Pros and cons of dental implants

Pros and cons of dental implants

Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of dental implants, many Irish people or people in Ireland suffer tooth loss, the reasons for this vary.

Besuse tooth loss can occur from injury, periodontal disease, or teeth simply decay, the good news is that patients nowadays have more choices

Dentures or bridges were the only choices for many years.

With the advent of modern technology and better class materials it is now possible to have a perfect smile by having dental implant surgery.

What are the pros and cons dental implants, let’s find out.

What’s a dental implant

A dental implant act as replacement roots for new teeth that are implanted in the mouth.

A dental implant supports and provides a strong base for permanent (fixed) or removable replacement teeth that an experienced dentist will make to match the natural teeth.

What are the pros dental implants

When looking at pros and cons dental implants it important to look at why should you consider dental implants.

There are a number of advantages including:

  • Aesthetics, your appearance improves because dental implants naturally look and feel just like your own teeth, they enhance your smile and give you confidence.
  • Speech improvement, in the past poor speech could be a problem if dentures were poor fitting. Teeth could slip inside the mouth causing speech to slur or sound like a mumble. So with dental implants you can be fully confident that will not happen.
  • Eating will be easier, compared to dentures, dental implants make eating a real joy, they work just like natural teeth. Because they allow you to enjoy eating your favourite foods without discomfort and with confidence.
  • Oral health improvement, pros and cons central implants well one of the pros is definitely better oral health.
  • This is because they don’t require other teeth to reduce, more of your natural teeth are kept intact.
  • So this improves oral health long term, single implants allow brushing easier between teeth, improving overall hygiene.
  • Long lasting if compared to removable dentures.
  • Dental implants take away the inconvenience of having to take removable dentures out and use messy adhesives. So this means that in effect dental implants are as natural as your own teeth.
  • Dental implants costs even outside Ireland are tax-deductible.

Why are the cons of dental implants

When looking at the pros and cons dental implants a major stumbling block for a lot of people is the cost of dental implants.

I’ve seen dental implant prices in Ireland, quotes for one dental implant can go up as high as €1,400, but you have an option.

If you are prepared to travel outside Ireland to a dental destination like Hungary you can potentially save thousands of euros for exactly the same treatment.

  • Cost prohibits many from getting dental implant treatment
  • Health insurance may not cover the cost of dental implants, check with your health care insurance company.
  • You may have to pay for your consultation and xray, Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford offer a free xray and initial consultation.
  • Dental implants require surgery, most surgeries (about 90%) are successful.
  • However similar to all types of surgeries there is a risk element, bone damage, damage to other teeth, prolonged bleeding, delayed bone healing, jaw fractures.
  • Cost of restorations, dental implants can last a lifetime in most cases if taken care of.
  • However the restoration attachments may not last a lifetime, they could need replacement costing up to €1,000.
  • Dental implants can take time to heal, so time is important.
  • Dental implants are designed to bolster bone mass because bone needs to be kept stable.
  • Because its quite common to lose bone mass around the implant, this means the implant may need to be replaced.

Its so important to avoid having to replace dental implants down the line because of the cost.

I highly recommend that you consider the services of the dental experts at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford,.

To book an appointment go to their website here.

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Are dental implants always successful

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford the success rate of dental implants is a respectable 95% because of our experience.

How successful dental implants are depends on the experience and skill of the dental surgeon.

Coosing what part of the jaw to place the dental, implants, if the procedure goes well and the dentures are properly taken care of they should last a lifetime.

Pros and cons dental implants the process

Your first step in the pros and cons dental implants is to complete a free consultation and xray at Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Because this process will help the dentist to develop a detailed individualized dental treatment plan.

Your dental plan will include a trip to Hungary, one of the pros of dental implants in Hungary is the low cost.

Once the consultation takes places in the Wexford clinic the details are sent to the main clinic Perfect Smile Dental Hungary.

The team of restorative and oral surgery dentists take time to discuss what be the best treatment for you because we want the best for patients.

So as a team they have many years if experience and take a coordinated approach to each patient.

Once the team are happy with your treatment plan its emailed to you so that you can print it off and consider the contents.

Each and every dental procedure takes place in Hodmezvasahely Hungary.

So if you are happy to proceed the next step is a flight to Hungary.

You should consider Hungary and plan for a little holiday there whilst your treatment takes place.

Placing dental implants

Depending on your dental treatment plan you may need a tooth root implant, that is made of titanium because of its strength.

Our dentist will place it into the bone socket of a missing tooth.

Over time the jawbone will heal the tooth implant will become fixed in that spot as it anchors securely.

You will be having surgery, so the healing process can take a bit of time, usually 4-6 weeks.


Following the successful bonding of the implant to the bone, an abutment or small connector post is joined to the post to hold the new tooth securely.

Our dental surgeon will make your new tooth or teeth by taking an impression of your teeth.

This creates a dental model of all of your teeth, your bite and arraignment.

Your new tooth or teeth (depending on your needs) are made based on the dental model.

Then a new tooth called a crown is simply attached to the abutment.

In some cases patients could have attachments fixed onto the implant that holds and supports a denture that is removable.

At this point the dentist will endeavor to match your new teeth colour wise with your natural teeth.

This is important because all teeth should look exactly the same.

One interesting point in this article about dental implants pros and cons be the fact that the implant is fixed securely in the jawbone.

This means that your replacement tooth or teeth will feel, look and work just like your own natural teeth.

Who can get dental implants

In the majority of cases where the patient is healthy enough to undergo oral surgery or a normal dental extraction can be put forward for a dental implant.

That is because they should also have sufficient bone to hold an implant and healthy gums.

A commitment to regular visits to the dentist and good oral hygiene is a must.

People in poor health like heavy smokers or people with chronic disorders such as heart disease may not be suitable for implants.

In cases where radiation therapy around the neck or head area was used will be considered on a case by case basis.

If you are considering the pros and cons dental implants it’s best to make an appointment and get a professional opinion.

Pros and cons dental implants the cost

Pros and cons dental implants cost will vary.

When I check out the prices of dental implants in Ireland I find prices for a single implant vary from €1,400 up to €2,000.

That’s a huge amount of money if you need a full mouth dental implant treatment.

For example let’s say you needed full mouth implants numbering 16 in total that’s 16 x €1,400 each.

That’s a total of €22,400 plus xray, medication, other fees and extraction fees.

Did you know that by simply going to a European dental destination like Hungary the costs of dental implants are up to 50% cheaper.

So for a dental implant treatment consisting of 16 dental implants carried out in Hungary could actually save you up to €11,000.

To find out what you need and how much it will cost by traveling to Hungary fill out this form here.

Full mouth dental implants image

Single dental implant cost

In a case where a single dental implant is required, in Ireland it can cost about €1,400 to €3,000.

The crown and abutment can add an extra €500 to €2,000.

So when you add all the costs together for a single dental implant you could be paying up to €5,000.

It’s hard to put an average price for a single dental implant.

One thing is for sure if you are prepared to travel to a dental destination like Hungary the costs of dental implants will be much cheaper.

Are dental implants painful?

I realize that a trip to the dentist fill some people with fear, that completely understandable.

Because of their training, dentists are very aware of patients anxiety.

They do their best to put patients at ease, because it is surgical some discomfort will be felt during the procedure.

If an extraction is needed a local anesthetic will be used.

Most patients say that the actual implant procedure was less discomforting than the extraction.

Pros and cons dental implants versus dentures

Having dentures fitted will undoubtedly cost less money, however are dentures better than dental implants?

One of the biggest drawbacks around dentures be the fact that they don’t address the issue of deterioration in the jawbone.

Your body has a way of knowing that a tooth is missing so it starts to absorb minerals from your jaw and utilize them elsewhere.

This process isn’t healthy for the root where the tooth was, because it detioriates and weakens.

Other teeth that are nearby will begin to nudge towards the open space.

Over time facial collapse could be an issue, that’s where the shape of the face changes making denture wearing difficult.

You want to avoid losing any further teeth or deterioration in the jawbone because it makes more treatment necessary.

Consider asking your dentist if dental implants are suitable for you.

To book a free consultation at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford go here.

Are you a candidate for dental implants

A healthy person with healthy gums and sufficient bone depth in the jawbone can get dental implants.

You would then have to consider the pros and cons dental implants before making a decision.

Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford is a modern dentistry practice supported by our State-of-the-art clinic in Hungary.

The clinic has been caring for tens of thousands of patients from all of Hungary, Ireland and beyond for many years.

Many patients are good candidates for dental implants or porcelain crowns.

Full mouth dental implants are a long term solution for many patients.

They are a step above dentures and don’t require adhesives each night like dentures do.

They look amazing and act just like normal teeth.

You won’t be sorry once you look at the pros and cons dental implants.

Take the plunge and book a free consultation.

Will my insurance cover the costs

As far as I understand the situation and in general dental implants may not be covered by your insurance.

Having said that do check with your insurance provider before you commit.

Dental treatment is tax-deductible.

Make sure you get the dental surgery to fill out a Med 1 form for your income tax claim.


My hope is that you are now more aware of the pros and cons dental implants.

Cost seems to be a major stumbling block for many.

Money is hard to come by, especially enough money to cover the cost of dental implants.

You can save a significant amount of money by placing your trust in Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford


Dental implants prices Ireland


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