Average Cost Of Full Mouth Implants This is how you save money

Average cost of full mouth implants

The average cost of full mouth implants is €8,000-€10,000 per arch, the full cost will vary depending on how many dental implants are required.

To give you a good idea, let’s say that full mouth implants could be completed using just an All-on-4 prosthesis meaning a new set of teeth for the upper and lower jaw.

The All-on-4 system refers to just 4 dental implants being needed to support a full arch of new teeth.

So, that’s 4 implants surgically inserted in strategic locations in the top and 4 implants placed in the bottom mouth.

The next stage of the treatment involves the placing of a prosthetic arch containing 12-14 false teeth that are permanently fixed.

In many Irish dental clinics the average cost of full mouth implants using the All-on-4 system is between €16,000-€20,000.

Based on prices like these for full mouth implants not everyone can afford to pay this much for treatment.

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What’s the alternative.?

Consider getting in touch with Fintan 0873490104.

He is your contact for free consultations in Hungarian Dentists dental clinic in Wexford.

Why would you contact Fintan 0873490104.?

He can help you with more details on the average cost of full mouth implants in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.

Dental implant treatment in Ireland tends to be rather expensive, the reasons are many including wages, insurance, materials, rental of premises, staff, expertise, location etc.

Why is the average cost of full mouth implants in Perfect Smile Dental clinic Hungary in the region of €12,000-€14,000.?

To compare average prices for full mouth implants we must first look at:

  • The reputation of the clinic
  • The professionalism of the staff
  • The brands and quality of dental implants used
  • The quality of aftercare provided.

Perfect Smile for full mouth implants

Would you consider coming over to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary where the average cost of full mouth implants top and bottom is €12,000-€14,000.

We have worked hard for 35 years to steadily build the reputation of our state-of-the-art dental in Hungary.

Our staff are friendly and kind and above all professional, the full mouth implant brands that we use are the top brands, Straumann, Nobel Biocare and BioHorizons.

We pride ourselves on being in a position to provide quality aftercare in our Irish clinic in Wexford town.

Consider getting in touch with Fintan 0873490104, he is your contact for free consultations in Hungarian Dentists dental clinic in Wexford.

From your free consultation in Wexford our friendly staff can help you with a decision on whether full mouth implants are the best option for you.

Losing teeth

Losing teeth is not a pleasant experience, particularly if you lose a number of teeth, missing teeth cause emotional and physical issues.

For such a long number of years the only way to replace missing teeth was removable dentures that consisted of acrylic teeth.

Many patients just weren’t satisfied with removable dentures.

They become stained easily, many complained of poor fitting, eating and talking could be also uncomfortable.

Since full mouth implants came on the scene the treatment has opened up more options for patients that are ged up with dentures and are looking for a more permanent solution.

Difference between full mouth implants and natural teeth image

Full mouth dental implants versus natural teeth

When you search for the average cost of full mouth implants it’s a good idea to find out more about the treatment.

Our Hungarian dentists in Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary are long term experts in full mouth dental implants treatment.

The only difference between dental implants and natural teeth is that at the beginning implants can feel a bit strange.

The reasons for this are based on how they fuse with the jawbone through the osseointegration process.

This process creates a somewhat rigid but secure connection to the jawbone, they will feel strong and immobile.

Because they are non-living they won’t transmit sensations through the nerves, this is an advantage for patients that have painful natural or highly sensitive teeth.

Natural teeth are connected to the jawbone through roots that make natural teeth sensitive to hot and cold and also to pain, this isn’t the case with implants.

The treatment step one

The treatment is done in two steps, step one the four dental implants are placed by our experienced surgeon into the area where teeth are missing.

These four implants are allowed 4-6 months to firmly anchor themselves within the jawbone and provide a strong understructure for the 12-14 prosthesis.

This step takes 7 days in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary at which time they will be functional in terms of feel, look and how they work.

The principle difference between all on 4 implants and natural teeth is that you won’t feel the same sensation from them as you would from natural teeth.

Step two occurs 4-6 months after the surgery when you return to Hungary where our experienced staff will remove your temporary prosthetic and replace it with your new set of teeth.

The new set if teeth are fitted on top of the four implants, at the end of the week you return home with full mouth dental implants under the average price in Ireland.

Why is the average cost of full mouth implants so high image

Why is the average cost of dental implants so high

Why is the average cost of dental implants so high in Ireland compared to a dental destination like Hungary.?

At the end of the day the average cost of full mouth implants in this country will always be at least 50% more expensive than the same treatment in Hungary.

Why is that.? It all boils down to costs, Hungary isn’t behind in terms of dental technology, experience or knowledge.

The truth is that doing business in Ireland is more expensive than Hungary, hence the average cost of full mouth dental implants is about 50% less in Hungary.


Fintan researched and put this post together on the average cost of full mouth implants, if you are looking to save some money on treatment get in touch with me.

My phone is on all the time, here is the number 0873490104.

Full mouth dental implants are the most beneficial treatment for patients that need all of their teeth replaced.

They are less expensive than having to replace all of your missing teeth with implants, full mouth dental implants hold the entire arch of teeth on basically four implants.

The all on 4 system delivers a stable foundation that quite frankly dentures cannot match.

Getting value for money makes the full mouth dental implants a worthwhile investment because of their improved functionality, appearance and overall performance.

Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford image



Cheaper average cost full mouth implants image

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