Affordable root canal dentists

If you are looking for affordable root canal dentists that provide treatment at a price that is reasonable….

Then you have the option to travel abroad for dental treatment and return to Ireland for aftercare.

Call us on 0873490104 to make an appointment at affordable root canal dentists in Wexford.

You will have the option to travel to a state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hungary for root canal work at an affordable price.

I’m sure that you have looked at the cost for root canal treatment in Ireland, from what I gather you could be expected to pay as much as €800 to a root canal dentist.

Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary has been providing affordable root canal dentists to the Irish public for more than 20 years.

Every four weeks our dental team arrive at Hungarian Dentists 77 North Main Street, Wexford town for free xrays, dental treatment consultations and aftercare for patients returning from Perfect Smile dental clinic Hungary.

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Cost of root canals in Hungary

The cost of root canals in Perfect Smile Hungary is under €100, that’s a considerable saving when compared to the same treatment in Ireland, to find out more on affordable root canal dentists call Fintan on 0873490104.

Not only can you get affordable root canals in Perfect Smile dental clinic Hungary the crowns that are used by our dentists are top quality, our prices start at only €285 for a porcelain crown.

Give Fintan a call, he can help you with more information on low cost root canal treatment and dental crowns, his number is 0873490104.

The reasons why root canal treatment is necessary

Root canal treatment is necessary to save a tooth that has been deeply infected or damaged.

This procedure becomes essential when the inner pulp of the tooth, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues, becomes inflamed or infected.

The reasons why this could happen are due to factors such as advanced tooth decay, a cracked or broken tooth, multiple dental procedures on the same tooth, or trauma.

Without proper treatment, the infection can spread, leading to severe pain, abscess formation, and potential loss of the tooth.

Root canal treatment involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth, and sealing it to prevent further infection.

By preserving the natural tooth structure, root canal treatment helps maintain oral health, function, and aesthetics, avoiding the need for tooth extraction and more extensive dental procedures.

Root canal treatment more affordable in Hungary image

Affordable root canal treatment

The cost for this treatment is only part of the overall price, the reason being that any infected or damaged teeth will have to be treated before dental crowns can be fitted.

The next cost is the price of dental crowns, a quick search on Google shows that the average cost of dental crowns in Ireland is between €500-€600.

When you add one dental crown and one root canal treatment the total is close to €1,300 just for one tooth.

It’s not surprising that many people in Ireland look for dental implants clinics that do affordable root canal dentists.

The cost of root canals in Perfect Smile Hungary is under €100, the cost of a dental crown is close to €300.

That’s a considerable saving when compared to the same treatment in Ireland, to find out more on affordable root canal dentists and dental crowns call Fintan on 0873490104.

Why is root canal treatment more affordable in Hungary

Please don’t be put off when you read that root canal treatment is more affordable in a European country like Hungary, the standards of dental treatments in Hungary are of the highest quality.

The care and professionalism are definitely on a par with dental clinics in Ireland.

Our Perfect Smile dental clinic is a member of the Hungarian Dental Association, and both of our Wexford dentists Dr Tamas and Dr Eda are members of the Irish Dental Association

In addition, dental clinics are highly regulated, as are the dental colleges, there are genuine reasons why dental treatments are far more affordable:

  • Much lower cost of living
  • Much lower cost of doing business
  • Dental clinics are government supported
  • Salaries are roughly two thirds less than in Ireland
  • Insurance costs are less
  • Property prices are less expensive
Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford image


Hopefully you are now more aware of affordable root canal dentists, no doubt the prices that dental clinics in Ireland have to charge has made some people search the internet for more affordable root canal dentists.

We are very happy to give you a free dental consultation in Hungarian dentists Wexford and a detailed dental plan including dental implants for front teeth so that you can compare prices on dental treatment and to help you to make a decision.


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Affordable root canal dentists image

16 thoughts on “Affordable root canal dentists”

  1. As someone who understands the importance of dental care but also the financial strain it can cause, I found this article incredibly enlightening. The option of seeking affordable root canal treatment abroad, particularly in Hungary, presents a practical solution for those seeking quality care without breaking the bank.
    The thorough explanation of why root canal treatment is necessary and the significant cost disparities between Ireland and Hungary shed light on why many individuals may consider this option. Moreover, reassuring details about the standards of dental care and professionalism in Hungarian clinics provide peace of mind to prospective patients.

  2. Hi, 

    The topic of affordable root canal treatment, especially when considering traveling abroad to places like Hungary for dental care, is fascinating and practical. It offers a window into the broader conversation about healthcare accessibility and affordability. I appreciate how it highlights the stark contrasts in dental treatment costs across different countries, shedding light on how such differences can significantly impact individuals’ decisions regarding their health. The emphasis on the high standards of care and professionalism in Hungarian dental clinics reassures those considering this option, ensuring that the lower costs do not equate to a compromise in quality. This topic opens up a critical discussion on the global discrepancies in healthcare costs and presents a viable solution for many facing prohibitive expenses in their home countries.

  3. Hello,

    It is interesting to learn about the option of seeking affordable root canal treatment abroad, particularly in Hungary. The detailed information provided, including the cost comparisons between Ireland and Hungary, is helpful for people like me considering such dental procedures.

    The emphasis on the professionalism and standards of dental care in Hungary, along with the memberships in dental associations, adds a level of reassurance as a person considering dental treatments in a foreign country.

  4. Hi, just wanted to say thanks for your honesty here. Sadly a lot of people including dentists are willing to rip people off just to make their wallet fatter without any care for the customer. Most people don’t know the prices on these things so they get taken advantage l which is too bad. Thanks again

  5. Hey there,
    Just read through your post on affordable root canal treatments and the concept of seeking dental care abroad. It’s enlightening to see the substantial savings available without compromising on quality. The detailed breakdown and comparison really put things into perspective, especially with the high costs domestically. I’m curious, for those making the trip, how do you manage the logistics and ensure continuity of care once they’re back home? Is there a follow-up system in place?
    Thanks for shedding light on such a valuable option for dental care. Your guidance could indeed be a game-changer for many!

    Best regards,

    • Hi Makhsud,

      Thanks for your comments, our patients come from Ireland to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary for treatments, all aftercare and check-ups take place in our Irish clinic.


  6. Great post! It’s eye-opening to see the stark difference in root canal treatment costs between Ireland and Hungary. The thorough explanation of why root canal treatment is necessary and the factors contributing to its affordability in Hungary is informative. However, I’m curious about the patient experience. Can you share any testimonials from individuals who have undergone root canal treatment at Perfect Smile Hungary? Hearing about others’ experiences could provide reassurance to those considering this option.

  7. As someone who’s been considering dental treatment, the option of traveling abroad for affordable root canal work is intriguing. I haven’t been to the dentist in about a year or so and I’m worried I’ll need some work done. So the thought of saving on costs without compromising quality is definitely appealing. I mean, it’s crazy to see how significant the price difference is between Ireland and Hungary. It’s eye-opening to see how much more affordable these procedures can be abroad. If I’m in need of dental care that I can’t afford, I’ll definitely be looking into procedures done abroad, most likely in Hungary. So thank you for your advice and suggestions – I’ll reach out to Fintan if I find myself in Hungary in the near future!

  8. Hi Fintan,

      I have been thinking about this for some time as a friend of mine recently had dental work done in Ireland and it cost her in excess of 4000 euros, she found out later that the same treatment in Hungary would apparently have cost less than 1500, is there a simple way to get a comparison price on treatment or do you need to have an appointment first just to get a review done?

    Do you also have any information on flights and accommodation in Hungary and is this something you help with organizing?



    • Hi Pete,

      All patients that are interested in treatments in Hungary must come tobour Wexford clinic first for an xray and consultation with our Hungarian dentists. From that we organise the trip to Hungary…


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