Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary is located in the beautiful town of Hodmezvasahely Hungary.

The distance from the airport in Budapest to the clinic is a two hour journey by car, approximately 160 kilometres.

The clinic offer free transfers from Budapest airport to your accommodation and the clinic.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic was established more than 35 years ago.

To this day the dental clinic stands out as a model for professional excellence in dental care.

Patients from all over the Hungarian country come to the clinic for dental treatments.

For the past 20 years patients in Ireland have access to low cost professional dental treatment in Perfect Smile Hungary.

Perfect Smile dental clinic staff image

Irish dental clinic

Once Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary became established in Hungary the management decided to set up an Irish dental clinic.

So Hungarian Dentists Wexford town started in 2004.

That was back in 2004, since that time many thousands of patients from Ireland have come to the Irish dental clinic for advice on dental work in Hungary.

The service offered was a big hit for a number of reasons that included:

  • Free consultation
  • Free xray
  • Free dental plan
  • Low cost dental treatments in Hungary
  • Free transfer from Budapest to Perfect Smile
  • Friendly, professional dental staff
  • Low cost accommodation
  • Low cost flights
  • Aftercare in Ireland
  • Check-ups in Ireland
  • Dental team travels to Wexford every four weeks
  • To find out more about what Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has to offer contact their local coordinator Fintan on 0873490104.

What does Perfect Smile Dental Clinic have to offer

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic is one of Hungary’s biggest dental clinics, patients with complex dental and oral surgical problems are treated to the highest standards in Europe.

The clinic specialises in aesthetics and dental implantology, patients feel at ease in the tranquil atmosphere of the building.

When that is combined with the professional expertise, caring, and undivided attention of the staff patients are ensured of top class treatment.

Perfect Smile dental clinic image

Modern diagnostic systems

Modern diagnostic systems are at the forefront of quality dental care.

The clinic use the best digital panoramic xray, and CT scanning equipment as well as dental materials and implements.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has it’s own dental laboratory onsit.

This valuable resource means that there are no delays in making world class materials for all types of dental work.

All of the clinic’s dentists and oral surgeons are fully registered and regulated by the Hungarian Dental Council.

The dentists that work in the Wexford town clinic are registered with the Irish Dental Association.

If you would like to book a free consultation with Perfect Smile Hungarian dentists in Wexford town call Fintan on 0873490104.

Find out more about what Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has to offer contact their local coordinator Fintan on 0873490104.

All dental treatments are carried out and guaranteed in accordance with the best EU standards.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary operates a centre in Ravenna, Italy.

Find out more about what Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has to offer contact their local coordinator Fintan on 0873490104.

Smart guide at Perfect Smile dental

The clinic uses a state-of-the-art high end digital solution called Smart Guide.

Smart Guide allows the dentist to digitally plan your dental treatment ahead of time.

This time saving technology is part of the professional care that Perfect Smile offer.

The best dental professional agree that the long term success of dental implants relies heavily on the correct 3D positioning of the implants.

3D planning allows guided implant treatment.

This part of the treatment requires great precision and patience from the dental surgeon, what is the main reason for this is.?

It’s very important to position the implant in the optimum area for the best bone healing and aesthetics.

How does Smart Guide work?

First of all you will need to call Fintan on 0873490104 to book a free consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford, you will be given a detailed dental plan that includes 3D diagnostics.

A CT image is produced from structural anatomy of the area surrounding the missing teeth, a visualisation of the gum and bone is made available, this only takes a few seconds and is painless.

Basically, the computer works out in seconds a plan for treatment, it is more accurate and faster than the naked eye, the software is cutting edge.

This makes it possible to plan a treatment that involves precise shape, size and positioning of the bone.

In addition it considers the surrounding anatomy structures like the sinuses and nerves.

The implant is placed in precisely the optimum position using the information gathered by Smart Guide, prosthetic restoration follows.

The dentist uses all the tools at his disposal to do a professional job.

Low cost dental treatments are available to the Irish public at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.

To make an appointment with Hungarian Dentists in Wexford call Fintan on 0873490104.

Bone grafting

Bone grafting is a specialized treatment at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic.

This specialized treatment is used by dentists when an extracted tooth creates bone loss in the roots.

The bone begins to recede and is lower than the surrounding bone lines.

In cases where the there are a number of missing teeth, the bone regression is more pronounced

Patients that wear dentures can have bone loss on a greater scale, especially if theyare wearing metal-based-dentures.

If the bone is weak it can not support implants, so bone grafting is the best way to improve the situation, this is achieved in one of two ways:

  1. Sinus lift using artificial bone graft: This procedure is done to make the bone stronger in the upper molar area. The surgeon will open the bottom of the sinus cavern. A granulated artificial bone will be placed there, an implant may be placed there at the same time.
  2. Retromolar bone block operation: This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, bone fragments are removed from the mandibular and used to strengthen weak bone.

Dental implants

Dental implants for missing teeth is a procedure whereby a dental prosthesis acts as a replacement for missing teeth.

The implant is placed into the tissues of the jawbone.

The implant must blend into the bone.

The abutment is then screwed into the implant before a crown is affixed to the top of the abutment.

The end result for the patient is a new tooth that looks exactly like existing teeth.

The new tooth feel so natural, it functions like a real tooth, and it works wonders for your smile.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary are specialists in dental implantation, the cost of a dental implant in the clinic is just €549, to learn more contact Fintan on 0873490104.

Brands that Perfect Smile Dental use

Brands that Perfect Smile dental clinic Hungary use image

Dental crowns at Perfect Smile Hungary

Dental crowns at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic are made from the best quality materials that money can buy, they include

  • Zirconia
  • Porcelain
  • Porcelain fused to metal
  • E-max

The brands that are used are top of the range and dental crowns have the potential to cover chipped, damaged or decayed teeth and bring a smile to the face of patients.

Dental crowns are available from the very low price of €365 in Hungary, why not contact Fintan our local Irish representative on 0873490104.

Find out how much money you can save by getting your treatment done in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.

Before and after dental treatment image


Dental implants are supported by an overdenture, an artificial prosthetic that makes them stable and secure.

This prosthetic offers the possibility to comfortably eat your food, smile and laugh without the worry that the denture will move around.

They behave just like real teeth and greatly improve the wellbeing and quality of life for patients.

To learn more about how an overdenture may be able to help you, call Fintan at 0873490104.

Ask for a free xray and consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford image


This article on Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary was written by Fintan Duggan the local Irish coordinator for the clinic.

The clinic is run professionally, the best materials are used for dental treatments and patients come to Wexford for aftercare.

The Irish clinic makes the whole process of making the first step to find out more about dental treatments at Perfect Smile easy.

Don’t delay, give Fintan a call 0873490104, get a free dental plan, compare the cost of treatment.


Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary image

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