our dentist will drill down to the bottom of the root, the decay will be cleaned out, a dental crown will be put over the root to stop any further decay.

4. Teeth implants

“My teeth are in a mess” usually means that you are unhappy with several aspects that include missing teeth, crooked teeth, or decayed teeth, so you have problems eating, smiling, talking, your overall well-being and happiness is affected on a daily basis.

Teeth implants or dental implants are your best option to restore your teeth and help your appearance and self-esteem, teeth or dental implants will work where there is a single or multiple teeth missing.

Teeth implants are the best option if teeth have to be extracted because when they are fitted they feel, behave and look exactly like your own natural teeth.

Why get teeth implants when teeth are a mess

Perhaps you have experience of dentures in the past, many complain that dentures are uncomfortable and don’t feel like natural teeth.

If that is the case, teeth implants or dental implants are a very permanent solution and not one of the surrounding teeth have to be changed or treated.

What is a teeth implant

Basically, a teeth implant is a post manufactured in a dental laboratory that acts as a replacement for a tooth root.

The dental surgeon at Perfect Smile Dental Dr Borbath will use his skills to surgically place the teeth implant onto the jawbone just below the gum line.

Then the implant is allowed a few months to embed into the jawbone, you will be given a temporary tooth or teeth in the interim.

On your next visit to Perfect Smile Dental the second stage of your treatment to sort out “my teeth are in a mess” happens when the implant is secure, then our surgeon will attach your new teeth or a bridge to the teeth implant/ implants.

The end result is a perfect smile that will fill your life with confidence, call Fintan to find out more about how we can help you if you feel that ” my teeth are in a mess”.

When the treatment is finished in Hungary we will arrange a follow up visit for you in our Wexford dental clinic.

Where to go for dental implants image

Are you suitable for teeth implants

It’s a good question, if your teeth are in a mess, are you suitable for teeth implants, to be suitable your gums must be in a healthy condition and there must be sufficient bone to support teeth implant, if there isn’t enough bone our dentist can perform a none graft.

5. A dental crown for teeth in a mess

Whilst bonding or filing may be the answer to fix a small area of a tooth that is decayed or chipped, in a case where more detailed repairs are needed because of more extreme amounts of decay or fracture, a dental crown for teeth in a mess may be a suitable option.

A dental crown is custom-made in the laboratory to fit like a glove over the affected tooth, the shade of the crown is matched as closely as possible to your own natural teeth.

Once fitted dental crowns look amazing, you can’t tell the difference between them and your own teeth.!

Dental crowns are made from strong materials and can last for many years, just be a little bit careful when you bite down on harder foods or pieces of ice.

These are unlike dentures, you don’t take them out at night, just treat them like you would your your natural teeth, brush regularly, floss and get the checked by your dentist.

6. An overdenture

An overdenture is a prosthetic denture that is joined to a dental implant, in contrast a traditional denture is unhealthy for the jawbone because it just sits there, whereas an overdenture is a great benefit to the jawbone by virtue of the fact that it attaches to the implant.

An overdenture has a well-designed attachment that snaps onto the dental implants, these dentures are made in the dental lab to be used for the lower and upper arches, in reality they are used more often on the lower arch.

The reason being is that traditional dentures become less stable in that position than they do on the upper arch, in order to have enough support an overdenture needs a minimum of two dental implants

7. A dental bridge

A dental bridge could be another option where you feel ” my teeth are in a mess” theses are used to basically bridge the gap where one or more teeth are missing or have been extracted, our dentist will anchor a dental bridge by the teeth located on each side of the gap,

However, this procedure can only be used in certain circumstances, the number of missing teeth and their location will determine whether or not this us an option for you.

Replace your missing teeth image

8. Dentures

I have alluded to dentures earlier in this article, whilst not the preferred method, dentures certainly are a very inexpensive way to replace missing teeth, there are two models, immediate and conventional.

Immediate dentures are put in place immediately after the last tooth is extracted, there is mo delay, the effect is immediate.

Conventional dentures are a full set of plastic teeth that are inserted into the mouth following extraction of all of the teeth and allowing for the gums to heal.

9. Dental veeners when teeth are in a mess

Unfortunately, dental veneers aren’t suitable if you have extractions, they cannot replace a missing or extracted tooth.

However, they are very suitable for those people that have stained, chipped or teeth with gaps, this may be the case where you are thinking ” my teeth are in a mess”.

The only way to find out if dental veeners are a suitable option for you and to find out how much the treatment is going to cost call Fintan on 0873490104 to get a free xray and dental consultation with our Hungarian dentist in Wexford.

Dental veneers are a fast way to improve the look of your smile, they can cost quite a bit of money.

You always have the option of going to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary where the costs for dental treatments are significantly lower than in Ireland.

To find out more information on this call Fintan on 0873490104.

What are dental veeners

Dental veeners are made from porcelain, they are thin pieces that a dental technician will make in the la to fit exactly over the contour of each tooth, it is then bonded to the tooth to fix its shape, colour or to assist with filling in the gaps between teeth.

The end result is a natural looking, beautiful set of new teeth that yi will be proud of, well worth the money, they are resilient and strong, dental veneers should last for a minimum of 15-20 years.

Conclusion on teeth in a mess

I hope that you have read all of the options to your statement, ” my teeth are in a mess” please give me a call on 0873490104, my name is Fintan, I’m the local coordinator for Hungarian Dental Implant Centre 77 North Main Street, Wexford town.

I can arrange for you to have a chat with our lovely Hungarian dentist in Wexford with a view to giving you all the options that will change your mindset from ” my teeth are in a mess” to “I just love my new teeth” 


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