Cost of dental crowns near me

If you are finding dental crowns prices too expensive and want to know more about cost of dental crowns near me then contact Fintan 0873490104 to learn more about low cost dental crowns in Hungary with aftercare in Wexford.

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Ireland versus Hungary cost of dental crowns

In recent years, dental tourism has gained significant popularity as patients seek affordable dental treatments outside their home countries.

Hungary and Ireland are popular choices for dental tourism due to their high-quality dental services and renowned dental professionals.

This comparative analysis aims to provide an in-depth evaluation of dental crown prices in both countries, allowing patients to make an informed decision on the cost of dental crowns near me based on their budget and dental needs.

1. Cost of dental crowns in Ireland:

Ireland is known for its excellence in dental care. However, it is important to note that dental treatments in Ireland tend to be more expensive compared to other European countries.

The average cost of dental crowns near me in Ireland ranges from €800 to €1,500, depending on the complexity of the procedure, material used, and additional services provided.

2. Cost of dental crowns in Hungary:

Hungary has emerged as a leading dental tourism destination, renowned for its high-quality yet affordable dental treatments. The cost of dental crowns in Hungary although not near, is significantly lower compared to Ireland.

On average, patients can expect to pay approximately €265 to €700 for a dental crown, which includes the price of the crown, consultation, and possible additional treatments.

In any language that is a serious difference in the cost of dental crowns, give Fintan a call on 0873490104 to find out more about the savings on dental crown treatment in Hungary.

3. Factors influencing price differences:

a. Overhead Costs:

The cost of operating a dental practice varies between countries due to factors such as rent, utilities, and staff wages. Hungary generally has lower overhead costs, allowing dental professionals to offer more competitive prices.

b. Labor Costs:

Hungary has a lower cost of living, including lower average wages compared to Ireland. This translates into lower labor costs for dental practices in Hungary, which can consequently result in more affordable prices for dental treatments.

c. Material Costs:

The cost of dental materials used for crowns, such as ceramics, metals, and zirconia, varies between countries. Hungary may have access to more cost-effective suppliers or production facilities, contributing to lower material costs.

4. Considerations for choosing the most suitable option:

While the cost of dental crowns near me may be driving some to look abroad for dental crown treatment.

Cost of dental crowns is an important factor, patients should also weigh other considerations when choosing between Ireland and Hungary for their dental crown treatment:

a. Quality assurance:

Both countries host highly skilled dental professionals with excellent training and qualifications. Patients should seek clinics and dentists with reputable credentials and positive patient reviews to ensure high-quality outcomes.

b. Travel costs and logistics:

Patients considering dental tourism should factor in travel expenses, accommodation, and the logistics of treatment abroad. This includes the need for multiple visits and post-procedure care.

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Having said that at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford and Perfect Smile dental Hungary we offer dental crowns at prices that will save the patient a lot of money, in addition, we offer top class aftercare in our Irish clinic in Wexford.

To book a free xray and consultation with our Hungarian dentist in Wexford call Fintan 0874590104.


When comparing dental crown prices in Ireland and Hungary, it is evident that Hungary offers more cost-effective options without jeopardizing the quality of treatment.

However, patients should carefully consider additional factors such as travel logistics and the reputation of dental professionals to make an informed decision.

Ultimately, choosing the most suitable option will depend on individual dental needs, budget, and personal preferences.

What are dental crowns

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are prosthetic devices that are placed over a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its shape, strength, size, and appearance.

They provide protection to the underlying tooth structure and improve its functionality, the price of dental crowns in Ireland makes people search for the cost of dental crowns near me.

Crowns are typically used to address various dental issues, including:

1. Tooth decay:

When a tooth is significantly decayed and cannot be adequately repaired with a dental filling, a crown can be placed to restore its integrity.

2. Fractured or cracked teeth:

Teeth that have suffered extensive fractures or cracks may require crowns to hold them together and prevent further damage.

3. Root canal treatment:

Following a root canal procedure, a dental crown is often necessary to protect the treated tooth and restore its normal biting and chewing function.

4. Dental implants and crowns:

For patients who have undergone dental implant placement, a crown is commonly attached to the implant post, serving as a natural-looking replacement tooth.

Dental crowns can be fabricated from various materials, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences. Some common types include:

1. Porcelain or ceramic crowns:

These crowns closely mimic the natural appearance of teeth and are suitable for restoring front teeth. They are custom-made to match the color, size, and shape of adjacent teeth and the cost of dental crowns near me.

2. Metal crowns:

Made from alloys containing gold, silver, or other metals, these crowns are highly durable and resistant to wear. However, their metallic color makes them less suitable for visible areas of the mouth.

3. Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns:

These crowns combine the strength of a metal substructure with the aesthetic advantages of porcelain crowns. They are an excellent choice for both front and back teeth.

4. All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns:

These crowns are entirely metal-free, providing optimal aesthetics due to their lifelike translucency. They work well for restoring front and back teeth.

Dental crowns the steps

Getting a dental crown typically involves several steps, firstly our dentist at Perfect Smile dental in Hungary will prepare your teeth to enable you to access cost of dental crowns near me if you are prepared to travel to Hungary.

He will remove any damaged or decayed teeth, then he will take impressions of your teeth, we have our own dental lab on site, our experienced dental technicians will fabricate your dental crowns.

During the waiting period, a temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth. Finally, the permanent crown is cemented onto the tooth using dental adhesive.

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I sincerely hope that you are now more informed about cost of dental crowns near me, as you can see it’s much less expensive in Hungary.

Why not book a free assessment at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford with a view to travelling to Hungary for dental crowns.

It is important to note that dental crowns require regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits, to ensure their longevity and maintain optimal oral health.

It is best to consult with a dental professional to determine the most suitable type of crown for individual dental needs.


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