Full mouth teeth implants

Full mouth teeth implants are a great idea for patients that wear full dentures, whilst dentures are a low cost option for missing teeth, many people complain of how they can be uncomfortable, food doesn’t chew easily, gagging occurs.

Full mouth dentures affect the side of the face as it can sag with long-term use and can make you look older ahead of ime.

In our Wexford town dental clinic and in Perfect Smile dental clinic Hungary we hear from patients all the time saying how much better they feel in themselves following the placement of full mouth teeth implants.

Full mouth teeth implants are so natural looking in appearance, they can be designed in the dental laboratory to look exactly like the colour that you have chosen, they come with many advantages:

  • Your appearance is improved
  • They feel and look like normal healthy teeth
  • They feel so natural unlike dentures
  • Eating, chewing and tasting food is joyous
  • Your self esteem will soar
  • Your wellbeing will increase
  • No more gagging
  • Improved oral health
  • Durable and long lasting
  • Cleaning, unlike dentures isn’t any issue, just brush and floss.
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Are there any disadvantages to full mouth implants

Some patients may be put off by the fact that it is a surgical procedure, some suffer from dental anxiety, at Perfect Smile Dental you aren’t the first and won’t be the last person to be afraid of a dentist.

We are very friendly and completely understand that fear, we use a moderate sedation to calm your fears so you don’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Following the full mouth dental implants fitting, it can take a little bit of time to get used to these new teeth in your mouth, but don’t worry you will be enjoying the benefits in no time.

The length of time to get full mouth dental implants can vary.

Depending on the healing time for each patient at Hungarian Dental implant Centre Wexford we estimate a lag of 4-6 months between your first visit to Perfect Smile Dental clinic and your second visit.

One of the biggest disadvantages of getting full mouth dental implants is the cost of treatment in Ireland, at our clinic in Wexford we have heard of patients being asked to pay up to €28,000-€36,000 for two arches.

In essence, a dental arch is either the curved bottom or top set of teeth.

Save a lot of money with us

I’m positive that we at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford and Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary can help you save a lot of money with us on the cost of full mouth dental implants.

For example, there are a number of options for full mouth dental implants, they include all on 4 or all on 6 dental implants that are very effective and far less expensive.

Why not contact our local coordinator in Ireland, that’s Fintan, give him a ring on 0873490104, arrange an xray and consultation at no charge with our Hungarian dentist in Wexford.

You will get the best advice on treatment in Hungary at much lower prices than you would have to pay in Ireland, come and talk to us with a view to going to Hungary for full mouth dental implant treatment.

Full mouth implants procedure

The actual procedure begins with the placement of either 4 or 6 implants into the upper and lower jaw, then a bridge is used to to to bring the implants together by placing teeth on top of them.

This option is a simpler and less expensive way to replace missing teeth, the end result is a beautiful set of new teeth that look and feel amazing, they will be very strong and wont move around unlike dentures.

Full mouth dental implants will need to be cleaned and flossed in the same way as normal teeth, this type of treatment offers something extra, it naturally helps the growth of bone and tissue around the mouth and prevents any more bone loss.

Considering full mouth implants

You may be considering full mouth implants but you feel a bit apprehensive perhaps about the procedure, the advantages or disadvantages, the cost for full mouth dental implants or indeed fo they actually work.?

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town and Perfect Smile dental clinic in Hungary we often say to people why not go to this page and read our patients testimonials.

Indeed Sandra found our service to be very beneficial.

As did Patricia

As did Siobhan

As did Julie.

As did James

As did Michael

The list goes on and on…….

We genuinely love to look after each and every patient that puts their trust in Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford and our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hungary called Perfect Smile.

Give us a call today on 0873490104 to arrange a consultation with our experienced full mouth dental implants specialists.

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Some case examples

In February 2023, Mary came to our Wexford town clinic a bit concerned that gum disease was causing her to lose some teeth, she wanted to discuss what treatment would be best for her situation.

Mary wanted something permanent that would give her peace of mind for the years ahead, Dr Tamas suggested bone correction treatment followed by all on 4 dental implants.

We sent her an email outlining pictures of her teeth and gums, we offered gum augmentation treatment to build her gums back up, enough to be able to take all 4 dental implants.

She had all of the details on how to move forward including the cost for treatment in Hungary.

Mary took her dental plan to her local dentist for a second opinion including the cost, I don’t have to tell you.

She opted for treatment in Perfect Smile Hungary because (a) she trusted us and (b) she was going to save quite a bit of money by going over to Hungary.

Following the full mouth teeth implants procedure that took 6 months to complete, ie two trips to Hungary and aftercare in Wexford to say Mary was happy was an understatement, she was over the moon, and she looked amazing when she smiled.!

Case number 2

Julie a retired teacher had quite a few problems with her teeth, going back as far as national school, unfortunately she ran into another pupil and broke one of her top front teeth.

Separately, her teeth were never pretty to look at, plus over the years she had a number of extractions in her upper mouth.

Her local dentist in Wexford examined her teeth, he concluded that hers was a very complicated case and he needed to refer her to a specialist for dental implants.

In addition he thought these full mouth teeth implants would cost in the region of €20,000.

To say she was surprised would be an understatement, lady luck intervened, John, an old friend had just returned from Perfect Smile Dental in Hungary following treatmet for full mouth teeth implants.

It was by chance that Julie and John got talking, John explained that he heard about Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford and decided to get a quotation for treatment on his teeth.

In fairness, John had done his homework by contacting three other dental clinics in Ireland for prices on full mouth dental implants, some were quoting price as high as €25,000.

He took the bull by the horns as they say, the price for the same treatment in Hungary and including aftercare in Wexford was €12,000.

He did need a lot of work done, he was very happy and saved about €7,000 allowing for travel, hotel and meal costs in Hungary.

Julie acted on John’s advice and she made an appointment in Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town with Dr Tamas, following her examination she was informed that implants were not the best option for her.

In fact, porcelian crowns were the recommended treatment at a cost of only €4,000, needless to say, Julie and her husband boarded a flight to Hungary for treatment.

I believe overjoyed was the word that she used to describe how her teeth look and feel following treatment in Hungary.

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Brand new teeth in Hungary

Should you decide to go for full mouth implants, for you dentures will be a thing of the past, you can get brand new teeth in Hungary at a fraction of the cost in Ireland.

No longer will dentures hold you back in terms of chewing and eating food, you will be able to taste and enjoy eating food again.

In addition, your self confidence and esteem will take off in ways that when you were wearing dentures seemed unimaginable, go on, call us on 0873490104, free xray and consultation, come and meet our lovely Hungarian dentist in Wexford.

We can help you decide which treatment is needed to get that happy smile back on your face.! Not only that we can offer you full mouth teeth implants at much lower prices.

Hungarian Dental Implant Centre,

77 North Main Street,

Wexford town

Eircode Y35T254

Phone: 0873490104


https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/veterinary-science-and-veterinary-medicine/dental-arch#:~:text=The upper dental arch is,always fused on the midline.

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