All on 4 Dental Implant Reviews

All on 4 Dental Implant Reviews

This article on All on 4 Dental implant reviews will be of particular interest to those people that have teeth missing, discoloured teeth, damaged teeth or you wear dentures.

If you are considering All on 4 dental implants, read on and find out all there is to know about All on 4 dental implants and whether or not you should consider going for a free consultation.

What are All on 4 dental implants

For the vast majority of our patients our experience tells us that dental implants are the preferred option to replace missing or teeth that are beyond use.

Even though dental implants have a number of benefits acceptance of treatment to restore teeth is somewhat restricted by the expensive cost especially in Ireland and the length of time for treatment

Patients that need teeth restored in the lower and upper jaw find the cost of dental implants particularly high because of the number needed, additional surgical treatment in the form of a bone graft or sinus lifting.

Read All on 4 dental implant reviews and discover how Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford have come up with innovative ways and surgical techniques that make the dental implant procedure as convenient and as fast as possible for patients that are candidates for All on 4 dental implants.

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All on 4 or Teeth in a day

Whilst writing this article on All on 4 dental implant reviews I’ve noticed how the internet can throw up all kinds of names for the procedure, for example teeth in a day.

Don’t be fooled if you see an ad promising you teeth in a day involving dental implants, all on 4 dental implants involve surgery, this may also involve extractions, bone grafting, and sinus lifting.

Let’s be honest if a dentist has to do any of these procedures it is going to hurt because of the work involved with gums and bone, swelling will occur.

When gums are swollen it’s just not possible to insert abutments and implants straightaway so a false denture will be put in place whilst the gums heal, so my point is don’t be fooled into thinking that this type of work can be done in one day….

All on 4 dental implants-the procedure

In a nutshell All on 4 dental implants is a surgical and prosthetic method or technique that replaces missing or damaged teeth and restores tooth function in both the lower and upper jaw.

Dental implants are recommended for patients that have compromised or hopeless teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

The All on 4 dental implant procedure creates the positioning of the smallest amount of implants (usually 4, the dentist may offer to place extra implants) to act as a support for an artificial tooth ( prosthesis) the implants are positioned in well-thought-out positions and advantageous angles so that the need for bone grafting can be avoided.

The number of implants are lower than normal the artificial teeth that the structure can hold can be up to 12.

Why people think that implants can be done in one day is probably because the procedure generally includes the placement of false teeth on the same day following surgery.

These artificial teeth are shaped in a way that they feel, look and perform exactly like natural teeth, however all on 4 dental implant reviews show that this is only a temporary measure.

Once this gums have healed sufficiently, a final prosthesis is constructed in the dental laboratory and is connected to the implants, finally a dental prosthesis or dental bridge is used as a fixed bridge to keep everything in place, it can be removed by the dentist if the implants need to be serviced.

Caring for All on 4 implants

All on 4 dental implants need to be cared for, by practicing good dental hygiene in your home and making sure that you avail of follow up visits to the dentist along with eating a well-balanced diet, refraining from smoking can help with prolonging the life of your implants.

All on 4 dental implant reviews the Pros

Just like every other procedure there are pros and cons, so let’s look at All on 4 Dental implant reviews pros,


  • Timely and custom designed reconstruction of missing teeth and oral function
  • Minimisation of bone grafts or complete avoidance
  • Interim teeth connected on surgical day to dental implants
  • Jaw bone maintained
  • Lower cost when compared to other implant procedures


  • Complicated procedure
  • Risk that abutments or screws become loose
  • Wear and tear on restorative components
  • Higher cost than denture alternatives

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Are All on 4 dental implants for everybody

A free consultation with an expert dentist will determine whether or not one is a good candidate for All on 4 dental implants.

The best people for this treatment are people with compromised, hopeless or missing teeth, they must also be generally in good health, adequate jaw bone is a plus, if not bone grafting may be needed.

How successful are All on 4 dental implants

All on 4 dental implants have been a preferred choice for many patients over the past 10-15 years, any using an experienced professional dental team such as Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford 

Clinical research has supported the 95% success rate.

All on 4 treatment process

There are five steps in the process

1. Free consultation and evaluation

2. Pre surgical arranging, immediate denture’s fabrication

3. Surgery and the connection of transitional teeth to dental implants

4. Final bridge is fabricated in the lab

5. Maintenance phase

The All on 4 dental implant procedure is carried out by a multi disciplinary team that would include prosthodontist or restorative dentist, a dental technician, dental nurse, and a surgical specialist.


Do transitional teeth get connected to implants on the same day?

In an ideal world it would be better to connect the transitional teeth to the dental implants because the whole process will provide more immediate and better patient comfort, however in a small amount if cases it isn’t always possible to do, .

This is because the dental implants may not be adequate enough in the jawbone to support the transitional teeth.

If that is the case a short term removable denture is put in place, while this is not ideal and is less comfortable it does provide a functioning and cosmetic substitute for missing teeth.

Can All on 4 dental implants be done in one day

To be brutally honest and All on 4 dental reviews tells you like it is, the whole process cannot be done in one day, don’t forget it is a surgical procedure where time for healing has to be allowed for meaning it can’t be completed in one day

How long does it take

In our experience a number of appointments are necessary because of fabricating of transitional teeth, pre surgery preparation, follow up care, adjustments, time to fabricate a new bridge. We estimate a 9-month period in total.

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What can go wrong

In our experience the amount of complications are relatively small, however the most common issues involve:

  • Post op discomfort and swelling
  • Dental implant fails to integrate with jaw bone
  • Gums and implants become infected
  • Pain numbness in the face and mouth (paresthesia)


I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading this article on All on 4 dental implant reviews.

I have tried to answer as many questions about All on four dental implants that I imagined people would ask, if you need to find out whether or not All on 4 dental implants are the right option for you why not book a free consultation at our Wexford town clinic.











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