Find affordable dentists
It’s difficult to find affordable dentists in Ireland because of a range of issues.
The cost of dental treatments is beyond the budget of many people living in Ireland.
There are less expensive dentists just a few hours on a plane away from Ireland but in the European Union.
Throughout the last 25 years an increasing number of patients from Ireland have found that finding an affordable dentist in this country has proven difficult.
Why is that the case
Most likely the reasons why it’s difficult for some people to find affordable dentists in this country are :
- Dentists salaries
- Insurance
- High rent on premises
- Expensive equipment
- Staff costs
- Location
- Other business costs
- Cost of living here
What are the options
If the cost of dental implants, crowns, veeners and other treatments are beyond your reach, what are the options, could you look to Europe for affordable dentists.?
Affordable dentists abroad
It makes more financial sense to look at affordable dentists abroad, but where do you look.?
First and foremost there are certain criteria that you should look for.
Number one priority in my mind, does the affordable dentists abroad have an Irish clinic.?
Don’t underestimate what it means to have an Irish clinic attached to affordable dentists abroad.
If you think about it, having access to aftercare in Ireland is essential if you can find affordable dentists outside this country.
Affordable but professional
If you check the online world you will read some horror stories about people that have travelled to places like Turkey for dental treatment.
The last thing that you need is a botched dental treatment that ends up costing more money than initially planned for.
What you do need are affordable dentists that provide a totally professional service.
Perfect Smile Hungary affordable dentists
Perfect Smile are affordable dentists in Hungary that have a presence in Ireland going back more thsn 20 years.
In other words Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary and its Irish clinic have treated thousands of patients from Ireland over that time.
What does this mean for you.?
In the first place, when you find affordable dentists like Perfect Smile its important to check their patients testimonials.
These testimonials are taken from real patients in Ireland that searched for how to find affordable dentists.
When they found Hungarian Dentists Wexford and the connection between it and Perfect Smile what was the next step.
It was to call the local Wexford coordinator Fintan on 0873490104 to book a free consultation in Wexford.
You will be made to feel most welcome in Hungarian Dentists Wexford as our experienced dentist checks your teeth.
Free consultation
To find out more about how to find affordable dentists in Hungary book a free consultation 0873490104.
Its important to get a detailed dental plan outlining what treatment is recommended and the cost of treatment in Hungary.
You may be surprised to find more affordable treatments in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.
What treatment is affordable
What does affordable mean to you, does it mean getting the treatment that you need at a price that is within your budget.
Affordable is a word that means different things to different people.
For example, if you have been looking at the price of dental implants in Ireland I’m sure that they cost up to €2,000 each.
Just to give you an idea, the same quality dental implants Nobel, Straumann or BioHorizons cost under €900 in Perfect Smile Hungary.
Call Fintan 0873490104 find affordable dentists with an Irish clinic.
Another good example when you find affordable dentists like Perfect Smile is the cost of dental crowns.
To compare the difference between Ireland and Hungary for example:
A quality Zirconia crown cost up to €600 in many clinics in Ireland.
The same quality Zirconia crown can be found in Perfect Smile Hungary for €365.
Veeners are more affordable, here is an example.
Veeners are another good example of how you can save money by coming to Hungary for treatment.
Dental veeners range in price from €600-€800 in a lot of clinics here.
In Hungary the same quality dental veeners are on sale from €365.
Bone grafting for dental implants costs just €150.
Treatments becomes more affordable
To be fair treatments become more affordable in a dental destination like Hungary when a lot of dental work is required.
The price difference doesn’t seem to be so much when you factor in travelling, hotel and food.
If a lot of treatment is needed then certainly more affordable dentists can save you a lot of money.
Call Fintan 0873490104 find affordable dentists with an Irish clinic.
Why are treatments more affordable in Hungary
Dental treatments in Hungary are more affordable because:
- The cost of living is lower
- Dentists salaries are about half
- Insurance is cheaper
- Staff are cheaper
- Materials are cheaper
- Business premises are less expensive
Treatments in Perfect Smile
Treatments in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary are totally professional.
You can expect to be well treated, the staff are friendly and helpful.
New patients in Ireland have been coming to Hungary based on experiences of their friends and family members.
We don’t believe in spending tons of money on advertising, we do want to keep the costs of crowns and implants as low as possible.
We do believe in helping people to find affordable dentists like us by providing a top class service.
Call Fintan 0873490104 find affordable dentists with an Irish clinic.
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