Root canal with a crown
If you need root canal with a crown our professional Hungarian dentists in Perfect Smile Dental clinic Hungary can help you with teeth restoration.
Infections in the root canal are common, a specialist orthodontist can treat the infection by taking the pulp in the root that is infected out.
Following the root canal treatment a dental crown can be placed over or on the affected tooth or teeth to keep them safe from any further harmful bacteria.
Infected root canal signs
There are a number of signs that the root pulp of the tooth has become infected from harmful bacteria and they are:
- Extreme sensitivity
- Swollen gums
- Excessive pain
Let’s take a more detailed look at root stem with a crown, how are they related, what is the procedure and how much does it cost.
Is it possible to get a root canal with a crown?
Most definitely, it is entirely possible to get root canal treatment with a dental crown.
The dental crown is just a cover over the affected tooth that protects it from any further erosion or damage.
If you already have dental crowns but need endonthic treatment the crowns can be easily removed to allow the root canal be treated.
Don’t be anxious about getting a root canal treatment with crowns, call Fintan on 0873490104 for a free root canal treatment consultation in Wexford.
Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary can offer root base with a crown at an affordable price, make an appointment in our Wexford clinic.
Call Fintan anytime on 0873490104 to schedule a free consultation.
Crowns after a root canal
Following on from endonthic treatment a number of things need to happen before crowns can be placed:
- All the infected pulp must be gone
- Tooth sensitivity cleared up
- Root canal in pristine condition
Following thetreatment the crowns can be done, depending on the number of crowns needed, this part can be completed over a few days.
Dental crowns are available in varying types, porcelain, ceramic, zirconia, gold, porcelain fused to metal, each has it’s own benefits.
Perfect Smiles Dental Clinic in Hungary can help, ring their local coordinator Fintan on 0873490104 for further information.
Is it necessary to get a crown following root canal treatment
It is not always necessary to get a crown following endonthic treatment.
Having said that, we always recommend the fitting of a dental crown after the canal work because the affected tooth may become damaged during the process.
Another reason that we recommend a crown after root canal work is that the affected tooth or adjacent teeth could be more prone to a bacterial infection.
How long does the treatment last
Root canal treatment with a crown varies in how long it will last from person to person.
The root canal part of the treatment has to be performed by a professional endondontic dentist, the root pulp has to be 100% clear of infection.
Depending on which area of the mouth has been treatment the appropriate dental crown can then be fitted.
My crowns hurt
Patients come to Hungarian dentists Wexford complaining that their crowns hurt, this is a symptom of an infection in the root of the tooth.
There are a few reasons why this could happen, a misfitting crown can exert pressure on the inner nerves, the crown could be chipped, or it has become loose.
Crowned teeth after root canals cost
Crowned teeth after core treatment cost depends on a number of factors, the clinics location, the cost of endonthics, crown and other associated costs.
If you search on Google for “root canal and crown cost” you find prices for the full treatment starting at €1,000-€2000.
If your teeth are badly decayed and you need a lot of work done the cost could be as much as €10,000-€12,000.
At Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary through our Wexford clinic we can do root canal treatment for €80, dental crowns cost between €285-€365.
Dont delay, get a second opinion on the cost of root canals and crowns in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.
Fintan is waiting to take your call on 0873490104, ask for a consultation with Hungarian dentists in Wexford.
In terms of where there is a highly infected tooth root canal treatment with a crown is the best option.
By pulling away the infected pulp from the root canal allows the cleared area to be filled with material before the crown is placed over the affected tooth.
This avoids any further infection from harmful bacteria and provides stability and a firm grip for the new tooth.
In terms of cost, patients go to Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary because the treatment there is much more affordable compared to Ireland.
Aftercare is provided for in Hungarian dentists Wexford.