Infection under a crown
Patients that come to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary ask about what happens if there is an infection under a crown or crowns.
Fintan Duggan Hungarian Dentists Wexford put this article together, for more information call Fintan on 0873490104.
This article has all of the information on dental crowns, infection under a crown, what to look out for, and how to treat an infection under a crown..
If you need any help on this subject or you are looking for a free consultation in Wexford about dental treatments in Hungary please call Fintan 0873490104.
What are dental crowns
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has for many years provided dental crowns to patients from Ireland.
Patients visit the clinic in Hungary to get dental crowns and improve their damaged teeth, improve functionality and aesthetics.
The latest dental crowns truly do a great job at restoring old teeth and make them look like new, however on occasion there may be complications.
A potential issue that could happen is an infection under a crown.
We cannot stress enough how crucial it is that patients know the symptoms so that early treatment can be done and to avoid something more serious happening.
Dental crown infection
How does an infection in the crown happen.? Basically bad bacteria infiltrates under or around the crown.
Why does this happen.?
For any number of reasons, these include poorvoral hygiene, improper fitting of the crown, or there may already have been undetected decay in the underlying tooth.
Signs and symptoms of an infected crown
Its important to look out for the signs and symptoms of an infected crown , for example persistent pain.
If there is persistent pain in one particular tooth for example mildly discomforting to throbbing severe pain that gets worse if you chew or bite.
Redness and swelling
The affected area of the crown may exhibit swelling, another common symptom that may also include tenderness.
In certain cases the swelling could go as far as the face and down to the neck.
Hot and cold sensitivity
There may be an increase in hot and cold sensitivity, lookout for a sharp pain that lingers when consuming cold foods or hot drinks, there could be infection under a crown.
Unpleasant taste or odour
You may experience and unpleasant taste or odour in your mouth, no matter how often you brush or use mouthwash on your teeth the bad taste and odour remains.
This could indicate the presence of infection in the crown caused by decay or pus under the crown.
Discharge or pus
In the more severe cases, patients might notice a discharge or pus oozing from in and around the crown, a clear sign of infection under crown that needs immediate treatment.
Gum Recession
An infection in the crown can cause gum recession, this affects the area around the crown and makes the tooth more open to further infection.
Poor oral hygiene
We always recommend that our patients practise good oral hygiene, daily cleaning, flossing, and using mouthwash.
If not poor oral hygiene can cause plaque to build-up, plaque may lead to an infection around the crown.
Improper fitting crown
An improper fitting crown, a crown that isnt a good fit can cause gaps in teeth, bacteria can enter there and lead to infection in the crown.
Pre existing decay
There could be pre existing decay that may have been overlooked or noentirely reremoved, this can cause infection in crown.
Gum disease
Gum disease that hasn’t been treated can increase the risk of an infection.
Prevent crown infection
These are the proactive things that you can do to prevent crown infection:
Regular check-ups
Contact us at Hungarian Dentists Wexford for regular check-ups.
Get any problems sorted
If you have any issues whatsoever get them sorted.
Practise good oral hygiene
Follow best practise, brush twice daily, flood on a regular basis, use a quality mouthwash to make sure teeth and gums are in the best possible condition.
Treatment for crown infection
The first step for patients that have an infection in a crown is an xray will be taken to discover the extent of the infection, treatment to follow could include:
As with any infection antibiotics are the first port of call to get rid of the infection.
The crown may need adjusting
The crown in question may need adjusting to make sure it is the correct fit over the tooth, in some cases the crown may need to be replaced.
Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment is necessary if the tooths root has been infected.
I hope that you are now more knowledgeable about infection under a crown, you may recognize some of the symptoms.
If you do, please contact us at Hungarian Dentists Wexford to get an early diagnosis, don’t ignore sensitivity, constant tooth pain or swelling.
Looking for cheap dental crowns.?