Crowns or implants
When it comes to restoring teeth the choice lies between dental crowns or implants, each has it’s own benefits but which is the best choice for you.
Are crowns and implants the same.? Both treatments are effective treatments to restore teeth but they are not the same, especially when it comes to cost.
In this article I’m going to explain the main differences between crowns and implants, what are the pros and cons, and what is the difference in price.
At Hungarian Dentists in Wexford we can offer a free consultation with our Hungarian dentists from Perfect Smile Dental Clinic near Budapest.
If you are looking for less expensive crowns or implants in Hungary carried out professionally and aftercare in Wexford get in touch with Fintan 0873490104.
Fintan will be able to book you into our Irish clinic where our experienced Hungarian dentists can advise you on the best treatment in Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary.
The difference between crowns and implants
Let’s look a little deeper into the difference between crowns and implants, its important to know which treatment would work best for you so that the correct choice is made.
Sometimes a dental crown is referred to as a dental cap, why.? Because a dental crown is similar to a cap that is used to fit over the top of a damaged or decayed tooth.
On the other hand, a dental implant is a direct replacement for the whole tooth that is missing, we use a titanium post to replace the root.
The titanium post bonds with the jawbone, we then need to connect the implant to a dental crown by screwing an abutment into the implant.
The essential difference in this situation is we are using an implant to take the place of the base or root of the missing tooth and adding a crown on top.
The crown on top is basically the same crown that we would use to cover over a damaged or badly decayed tooth.
Solutions to problems
At Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary and Hungarian Dentists clinic in Wexford we are here to help patients find solutions to problems.
We identify the problem during a free xray and dental consultation in Wexford, we help you decide if crowns or implants can solve your problem and which is within your budget.
If you are looking for less expensive crowns or implants in Hungary carried out professionally and aftercare in Wexford get in touch with Fintan 0873490104.
Crowns are probably the first option where teeth have become so decayed that fillings are no longer worthwhile.
We can remove all of the decay and old fillings.
Then our dental team in Hungary will use top quality cost effective crowns to cap the affected teeth and protect them against any further decay.
At Perfect Smile Dental Clinic just a short journey from Budapest we can do all your crown treatment in just one week.
You will leave our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary after seven days with a brand new set of affordable crowns.
Root canal treatment
Our team sometimes find that bacteria can move into the centre of the tooth.
The pulp chamber or root canal is affected so we need to do root canal treatment.
Our team need to remove the infected tissue, nerves and blood vessels by the use of a drill, once the area is cleared out we use filling and put a crown on top.
Where teeth are chipped or cracked we can use crowns to restore them so that they are protected and aesthetically pleasing.
Crowns are different from implants because they need a tooth to attach to, that tooth needs to be a certain size and strength for it to work.
We don’t like to remove teeth unless it is really the only option left, then we will extract it.
For more information on crowns or implants and the cost get in touch with Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.
Implants as teeth
Having teeth missing especially at the front of the mouth really spoils your smile, missing teeth cause other nearby teeth to move around and fall into those empty spaces.
As you can imagine problems with talking, eating and smiling begin to emerge.
Treatments to fix these problems include dentures, bridges or implants, implants are the best option if you can afford them, they feel and look so natural.
Getting dental eimplants
Getting dental implants requires a couple of visits to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.
On your first visit our experienced surgeon will drill holes in your jawbone where teeth are missing, all done under sedation.
He will then place the titanium implant and the abutment, temporary crowns are attached to the abutment.
This is the first part of the procedure and takes seven days, after which you return home.
We call you back to Hungary after 4 months when the implants have healed and permanently fused with the jawbone.
On the second visit to Perfect Smile we check that the titanium imlants have grown into the bone and proceed to the next phase of treatment.
The next phase of treatment involves removing the temporary crowns and replacing them with permanent crowns that exactly match your natural teeth.
The second phase of the implants treatment takes also seven days, you return home with a fabulous looking new set of teeth.
For more information on crowns or implants and the cost get in touch with Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.
Good health is important
Good health is important to getting dental implants because it is surgery and the success of the treatment depends on a healthy jawbone.
There is drilling involved so a strong jawbone is essential, in some cases we may need to do bone augmentation whereby we add more bone to make it stronger.
Over the past 35 years or so our team at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary have a high success rate of dental implants, actually it’s close to 97%.
Treatment time difference between crowns and implants
There is a time difference in getting crowns or implants, at Perfect Smile in Hungary we can complete dental crowns treatment in seven days.
It takes seven days from start to finish to get teeth that are damaged, decayed or chipped fitted with dental crowns in Hungary.
We have all of the tools necessary such as experienced dentists, in house laboratory and the best quality dental crowns to get the job done in one week.
For more information on crowns or implants and the cost get in touch with Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.
Dental implants requires the expertise of a surgeon, because its invasive by definition it will take longer to complete.
Our surgeon will have to drill holes in strategic locations in the jawbone to allow placement of implants, sufficient time is needed (4-6 months on average) for healing.
During the 4-6 months healing the patient will have temporary crowns.
Are there risks with surgery
There are always some risks attached to any kind of surgery, with crowns there are normally no risks.
Open surgery can bring infection, the drilling must be exact, a tooth could be hit, a blood vessel or nerve could be nicked, having said that these issues are rare.
Crowns or implants cost difference
In Ireland crowns or implants cost can be very expensive, a dental crown can cost from €500-€800 depending on the type, quality and quantity.
On the other hand a dental implant that includes the abutment and the crown could cost between €1,500-€2500.
So the cost difference between crowns or implants in Ireland is quite stark, this is especially true where a lot of dental work is required.
To save money on crowns or implants cost why not consider going to a European country such as Hungary for your treatment.
Its possible to get the same professional treatment and the same quality dental crowns or implants at more affordable prices.
To get the ball rolling get in touch with Fintan, you can call him anytime on 0873490104, ask for a free consultation in the Wexford town clinic.
Longevity of crowns versus implants
Let’s be honest, dental crowns whilst being quite strong are never going to last as long as implants.
In terms of longevity, dental crowns will more than likely need to be replaced at some stage in the future, they are good value for money, especially in Hungary.
If you get crowns to the back of your mouth they will be under more pressure there from tearing and chewing, they will wear out before the front crowns.
We have patients where crowns lasted 15 or more years, we have also had patients with crowns that lasted up to 7 years.
On the other hand we have patients still with implants in good condition after 25 years or more.
I really hope that this article on crowns or implants has helped you to better understand the difference, both treatments are good but used in a different way for different problems.
Dental crowns are the best solution for fixing broken teeth, they also work well for decayed or damaged teeth so long as most of the teeth are still there.
Crowns cost a good bit less than implants, they require only one visit to Perfect Smile Dental in Hungary whilst implants require two visits.
Crowns don’t require any surgery whereas implants do.
Implants are the only permanent choice for missing teeth, they are expensive but should last up to 25 years providing the jawbone is sturdy enough to support the implants.
To get the ball rolling get in touch with Fintan, you can call him anytime on 0873490104, ask for a free consultation in the Wexford town clinic.
References studies, 95% of implants