How much are dental crowns

How much are dental crowns

Are you looking to find out how much are dental crowns, I can help you find the best place to go for dental crowns.

Learn how to save money on dental crowns and crucially what is the price of dental crowns.

First of all, what is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a lab manufactured cap that covers a teeth and restores its size, shape, strength and crucially its appearance.

Crowns are cemented into position over the teeth, they fully cover the entire amount of the teeth that lies at the line of the gum and above.

How much are dental crowns image

Dental artificial teeth have become a popular treatment for many people because they strengthen a broken or damaged teeth.

Broken or damaged teeth can look completely natural.

A dental artificial tooth consists of a small cap usually made from porcelain.

Sometimes other materials can be used depending on availability and the needs of the patient.

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford our patients travel to our excellent clinic in Hungary for treatment and come back to Wexford for aftercare.

We take a cast of the original teeth, it is sent it to our dental lab in house.

From there the dental artificial teeth are made to look the same colour and appearance of natural teeth.

How much does treatment cost 

A dental crown placement with an Irish dentist can cost up to €900.

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford we can offer you the same product for approximately €395.

However you will need to travel to our dental clinic in Hungary to have the procedure done.

Bear in mind that a flight to Hungary costs approximately €230, a hotel costs €50 a night and a main course meal can cost up to €13.

So to compare how much are dental crowns in Ireland compared to how much are dental crowns on Hungary we have to compare like with like.

A popular dental artificial tooth that is used by Irish dentists is called a Zirconium crown, process range from €610-€900 each.

For the exact same treatment in Hungary you can save over €200 per crown.

To book a free consultation at Hungarian Dentists Wexford call 0873490104.

Find out exactly how much the same treatment is in Hungary compared to Ireland call Fintan on 0873490104.

How long will crowns last

As an average, dental crowns cost for front teeth should last between 5 to 15 years.

How long a crown lasts will depend on how exposed they are to wear and tear.

Many patients hate their teeth, crowns can change that perception.

Good oral hygiene is a factor as well as teeth related habits such as clenching or grinding of teeth, chewing gum, fingernail biting, chewing ice, etc.

What types of dental crowns are available

When looking at how much are dental crowns the types of dental crowns come into the equation, nowadays there are so many to choose from.

For back teeth replacement gold crowns are often used because if their strength and durability.

In recent years porcelain crowns have become widely used because they are free of metal and look completely natural.

In addition porcelain crowns fused to metal costs less, they have a natural look.

However in some cases the metal composition can cause a small grey line on the gum area over the crown.

A Zirconia artificial tooth consists of a material called Zirconium dioxide.

It provides strength and allows for a thinner crown compared to one fused with metal.

Aesthetically a porcelain crown looks so natural.

Another option are E max crowns they are close in similarity to porcelain crowns in terms of aesthetics, strength and price.

To book a free consultation at Hungarian Dentists Wexford go here.

Find out exactly how much are dental crowns in Hungary compared to Ireland call Fintan on 0873490104.

Dental crown image

To fully answer your question of how much are dental crowns, the total cost of dental crowns will depend on

  • The type of crown chosen
  • What materials are used
  • What treatment is needed before the crown is fitted
  • Will a bone graft be needed
  • Will root canal treatment be needed
  • Will gum surgery be needed
  • Where will the treatment be carried out ((Ireland or abroad)
  • How many visits will be needed

Are there problems with dental crowns

A dental crown is a long term solution to the problems caused by teeth decaying, sensitivity, infections, broken teeth etc.

The problems that can arise from dental crowns can be alleviated by taking good care of them from the start.

Brush and clean them regularly have them checked on a regular basis.

Even though porcelain crowns are very strong they can become broken or chipped.

This may cause discomfort, an allergic reaction can have the same effect so a visit to the dentist may be needed.

Are dental crowns painful

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford we have over the past 12 years or so carried out thousands of dental crown restorations.

It is our most popular choice for fixing all kinds of mouth and teeth issues.

Compare how much are dental crowns in Hungary to Ireland contact this number and book a free consultation.

Are dental crowns painful?

 be honest it depends on what treatment is needed before the crowns can be fitted.

Some discomfort can be felt wher an extraction, a bone graft, gum surgery or root canal treatment is needed.

Healing time will be needed, a local anesthetic will be used to ease the discomfort.

Dental crowns are a straightforward and logical way to replace broken or chipped teeth.

They are the best long term solution and provide the essential functions of normal teeth as well as keeping your mouth healthy.

Why are dental crowns used

Dental crowns are used in the following circumstances

  • To support and cover where there isn’t much teeth left
  • As protection for a weak teeth where there is decay
  • To protect a cracked teeth
  • As reinforcement for a dental bridge
  • As cover for a dental implant
  • As a cosmetic modification
  • To cover discoloured or misshapen teeth
  • To keep or save a teeth that is damaged by decay
  • For children that are at a higher risk of teeth decay

A pediatric dentist will in these circumstances recommend that a stainless steel crown be used.

The stainless steel crown sits over teeth that are at risk from decay.

Having any of the above problems with your teeth.?

Want to know if dental crowns are the right choice for you.

Why not give us a call on 0873490104, our friendly dentist will be more than happy to assist you.

He can help you with finding the answer to how much are dental crowns and how long will it take to have them fitted.

What is the procedure

To give you an idea of the procedure, first and foremost you need to visit our Wexford dental clinic.

The visit allows our dentist to xray your teeth and examine them to ascertain the best course of action for your teeth.

If you are happy with the cost of dental crowns in Hungary the next step is to book the flight and procedure.

First visit to the clinic 

On the first visit to the clinic preparadory work is necessary where higher amounts of decay or infection are present.

Prior to dental crowns being fitted a local anaesthetic is administered.

The local anaesthetic numbs the gum and teeth tissue around the damaged or decayed teeth.

The crowns fit over the teeth, filing down teeth is part of the procedure.

A filling material will be used to support teeth that need it.

How much are dental crowns Hungarian dental implant Centre Wexford image

The reshaping process is completed 

The reshaping process is completed, putty or paste is utilized and a teeth impression is taken.

A digital scanner is used to take teeth impressions.

The teeth impressions are then sent to the dental lab.

A dental technician will make the necessary crowns.

The dental technician will produce the dental crowns in a couple of days.

Then you come back and have it fitted.

In the meantime our dentist will provide you with a temporary acrylic crown so that you can chew and eat normally.

You go home, eat normally and allow the crowns to settle.

 Come to the Wexford clinic to have them permanently fixed.

If you are wondering about how much are dental crowns we can help you to save money.

Simply visit our State-of-the-art clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary, you can even have a little holiday at the same time.

To book a free consultation at Hungarian Dentists Wexford go here.

For more information on dental crowns cost in Hungary call Fintan on 0873490104.


How much are dental crowns can vary from €690 to €900 in Ireland.

From our experience over the past 12 years or so tells us that Irish people can save significant amounts of money.

Simply by travelling to Hungary for treatment.

Find out exactly how much money you can save on treatment in Hungary compared to Ireland call Fintan on 0873490104.



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