The cheapest price for dental implants

The cheapest price for dental implants doesn’t always mean that the best quality materials are used for dental implants, nor does it mean that the patient will be well cared for if something goes wrong following the treatment.

The cheapest price for dental implants could mean that the work is inferior so you could end up being very unhappy that you have spent money on a procedure that doesn’t live up to your expectations.

Having said that, we at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford Town guarantee our work, since 2003 many thousands of people in Ireland have come to our dental clinic in Wexford to find out what we have to offer in terms of dental treatments at the cheapest price possible in our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary.

Not only that a high percentage of those patients have decided to travel to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary because we offer professional dental treatment at the cheapest price for dental implants with excellent aftercare in Ireland.

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Follow up visits

We highly recommend that patients make an appointment to come back regularly to our Wexford town clinic for check-ups as it means our dentist can find any little issues that need to be addressed.

If you are looking for professional dental work and the cheapest dental implants why not contact Fintan on 0873490104, find out more about dental implants, the price, and how dental implants can have a long-lasting impact on how you chew food, eat, talk and smile.

Why are dental implants such a good idea

Dental implants have emerged as a highly popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. This innovative dental procedure offers numerous advantages, making it a compelling and wise choice for individuals seeking a long-term dental restoration solution.

Here are several reasons why dental implants are such a good idea:

1. Permanent and Natural Solution:

Dental implants provide a permanent replacement for missing teeth. They are surgically implanted into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone over time, creating a sturdy foundation for artificial teeth. This integration mimics the natural tooth root, resulting in a secure and stable solution that feels, looks, and functions like natural teeth.

2. Improved Aesthetics and Confidence

Dental implants not only restore dental functionality but also enhance the appearance of your smile. By replicating the shape, color, and alignment of your natural teeth, dental implants help you regain your confidence and improve your overall facial aesthetics.

When you search for the cheapest price for dental implants you will find that with dental implants, you can smile, eat, speak, and laugh with assurance, knowing that your teeth appear natural and attractive.

3. Enhanced Oral Functionality

Unlike traditional dentures that may slip or cause discomfort while speaking or eating, dental implants function just like natural teeth. By securely anchoring artificial teeth in place, dental implants allow you to bite and chew with ease and without any worries. This improved oral functionality restores your ability to enjoy a wide range of foods and leads to better overall oral health.

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4. Preservation of Jawbone Health

When a tooth is missing, the underlying jawbone may begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. Dental implants offer a proactive solution by stimulating the jawbone just like natural tooth roots, thereby helping preserve bone density and preventing bone loss. Implants also prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, maintaining proper dental alignment and reducing the risk of further dental complications.

5. Longevity and Durability:

With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime. They are made from bio compatible materials such as titanium, which is resistant to decay and gum diseases.

Unlike traditional bridges or dentures that may require periodic replacement, dental implants offer a cost-effective solution in the long run, contact us on 0873490104 for the cheapest price for dental implants with aftercare in Wexford.

6. Improved Overall Oral Health

Dental implants do not require any alteration or support from surrounding teeth, unlike other dental restoration options. This ensures that adjacent healthy teeth remain intact, promoting better overall oral health.

Furthermore, individual implants facilitate easier access for oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing, allowing you to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

In conclusion, dental implants offer a superior solution for restoring missing teeth due to their permanence, natural appearance, enhanced functionality, and overall oral health benefits.

By choosing dental implants, individuals can regain confidence in their smile, enjoy improved oral functionality, and experience long-lasting results.

What is the price for dental implants in Ireland

It doesn’t take long for people to realize that the price for dental implants in Ireland can be unaffordable for many individuals, a Google search for the cheapest price for dental implants reveals that you will need to spend between €1,500-€2,500 for a single dental implant in Ireland.

If a person has a large number of teeth missing and needs their teeth replaced it’s not hard to see why the price for dental implant treatment in Ireland prevents so many from going ahead with implants.

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Price for dental implants in Hungary

We can say that the cheapest price for dental implants in Hungary is €595, that is what you will pay for professional dental treatment in our Perfect Smile Dental Clinic based in the beautiful town of Hodmezvasahely Hungary just a two-hour taxi drive from Budapest airport.

So, if you need a lot of work done on your teeth, why not make an appointment in our Wexford town clinic where our Hungarian dentist (he speaks very good English) will do a panoramic Xray for you, he will then take a detailed look at your teeth, he will discuss what is the best treatment for your situation.

Upon returning to our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hungary a detailed dental plan will be emailed to you by the lovely Angelika our local coordinator in Hungary outlining:

  • The condition of your teeth
  • The recommended treatment
  • How long it will take
  • How many times you will visit our clinic in Hungary
  • The cheapest price for dental implants

Of course you have all of the information on your treatment so if you are happy to proceed, contact Angelika, she will offer you a date for your treatment in Hungary, all that you need to do then is book a flight to Budapest airport.

From there our complimentary taxi will bring you to your hotel (€52 per night) or your apartment (€40 per night) both are near our Perfect Smile Dental Clinic, your dental work will begin on Monday, you will stay with us for 7-10 nights depending on the level of treatment that you need.

At the end of your first visit to us our taxi will bring you and your partner back to Budapest airport for your onward journey home, you will be given an appointment in our Wexford clinic for a follow up visit.


I would like to think that you now have enough information on the cheapest price for dental implants and that you now know where to go to get your treatment at a price that is cheaper than in Ireland for the exact same treatment.

Call Fintan on 0873490104, ask for a free consultation, compare prices, save money.
