Missing teeth dental options
Missing teeth can be a real everyday problem, chewing, eating, smiling are all affected, so what are missing teeth dental options that will enable you to have more confidence when you eat your favourite food and smile in a way that makes you feel comfortable and happy.
Losing a tooth or teeth can be a real challenge, having all of your teeth supports your well being and health, when teeth are missing the function and comfort of your mouth is affected, your ability to be able to eat a wide variety of nutritional foods as well as your ability to speak normally are impaired due to missing teeth.
When teeth are missing gaps can appear in the mouth causing aesthetic changes as remaining teeth shift to take over the space where the missing tooth used to be, the good news is that missing teeth dental options are plentiful, they range from partial dentures, a bridge, a porcelain veneer, a dental crown or a permanent solution in the form of a dental implant.
Doing nothing
I understand that cost considerations can mean that you can find yourself doing nothing, leaving an empty space where the tooth is missing, while this option costs nothing it does leave unsightly spaces and gaps between teeth, it means that chewing food is more difficult, it also means that opposing it adjacent teeth may move or slowly drift into that empty spot causing gum or bite issues.
Let’s take a closer look at missing teeth dental options, if your teeth are broken or missing now is the time to do your research and find out the most cost effective missing teeth dental options, by booking a free consultation and xray at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford you will be given a dental plan outlining the best options for missing teeth and how much the dental treatment will cost.
Ideally, you will want a solution for teeth replacement that is permanent, cost effective, affordable, and is a solution for broken or missing teeth that looks and feels natural.
Restorative and cosmetic dentistry
When people look for missing teeth dental options they may hear of the term restorative and cosmetic dentistry, it may sound familiar in reality it means that a dentist will work to fix broken or missing teeth and improve their appearance, so what are your best options to replace missing teeth?.
Partial or complete dentures
This option for missing teeth is probably the least expensive way, dentures are removable false teeth that are easy to make and can be fixed in a relatively space of time, you can have the partial denture where a single tooth is replaced or a complete denture where all missing teeth in the mouth are replaced.
Partial denture or complete denture
A metal or plastic framework is used to keep the false teeth in position, this framework can be taken out, it is designed to fit around the nearest tooth, the framework may also cover partial gum tissue or the roof of the mouth, rests and hooks may be used to keep the framework in place, unfortunately these can be seen when smiling.
All dentures must be removed each night to clean them in a special liquid, they are also removed to minimize stress on the teeth that they are anchored to and to allow the gum tissue a breather.
In cases where there are more than one tooth missing dentures can be one of a long-lasting less expensive missing teeth dental options.
A dental bridge
A dental bridge is an excellent solution when the adjacent teeth need to be crowned because the fillings are a fracture risk, in a case like this a dental bridge will be attached to the natural tooth beside the empty space so that it will support a false tooth in between them.
The natural tooth may need to be contoured or shaved to allow a crown or cap be placed over the top of it, these are known as abutment teeth, the dental crowns on each tooth act as a support for the false tooth in between, it’s called the pontic tooth.
A dental implant
A dental implants probably the most expensive of missing teeth dental options, however most dentists favour this method, not because it costs more money, the principal reason is a dental implant is a permanent solution for missing or damaged teeth, with the proper care they should last for many years.
Basically a dental implant consists of a metal post called an abutment ( think of it as an anchor) or a tooth root where an artificial tooth that feels and looks exactly like the existing teeth is fixed to the abutment, because it is a permanent solution the process takes bit of time as the implant has to fuse to the jawbone.
Once this happens the end result is a natural, comfortable feeling in the mouth as you chew, speak eat and smile, a dental implant can be used for one or more missing teeth, a dental implant is the closest thing to a natural tooth available on the market.
What are the advantages of a dental implant
When researching missing teeth dental options it’s important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment, comparing implants with partial dentures, most of our patients will tell you one major advantage is that a dental implants doesn’t have to be taken out each night unlike partial dentures.
Implants are more aesthetically pleasing they look fantastic they don’t have clasps or hooks that can be seen when you smile.
Comparing a dental implant with a conventional bridge when the natural tooth is in a healthy state reducing or shaving them to allow a bridge in some cases is unnecessary because it damages the tooth, furthermore if any of the abutments natural teeth be lost through gum disease or tooth decay the complete bridge will be also lost.
By contrast a dental implant doesn’t affect the nearby abutment because they are placed only in the spots where the teeth are missing, they don’t need to rely on the adjacent teeth.
A porcelain veneer
A porcelain veneer could be on the list of missing teeth dental options, they are only suitable providing the gums are in good condition and there are other teeth to keep them in position, if you have missing teeth why not contact us for a free consultation.
Ultimately, the choice that you make regarding missing teeth dental options is down to a number of factors, the condition of your teeth, your goals, your finances, it’s best to book a free consultation with a reputable dental clinic such as Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford.
The beauty of having your treatment done in Hungary is that the prices for dental work especially implants and porcelian crowns crowns are up to two-thirds less expensive than in Ireland, to find out more call 0873490104.