Root Canal For A Dental Implant

Root canal for a dental implant

Root canal for a dental implant treatment may be necessary when a damaged or infected tooth can be saved by removing damaged pulp from the root canal.

Root canal treatment is successful in many cases, however even the best root canal treatment may not work and a dental implant is necessary.

At Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary we believe in saving the damaged if at all possible.

In fact our statistics show a high success rate of over 90% in root canal treatment, by saving the tooth we help prevent further complications down the line.

Complications that include teeth shifting, loss of jawbone density, difficulties eating and bite issues.

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Dental implants

According to the latest studies the very best long term solution for missing or failed teeth is a dental implant.

A dental implant offers so much in terms of stability and very pleasing aesthetics, the root canal and dental implant treatment can go hand in hand.

We use root canal treatment to essentially restore an infected or badly damaged tooth.

Our experienced professional dental team in Perfect Smile Hungary perform root canal with by taking out any damaged pulp from the tooth root.

In addition we clean the surrounding tissue, the tooth is then sealed to prevent any further infection.

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment has three functions, first to relieve pain, second to stop disease spreading and third to preserve the structure of the tooth.

As we mentioned the success rate is high, it extends the life of that tooth considerably, often for many years.

However, root canal treatment won’t make the affected tooth last forever.

Issues such as reinfection, structural wear or gum disease can over time compromise the tooth.

Basically when the root canal treatment has reached the end a dental implant may be the only option.

Root canal and dental implant cost

Root canal and dental implant cost in many dental clinics across Ireland range from €2,500-€3500.

Hungarian Dentists in Wexford can help you to save money on treatment in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.

Aftercare is provided following treatment in Hungary by Hungarian Dentists clinic in Wexford.

To get more information on root canal for a dental implant cost in Hungary please phone Fintan on 0873490104.

What’s a dental implant

A dental implant is without doubt the longest term solution to replace severely damaged beyond repair or missing teeth.

A dental implant comprises a small size titanium implant post that our experienced surgeon in Hungary will place into the jawbone.

The titanium implant takes the place of the natural tooth root, it integrates with the jawbone and provides a stable foundation for a crown, bridge or denture.

The dental implant or implants look and feel do natural, because of the osseointegration process (fusion) hey can last a lifetime.

Dental implants are especially beneficial for patients that have experienced losing teeth and we recommend them after root canal treatment.

Dental implants for missing teeth cheaper Perfect Smile dental clinic Hungary image


The placement of the dental implant and the healing period requires two visits to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.

A minor surgical procedure is necessary on the first visit, over the following 4-6 months the dental implant will fuse with the jawbone to provide a sound foundation for crowns.

Following a successful dental implant treatment a custom made crown is attached over the fully integrated implant.

The crown is designed in such a way to seamlessly blend with the natural teeth, thus restoring its appearance and functionality.

Benefits of root canal

Root canal work is effective at preserving teeth, the treatment can work well in tandem with a dental implant, the benefits are:

  • The life of the affected tooth is extended
  • Reinfection is prevented
  • Infected pulp is removed
  • The area is cleaned
  • Further disease is prevented

Benefits of a dental implant

Where a tooth is beyond saving a dental implant has many benefits, these are:

  • Permanent solution
  • Look and feel like natural teeth
  • Solid structure
  • Impressive functionality
  • Good aesthetics
  • Overall best value for money


I hope that this information on root canal for a dental implant has been helpful for you.

If you need to get in touch with Hungarian Dentists in Wexford town call Fintan on 0873490104.

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