How much are teeth implants

How much are teeth implants

This article covers how much are teeth implants. People that experience tooth loss or broken teeth may be advised to get teeth implants, the first question that people have is how much is the treatment going to cost.

in Ireland teeth implants or dental implants can cost up to €2,000 each, people that are willing to travel to places like Hungary can save a significant amount of money where the cost of a single tooth implant can be as low as €695.00.

In many cases where tooth loss is present be it one tooth or multiple missing or damaged teeth old style dentures could be in place, many patients struggle with unattractive, uncomfortable and loose dentures, hence the need for a more permanent solution in the form of a dental implant.

Cost of dental implants is a big factor in peoples minds as they try to come to a decision on how much are dental crowns, how,long will the treatment take, are there any risks involved, are dental implants painful to receive, and most important where is the best place to go for teeth implants.

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New advances in teeth implants

If you have missing teeth or have dentures that have outlived their usefulness the good news is that new advances coupled with technical innovation have made it possible for dental implants to act as a permanent replacement for missing or damaged teeth.

A new technology called all on 4 has become extremely popular where the job can be completed in some cases in one day.

All on 4 procedure

So, how does all on 4 teeth implants work, as a patient you arrive at the clinic we numb your mouth to allow our dentist remove any teeth that are bad, at a minimum 4 dental implants are placed in the mouth, the dentist will take a mould of your mouth.

The mould is sent to the dental technician whose job it is to make a custom set of brand new teeth that will be permanently fixed onto the 4 dental implants.

If all is in order the new teeth will be fitted, then you can travel home, soon after you will be able to smile properly and eat your favourite foods again with confidence.

The decision always boils down to the important question how much are teeth implants, all on 4 full arch replacement costs in Ireland are currently priced between €13,500 and €22,500, if you ask the same question how much are teeth implants in Hungary you could be looking at a saving of €7,000.

To find out how much are teeth implants in Hungary and compare against how much are teeth implants in Ireland why not call 0873490104 and book a free consultation, you have nothing to lose by coming to our Wexford clinic and get the best professional advice from our very experienced dentist.

Do you need teeth implants

In the majority of cases where teeth are missing implants can be utilized to improve in a very significant way the function and appearance of one’s teeth.

It’s hard to put into words the feeling of being able to smile properly again with a new-found confidence that only a permanent solution like teeth implants can bring.,

Artificial teeth are without a shadow of doubt the closest replacement for missing or broken natural teeth, a tooth implant is made up of two parts.

The tooth root that resides under the gum and the new tooth that is visible, natural teeth are made up of multiple layers of soft and hard tissue, dentin, cementum and enamel, the softer part of the human tooth is called pulp.

Why not think about asking for a free consultation if you have:

  • A tooth missing or damaged in either the front or the back of the mouth
  • More than one tooth missing
  • dentures that are uncomfortable or don’t sit securly

If you have only one tooth missing you will only need one tooth implant, if you have more than one missing tooth an implant bridge will be needed, in some cases where there are more than one tooth missing it may be possible to attach 4 porcelain teeth to 2 implants.

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What are tooth implants made from

A tooth implant consists of a titanium foundation or base concealed under the gum, a porcelain crown is fixed above the gum that closely matches the colour of the natural teeth.

In Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford we offer artificial teeth of the highest possible quality, how much are teeth implants at our state-of-the-art clinic in Hungary?

The answer is in all probability approximately two-thirds less than you will pay for comparable treatment in Ireland, for example if you have been to an Irish dental clinic for an examination and been quoted up to €25,000 for teeth implants you could save up to two-thirds of the cost by simply calling us on 0873490104 and ask for a free consultation.

How long before the mouth gets back to normal

I understand that you may have a number of questions relating to the implant treatment and what is the treatment going to cost.

One question that keeps popping up is how long before the mouth gets back to normal, during the treatment the gums are going through a tough time as the dentist goes about his work.

As a result of all the poking and prodding the gums will swell and be tender for some time, the gum healing process can last anywhere between three and six months, it’s best to be prepared for that, especially food wise, so think about meals that are softer and easier on your gums to eat.

To find out how much are artificial teeth in Hungary and compare against how much are teeth implants in Ireland why not call 0873490104 and book a free consultation, you have nothing to lose by coming to our Wexford clinic and get the best professional advice from our very experienced dentist.

What’s the difference between dentures and implants

Dentures have traditionally been used as a cheaper option to replace missing teeth, however there can be a number of drawbacks patients complain that full dentures don’t feel secure, they move when patients eat, or they can move as people talk or laugh, this can cause some embarrassment.

Another drawback of dentures is their looseness makes them uncomfortable and can cause irritation to the gum, by using 2 to 4 implants a dentist can make dentures more stable as the dentures are placed onto the implants.

This procedure is called dental stabilization and has proved to be quite effective allowing patients to be more confident when eating and smiling.

Single teeth implants

If you have just one tooth missing it can be replaced by a single implant, the new tooth will feel and look exactly like the other existing teeth, it will be permanent and fit exactly into the space where the old tooth was, see the picture below of a new implant made from Titanium or Zirconium.

New tooth implant

Dental implants the benefits

  • The success rate of dental implants is as high as 92% many people still have them after 12-15 years
  • Dental implants help to preserve the natural status of the other teeth, their is no requirement to take away layers from surrounding teeth during treatment.
  • Prosthetic teeth look and feel just like your natural teeth
  • Prosthetic implants will never go bad
  • Implants allow proper chewing and restore a full bite
  • They look amazing
  • Prosthetic implants are a permanent solution
  • Artificial teeth can help to stop further bone loss

What next

To find out how much are teeth implants in Hungary and compare against how much are these artificial teeth in Ireland why not call 0873490104 and book a free consultation.

You have nothing to lose by coming to our Wexford clinic and get the best professional advice from our very experienced dentist.

The first step and a very important step is for you to get a detailed treatment plan, it will be prepared by our team of experienced dentists in our state-of-the-art clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary just a short two-hour drive from Budapest.

Once you are happy with your individual dental implant treatment plan and you know the answer to how much do artificial teeth cost then its time to book a flight to Hungary where you will be looked after by our helpful team.








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