What Are Soft Teeth

What are soft teeth

Teeth cavities, toothaches,teeth sensitivity or other issues can be put down to soft teeth, so what are soft teeth, is there such a thing as soft teeth.?

Patients tell us that soft teeth for want of a better word runs in families, even for those that practise good oral care they see the dentist more often than most.

At Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary we hear patients say that after they had children or as they aged, there was a noticeable decline in the condition of their teeth.

This was the case even though they had good dental health before these changes.

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Is there such a thing as soft teeth.?

To be honest, and even though patients reference softer teeth, there is nothing in the dental literature that actually mentions soft teeth.

The reality is that decay and gum disease can cause teeth to decay or become less hard, if left untreated eventually they fall out or need extraction.

Teeth that have become soft are less likely to be able to withstand the daily wear and tear of eating, biting and chewing food.

What causes teeth to go soft

Acid reflux or bad indigestion (heartburn) have the capacity to make teeth more prone to cavities caused when the teeth enamel is damaged.

As you consume food and beverages acid is created in your stomach, it flows from there to your esophagus and your mouth.

This action exposes your teeth to the acid that causes erosion of the tooth enamel.

This erosion of tooth enamel is more damaging than that caused by consuming sugary foods, drinks or other harmful substances that also cause cavities.

 Potential reasons for teeth enamel to become weak and causes of soft teeth:

  • Bacteria
  • Baby teeth infections
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Malnutrition
  • Dental decay
  • Fever
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Smoking
  • Alchol abuse  

Have I soft teeth?

You may ask yourself “have I soft teeth” more often than not, the answer is likely to be no, there are a few reasons why this is the case.

For you to have soft teeth or weak teeth some damage would need to have happened to your teeth as they developed.

Apart from your wisdom teeth, the rest of your teeth finish developing at or around the age of 14.

By this time and unless you had excessive infections or bacteria in your baby teeth, had a hormone imbalance, or you were very I’ll, it’s not likely that you have soft teeth.

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Why teeth become weak or soft

There are other reasons why teeth become weak or soft, they include, excessive exposure to sugar, irregular oral healthcare, or acid reflux.

These unhealthy issues or habits are the likely cause of teeth going soft or becoming weak because of thinning enamel.

When teeth are weak they won’t look the same as healthy teeth, their appearance is unusual because of chalky or brown spots, or other abnormal characteristics.

Basically, if your teeth appear to look normal, the dentist hasn’t reported anything unusual then more than likely you don’t have teeth that have softened.

Misunderstandings around soft teeth

Just to clear up any misunderstandings around soft teeth, it’s not possible to get softer teeth during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Neither is it likely because of new allergies or a diabetes diagnosis during adult years.

Dental cavities happen mostly because of poor oral hygiene or a poor diet.

Softer teeth don’t just develop later in life, they do however happen when teeth are in the development stage.

Trauma or major changes in a person’s life can promote changes in oral health, but these changes are likely mot the cause of teeth becoming softer.

Enamel becomes eroded

Teeth enamel is rich in minerals, if these healthy minerals are too exposed to excessive amounts of sugar or daily oral care isn’t sufficient the enamel becomes eroded.

The erosion of enamel means that the inner layers become softer or weak.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary regularly come across patients that experience soft teeth symptoms.

These symptoms include cavities, toothaches, or their teeth are sensitive.

Even though these patients have practised daily oral hygiene practices they still encounter problems with their teeth.

Perfect Smile Dental care clinic in Hungary has a number of options to deal with weak teeth issues, call Fintan on 0873490104 for a free consultation in the Wexford clinic.

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My name is Fintan Duggan, I researched, collated and wrote this post cslled what are soft teeth, you can call me anytime on 0873490104.

If you are having issues with tooth sensitivity or pain, you will need to let our Hungarian dentists in Wexford to take a look at your teeth.

Don’t delay, the sooner you get a professional opinion on the condition of your and a plan for treatment for your teeth, the better for your oral health.

Schedule an appointment with Perfect Smiles dental care team in Hungarian dentists Wexford by calling 0873490104, we are happy to help.!




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