How to replace a missing tooth

How to replace a missing tooth

If you have a missing tooth or more than one tooth missing you will be interested in how to replace a missing tooth.

To have a tooth or teeth missing can certainly affect your eating habits.

If it’s missing at the front of your mouth it can affect your appearance when you smile. 

How to replace a missing tooth image

Causes of a missing tooth 

The causes of a missing tooth are many, it could be that you had an accident, it could be that you have tooth decay.

In certain cases it could be caused by a genetic condition, or you may have gum disease.

Whatever the reason when you have a tooth missing it can cause a number of problems right now or in the next few years unless you get it replaced. 

Until people lose a tooth it’s often overlooked how valuable a tooth is, with the best will in the world our teeth will not last forever.

The loss of a single tooth or teeth can affect negatively oral health, well-being and confidence. 

In some cases a missing tooth can impact on your speech, the integrity of the jawbone, the ability to chew food properly.

A missing tooth or teeth can cause adjacent teeth to shift slowly into the space left by the missing tooth.

Let’s take a closer look at how to replace missing tooth or teeth. 

Modern dentistry 

Modern dentistry offers a number of choices to replace missing teeth, one of the most popular ways to replace missing tooth is a dental implant.

A dental implant is the recommended way of how to replace a missing tooth or teeth, because it allows you to have a brand new tooth root.

More importantly a brand new tooth that feels natural and looks exactly like your existing teeth.

We look forward to being of service, please contact us for a Free consultation and xray, or call Fintan on 0873490104

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford we offer how to replace missing tooth at extremely affordable prices.

You can avail of our service as long as you are prepared to travel to our top class dental clinic in Hungary.

We can provide you with a Free xray and consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Come and visit us so that you can compare the cost of a dental implant in Hungary against the cost of a dental implant in Ireland.

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford we offer a full range of Dental Implant solutions.

Our experienced team of dentists can advise and help you decide on how to replace a missing tooth or teeth at a price that you can afford, to find out more contact us here.

Dental implants image how to replace a missing tooth

The procedure to replace a missing tooth 

Following your free consultation and you have decided to come to our State-of-the-art clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary.

Our caring and experienced dentists will replace a single missing tooth or teeth with a quality dental implant and a brand new root for the new tooth.

The process helps the maintenance of the jawbone, the gum and it lowers the chances of further loss of surrounding teeth because of tooth decay or tooth movement.

To begin you will need to have a ct scan done in our clinic in Hungary.

The CT scan will determine exactly the best treatment that is needed.

Dental implants to replace missing tooth is a very simple procedure.

You will need a local anesthetic so that all you will feel is a gentle vibration.

We understand that some patients may feel a little bit anxious, to help people get over that we offer oral sedation.

The feedback from patients suggest that the process is somewhat easier than having an extraction or filling done!

The dental implant impacts on the surrounding gum so it will take roughly 3-4 months for the gum to heal.

You will be provided with a temporary tooth or teeth.

This means that you can eat and smile as normal until such time  as the new implant can be permanently positioned.

We look forward to being of service, please contact us for a Free consultation and xray, or call Fintan on 0873490104

Dental implants are a very popular and recommended way as to how to replace a missing tooth (or teeth).

So let’s look at the pros and cons

The pros

  • Dental implants look and feel amazing
  • Adjacent teeth are not used in the treatment
  • Most effective way to replace missing tooth
  • Natural look that can last a lifetime

The cons

  • The cost of dental implants in Ireland range from €2,000 to €2,500 per tooth (much cheaper in Hungary)
  • A dental implant uses the jawbone for positioning, invasive surgical procedure, 3-4 months to heal, possible risk of infection

Other options in this article on how to replace a missing tooth are a tooth supported bridge.

However if there is a large space the higher the chances of problems with a bridge.

If some of the surrounding teeth fall into decay the bridge could be lost necessitating a denture.


Tooth supported bridge

A tooth supported bridge can be done over a few visits.

It means that the dentist will use an existing tooth to support the placing of a bridge.

So instead of placing a tooth implant into your gum the dentist will place a crown on the teeth next to the missing tooth.

He will complete the treatment by cementing it into position.

There are pros and cons to every procedure,

Tooth supported bridge pros include

  • No surgery required, less invasive process
  • Tooth supported bridge looks and feels like a dental implant
  • Tooth supported bridge tends to cost less than implants

Tooth supported bridge cons

  • Particles of food can fall under the bridge so it becomes more difficult to clean
  • Infection can occur if cleaning isn’t careful
  • The adjacent teeth may need filling increasing the chance of infection at a later stage
  • A poorly fitting bridge can cause damage to adjoining teeth

Why choose dental implants for a missing tooth

There are a number of reasons why dental implants are so popular with patients.

If you can afford them we recommended this way on how to replace a missing tooth.

They are a permanent fixed solution that support the jawbone.

This means that you can chew normally and not lose your facial profile.

A dental implant is the only way to stop more bone loss following a missing tooth.

Dentures are well-known to become loose over time, dental implants may last a lifetime.

A dental implant cannot decay, that is one reason why they last a very long time, up to 20 years.

A tooth supported bridge can’t support and maintain the jawbone in the same effective way that an implant can.

A supported bridge won’t stop you losing facial profile.

If you are missing more than one tooth we normally recommend that you replace one missing tooth with one dental implant.

The cost on average of a dental implant in Ireland including the crown is currently €2,000 to €2,500 per tooth.

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford we can offer you a dental implant for €595.

You would need to travel to Hungary flights accommodation and food are extra but very cheap. 

Removable dentures image

Removable partial dentures

At Hungarian Implant Centre Wexford we specialize in dental implants and porcelain crowns.

We don’t provide removable partial dentures.

However they may be a cheaper option for you.

But maybe in our opinion not the best option in how to replace a missing tooth.

They are a simpler cheaper way to replace missing teeth.

For patients with more than one tooth missing we recommend removable partial dentures.

Removable partial dentures are placed suitability to make sure the false teeth are secure.

Removable partial dentures pros

  • If further teeth are lost in the future, more teeth can be added to a removable partial denture.
  • They are significantly cheaper than implants
  • Easy to replace and repair
  • Easy for the dentist to apply, requires metal clasp

Removable partial dentures cons

  • Partial dentures need to be removed and cleaned every day
  • Partial dentures are held by very visible clasps and don’t look natural
  • Partial dentures may be uncomfortable

Dentures to replace a missing tooth 

Dentures are an inexpensive way to replace a missing tooth.

The question is, are they the best way to replace a missing tooth.?

“Replacing a missing tooth will require the expenditure of money.

The cost of replacing a missing tooth boils down to two options.

One option is a dental implant, the second option is dentures.

In terms of cost, dentures are less expensive compared to dental implants.

However many denture wearers complain about the discomfort of dentures.

It could be as a result of ill-fitting or loose dentures.

People with this type of denture often avoid meeting people or eating out because of the discomfort.

To be fair some people are quite happy with their dentures because they are secure and comfortable.

Dentures are not a long term solution for people with missing teeth.


I hope you are now more aware of your options on how to replace a missing tooth or teeth.

There are many procedures hopefully to suit every budget.

The causes of missing teeth are gum disease, decay or perhaps through an injury, each procedure has its pros and cons.

Our dental team at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford can help to advise you as to what is the best option for you.

We look forward to being of service, please contact us for a Free consultation and xray, or call Fintan on 0873490104.


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