My teeth are falling out
My teeth are falling out is a cry for help, at Hungarian Dentists Wexford we can help you with the reasons why teeth fall out and offer a solution.
Teeth can begin to fall out as early as your 20’s, it can be quite embarrassing and frightening at the same time.
Because tooth loss is associated with older people.
Advances in modern dentistry mean that where teeth have fallen out it’s much easier to get your smile back with dental implants, crowns or bridges.
Dental implants, crowns or bridges look, feel and work just like natural teeth.
Losing teeth when you were young
Losing teeth when you were young isn’t the end of the world, teeth have fallen out.
There are solutions to get your smile and functionality back.
However, if your teeth are falling out, you must act quickly because leaving your gums with no teeth will cause even more problems.
Problems such as periodontitis or gum disease, in addition the bone in the gums may begin to recede.
This will be a problem if dental implants are needed.
Statistics show us that people in the age group 20-34 have a mean number of 27 teeth.
This number equates to 5 lost teeth on average.
The reasons behind these figures are whilst some need fillings or orthodontic work during their childhood or teenage years.
Others have no experience of any issues in oral health until they come into their 20’s.
Then all of a sudden oral health becomes an issue, people say my teeth are falling out.
Drinks, smoking, acidic food
We learn in school that foods containing sugar cause teeth to decay.
We know that acidic foods, smoking, and nowadays vaping are a threat to healthy oral health.
Teenagers and people in their early 20’s change to habits that are unhealthy.
Habits such as coffee drinking, drinking wine, beer or spirits, smoking, or consuming soft sugary drinks.
The problem with all of these is teeth are hit multiple times every day with acidic drinks.
In addition other chemicals attack tooth enamel causing tooth decay.
When teeth start to decay the gums will recess, if treatment is not forthcoming in time tooth loss will occur.
Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)
Over time sugary food intake allied with poor dental hygiene will not only affect teeth it will also affect the health of gums.
This is because harmful bacteria builds up in the mouth.
In the USA 47.2% of the population over 30 have periodontitis, this fact was published in a statistical study by CDC.
There are two types of periodontal disease, the first is gingivitis, being the milder of the two, and periodontitis, the more severe of the two.
Periodontal disease will over time cause the tissue in the gums to pull away from teeth.
Teeth become loose and start to fall out, answers to my teeth are falling out.
Good Dental Hygiene
At a young age parents show their kids how to practise good dental hygiene.
However as life moves on good dental hygiene practise can become less important.
At Hungarian Dentists Wexford we find that many adults put off visiting the dentist on a regular basis.
This is a mistake, don’t leave it until my teeth are falling out.
Teeth Grinding
We hear often about teeth grinding, very often teeth grinding starts during childhood.
It becomes worse because the stresses of modern life cause people to clench their jaws and teeth.
This constant teeth grinding weakens the base of molar teeth, the weakness causes gum recession, cavities, cracks or breaks in teeth.
For a variety of reasons teeth can move.
In addition, teeth grinding can negatively affect the jaw and cause temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
Pregnancy can affect teeth
Believe it or not, pregnancy can affect the most beautiful set of teeth.
During those 9 months the female body has greater nutritional requirements.
As the baby grows, so does its bones, skin, nails, hair, blood, muscles, organd and nerves.
The mother to be has to deal with hormonal changes, cravings, vomiting, a more acidic ph.
These symptoms combined are the perfect storm for teeth decay.
The expectant mothers body has higher than normal nutritional needs.
The reasons are because of food aversions and vomiting these needs are not met.
The result is further dental issues, including teeth falling out.
Health Issues cause teeth falling out
There are other health issues that cause teeth falling out, for example high blood pressure and diabetes.
Plus osteoporosis compromises oral health, potentially causing teeth falling out.
Chronic health conditions can develop as early as your twenties, making an appointment with your dentist is very important to keep on top of your oral health.
Trauma or accidents cause teeth falling out
Trauma or accidents cause teeth falling out, accidents happen all the time, at home, at work or at play.
Something as simple as an accident in the school playground can cause teeth to fall out.
Should this happen to you, it is advisable to pick the tooth up, rinse it off in boiling water.
Try to put it back into the socket or store it in milk.
Contact your dentist immediately he may be able to help put the tooth back into place.
Where teeth have fallen out
Where teeth have fallen out there are treatments available that can restore your bite, smile, and into the bargain your self-confidence.
The options to replace teeth that have fallen out include, crowns, dental implants and bridges.
A full mouth restoration will replace the teeth that are missing.
This will allow you to chew, eat food, smile naturally, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Visiting a cosmetic dentist
Visiting a cosmetic dentist is a good way to get an assessment of the health of your teeth.
Tooth loss or broken teeth can be identified, solutions can be recommended.
A dental care plan will be designed with solutions to slow down or stop any further teeth degeneration.
Depending on what the dentist finds, this will involve:
Positive changes to dietary habits that will limit the amount and frequency that sugar is consumed.
For example, less sugar in coffee, limit wine drinks to the weekends, stop smoking, and eat more bone healthy foods.
Oral hygiene changes to include using flouride toothpaste, tooth scraping, effective flossing.
In addition a good quality dental mouthwash is recommended.
To relax the jaw, a botox injection TMJ is used, the alternative is a custom-made night guard to prevent tooth grinding causing any damage.
Clear retainers called invisalign treatment can correct bite issues, in addition they make it simple to brush all parts of your teeth.
Gum surgery or periodontal treatments can restore gums to better health.
Bone loss can be corrected using bone grafting techniques.
Dental implants, porcelain veneers, Zirconia crowns and bridges, can prevent adjacent teeth from moving.
Conclusion on my teeth are falling out
This article entitled my teeth are falling out was written by Fintan Duggan the local Irish coordinator for Hungarian dentists Wexford town.
For people that have teeth falling out, there is help available.
At Hungarian Dentists Wexford town we specialize in full mouth restoration in our state-of-the-art clinic in Hungary.
The clinic is called Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre based in Hodmezvasahely Hungary a two hour trip from Budapest airport.
It can be discouraging losing teeth at a young age, there are solutions, we can help.
Make an appointment in Wexford by calling Fintan on 0873490104.