P​orcelain Crowns For Teeth

Porcelain crowns for teeth

Porcelain crowns for teeth are a great idea especially for patients that are not happy with the appearance of their teeth, or they are having issues with tasting or eating food.

Porcelain crowns for teeth and in particular porcelain crowns for front teeth are a popular dental treatment to restore and enhance the appearance and function of your smile.

Porcelain crowns are custom made in a dental lab to perfectly and snugly fit over your teeth, also the dental technician will design them in such a way as to be a perfect match to the natural colour and shape of your own teeth.

The result is a seamless and naturally looking aesthetically pleasing set of teeth.

Read more on do crowns look like front teeth.

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How long will porcelain crowns last

Porcelain crowns for teeth should last for many years, in most cases 15 years is a good figure, it’s very important to take the recommended proper care to maintain the crowns.

They are a long lasting and reliable replacement option for restoring the functionality that over time decayed or broken teeth have eroded.

In addition they really enhance in a good way the beauty of your smile.

Read are Zirconia crowns good for teeth here.

If you are looking at porcelain crowns for teeth and you are finding the cost too much for your budget, consider calling us at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 for a free consultation.

We are happy to discuss porcelain crowns for teeth with you, our friendly Hungarian dentists will complete a thorough examination of your teeth and gums.

If you are a suitable candidate for porcelain crowns on teeth we will email a dental plan to you, it will outline:

  • The condition of your teeth
  • The condition of your gums
  • How many teeth are suitable for crowns
  • How long will treatment take
  • How much it will cost

Once you know how much the treatment will take and you are confident and happy to allow us to do the procedure for you, book a flight to Budapest with free transfer to Perfect Smile dental clinic.

What types of porcelain crowns are available

In the dentistry world there are a number of porcelain crowns for teeth, these are the most commonly used:

  1. Zirconia crowns: We use these a lot in our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hungary because we find them to be very strong and durable. They are very resistant to chipping and are a used extensively to restore molars and premolars.
  2. Porcelain-fused-to-metal: PFM crowns are made from a metal substructure and covered with porcelain layers. They have a natural appearance and are known for their durability.
  3. All ceramic crowns: All ceramic crowns are probably the third most used porcelain crowns for teeth, totally made from ceramic material. They provide good aesthetics, are biocompatabile and patients with metal allergies can take them.
  4. Porcelian jacket crowns: Porcelain jacket crowns are more often used to restore the front teeth, these are made from one layer of porcelain that provides a natural looking appearance.
  5. E-max crowns: Are exceptionally strong and life-like, designed from one block of lithium disilicate ceramic, often used for anterior teeth restoration.

When you analyse each porcelain crown for teeth, you find that there are pros and cons to each one, the choice of crown will vary and will depend on each patients preferences and dental needs.

We recommend that you call Fintan to set up a free xray and porcelain crown consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford clinic, his number is 0873490104.

It’s very important to get professional advice from our qualified Hungarian dentists to find out the most suitable porcelain crown for your particular case.

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How does the treatment go

There are seven steps that you will need to take to get porcelain crowns for teeth:

  1. The initial step is your free consultation with us in Hungarian dentists Wexford to determine if crowns are the option for you.
  2. Teeth preparation is an important part of the process, our experienced dentist will remove any loose bits of enamel and plaque to make room for the porcelain crown. The crown needs a proper fit to stop it from looking too bulky.
  3. Impressions are taken of the teeth to be given to our dental technicians to make a porcelain crown that is a super match in terms of size, shape and colour of your own natural teeth.
  4. Temporary crown is made to be placed over the treated existing teeth in order to protect them.
  5. The permanent porcelain crown is placed over the prepared teeth, our dentist will carefully check the colour, fit, and the shape before affixing them over the existing teeth.
  6. Final check, in Perfect Smile Hungary we prefer not to fix your new porcelain crowns for teeth permanently, we want you to come back to our Wexford clinic after four weeks. We will do a final check to make sure you feel comfortable with your new teeth, then we fix them permanently.
  7. Follow-ups, we recommend that dental follow ups are essential as is thorough oral hygiene care that includes brushing regularly and flossing your teeth.

How much are porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns for teeth in Ireland can be quite expensive, I conducted a quick internet search using Google to find out what is the average cost of porcelain crowns.

According to 3d Dental clinics with clinics in Galway, Dublin and Limerick porcelain crowns for teeth cost in between €550-€750 per tooth, the reason for the price difference is based on the type of crown used.

So, €550-€750 per tooth, that’s quite a lot of money if you need a large number of crowns, it is possible to have a bill for dental crown treatment over €10,000.

Crown on teeth cost, more information here.

Were you aware of the cost of porcelain crowns in Hungary.?

In a state-of-the-art dental clinic called Perfect Smile in Hungary we can provide top class dental porcelain crowns for as little as €285-€365, the price difference is based on the type used.

Give our local guy in Wexford a call, his name is Fintan, his number is 0873490194, he can help you with a free porcelain crown consultation, compare prices, see what can be saved.

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I’m delighted that you have read this post in its entirety on porcelain crowns for teeth, on the balance of probability this treatment is an effective and reliable method to restore damaged teeth to be aesthetically pleasing and function superbly.




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