Cost of dental implants Ireland

Cost of dental implants Ireland

Is the cost of dental implants Ireland putting you off having your dental treatment done,?

Now you have the opportunity to get the same quality dental implants in Europe for a much lower price.

It’s not surprising that thousands of people decide to travel to European dental destinations like Hungary.

Dental implants are more affordable the savings on dental implants and crowns amount to thousands of euros.Cost of dental implants in Ireland image

Why are dental implants so expensive in Ireland

To be fair, the costs of running a dental practice in Ireland are expensive.

Taking into account the general costs of running any business in Ireland in 2024 can be a major stumbling block.

It’s no different for dental surgeries, hence why the cost of dental implants Ireland are quite steep.

I understand that many patients need treatment in the shape of full mouth implants.

Also veneers or porcelain crowns, the costs mount up especially if one needs a number of teeth replaced.

I’ve seen quotations for one dental implant starting at €1,400 plus all the extras.

Imagine how much a patient needing 10-15 dental implants the costs could run as high as €20,000 plus.

Cost of dental implants Ireland comparison chart

Dental surgery abroad

Over the past 20 years or so and with the advent of cheap flights patients now have the opportunity to travel abroad for dental surgery.

As seen in the image a single dental implant could cost as little as $418 in India.

Patients ask what is all on 4.?

It’s a dental implant procedure where the four implants are set in the upper and lower teeth.

The 4 implants are there to support the placement of a brand new set of fixed or permanent teeth.

This all on 4 method has become popular because this procedure doesn’t require the same bone density as a normal tooth implant.

The cost of dental implants Ireland in relation to all on 4 dental implants for a single implant could be in the range of €1,800 to €2,000.

Dentists in Ireland will recommend that you will only need 4-6 implants to support a complete set of dentures.

Based on that an all on 4 prostheses for the upper and or lower jaw could cost between €8-€10,000.

The final cost depends on how many implants are needed.

Compare those costs with for example a popular dentist tourism destination like Hungary.

There all on 4 costs $5,200 or converted €4,900, that’s a significant saving on the cost of dental implants Ireland.

In this scenario a patient could potentially save €5,000 simply by taking an inexpensive trip to Hungary.

To learn more about the cost savings for dental implants in Hungary.

Why not book an appointment at Hungarian Dentists Wexford by going here.

Is the treatment the same as in Ireland

Dentists in Hungary have to spend a minimum of 5 years in dental school.

They are eminently qualified to practice dentistry treatment quality is of a very high standard, quality isn’t comprised.

Hungarian dental surgeons use top quality implant brands like BioHorizons, Straumann and Nobel Biocare.

The costs of dental implants

Why is there such a variation between the cost of dental implants Ireland and other European countries.?

It’s a very good question and here are some of the reasons why:

  • Implant type: The choice of implants used can vary in price, just like a car there are cheaper cars and more expensive cars. Implants are no different, I believe when it comes to your teeth replacement quality does count.
  • Degree of technical difficulty: If treatment proves to be more technically difficult.
  • Naturally it will take the dentist more time, like they say “time is money”
  • Mouth and teeth location: Dental implants towards the front of the mouth very often front offer as much bone support as those on the bottom.
  • A typical jawbone is much thinner than other parts of the mouth.
  • If you lose a tooth there the bone disappears straightaway so it can be difficult to replace not to mention expensive.
  • Cosmetic appearance: A significant part in the costs of dental implants is cosmetic appearance. People want to look their absolute best. However if tooth damage is significant it can cost a lot if money to get the new teeth and gums looking Perfect.
  • Skilled Surgeons : Having the benefits of skilled surgeons can mean the difference between a bad job and a good job. A skilled and experienced surgeon will naturally command higher fees.
  • Lab used: For example certain labs can offer more choice in specialized areas. 

Cost dental implants Ireland image2

A good investment

When comparing the cost of dental implants Ireland its important to remember this.

Spending money on dental implants is a good investment, in fact it’s the best investment for your mouth that you can make.

If you have lost some teeth through gum disease.

Or an accident or something else a quality dental implant can work wonders for your eating, chewing, social and well being habits.

Are dental implants the right choice for you

If you are wondering are dental implants the right choice for you.

Can I suggest that you book a FREE xray and consultation at Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Meet the dentist, discuss your teeth issues, get a free dental treatment plan, talk it over with your loved one.

If you are comfortable with the price comparison between cost of dental implants Ireland versus cost of dental implants Hungary you will know that the savings run into the thousands of euros.

Why do dental implants cost less in Hungary

1. Lower cost of living

Business costs, labour, taxes, property prices are all lower in Hungary.

2. Dentists salaries

Dentists salaries in Hungary on average are under €5,000, a dentist in Ireland can earn up to €75,000

3. Cheaper material

The exact same materials used in Hungary are considerably cbesper

Reasons to choose dental implants in Hungary

1. Cost of dental implants are significantly cheaper

Quotations are up to 70% less than the cost dental implants Ireland

Discounts may be offered

2. The Highest quality treatment

Hungarian dentists are highly trained

International brands used

3. Treatment is safe

Internationally accredited surgery, no malpractice

Protocols for sterilization are of the highest international standards.

4. Treatment is often faster

Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexfords Hodmezvasahely clinic offers flexible appointments

Multi-disciplinary teams are on hand, better outcomes for patients.

5. English-speaking:

Most of the staff speak English.
Dental holiday Hungary image

Dental Holiday

An added bonus if you like, part of your treatment will include a dental holiday.

It’s one if the perks of going to a dental destination like Hungary, you get to enjoy a little holiday.

If you are reading this post about cost of dental implants Ireland and want an alternative.

Where is the best country in Europe that offers the cheapest dental implants or crowns.

I recommend that you look no further than Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.

Why not book an appointment and get a comparison for dental implants.

Here is what one of our patients had to say following dental implant treatment in Hungary.

Really happy

To put it mildly by wife Julie is really happy with her new porcelain crowns teeth.

Dr Tomas did an amazing job, her teeth look fabulous, she is much more confident eating food now, her smile really is “a perfect smile”.

Should you replace missing teeth

Replacing missing teeth can have such an impact on your life.

Everything from your confidence, self-esteem, chewing, eating, tasting.

Should you replace missing teeth, in my opinion definitely!

If you can afford it dental implants or porcelain crowns are a very good alternative to false dentures.

Not only that they offer a permanent solution to the problem of missing teeth or rotten teeth.


I hope that you are more aware of cost of dental implants Ireland.

You know that you have a choice of where you can get your dental work done.

To compare like for like dental treatment why not get a quote from Hungarian DentIt’s Wexford by booking a free consultation now.

Read this article my teeth are really bad


What is All on 4 four dentures are used,the number of implants needed

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