De​ntal Treatment Europe Irish Clinic

Dental Treatment Europe

If you are considering dental treatment Europe its important that you go to a European dentist that has a clinic in Ireland.

Why is that important.?

Because if you get dental treatment done abroad in Europe and you need aftercare or a check-up you won’t have to travel where there is an Irish clinic available.

At Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary we can offer you the best of both worlds.

We offer professional affordable dental treatments in Hungary and all patients come back to our Hungarian Dentists Wexford clinic for aftercare and check-ups.

Why not consider dental treatments in Hungary Europe.? Fintan Duggan is the person to call on 0873490104 for free consultations in Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

Give him a ring anytime on 0873490104, find out more details on dental treatment Europe where aftercare is in Wexford.

Dental treatment Europe image

What treatments are available in Europe

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hodmezvasahely Hungary is only two hours drive from Budapest airport.

The clinic is state-of-the-art and one of Hungarys busiest and finest dental treatment clinics.

Established more than 35 years ago Perfect Smile offers ever conceivable dental treatment that includes:

  • Dental implants
  • All on 4/6 dental implants
  • Dental veeners
  • Dental crowns
  • Root canal treatment
  • Sinus lift
  • Gum augmentation
  • Bone grafting
  • Dental cat scan
  • Panoramic xrays
  • And so much more

Why go for dental treatment in Europe

Over the past 21 years many patients from Ireland have made the decision to travel to Europe for dental treatment, why is that.?

People make their minds up based on what they hear and see when they first visit Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

First and foremost they find a warm friendly dental team in Wexford that know exactly how to look after new patients.

They offer a free xray, examination and consultation to each patient that calls Fintan on 0873490104.

The advice on dental treatment in Europe is professional and based on years of experience.

Patients feel at ease safe in the knowledge that their treatment is a priority for Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary.

In addition all treatments in Hungary Europe qualify for tax relief in Ireland.

Lower cost dental treatment Europe image

More affordable dental treatment in Europe

The cost for dental treatment in Ireland can be be too expensive, for that reason many people search for more affordable dental treatment in Europe.

After all most European countries can be reached in a few hours from airports in Ireland.

The prices for dental treatment in Europe

I can only speak about Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary where prices for dental treatment in a European country are a minimum of 50 % less cost than Ireland.

For example, a high quality top brand Straumann dental implant costs €549 in our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Hungary, the best part is the aftercare is in Wexford.

Dental crowns and veeners start at €285 each.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental treatments at lower cost please contact Fintan on 0873490104.

Fintan can arrange a free xray and consultation for you in Hungary Dentists in Wexford town where our friendly Hungarian dentists visit every 4 weeks.

It’s important that when patients visit a country in Europe (in this case Hungary) for dental treatment that aftercare is available in Ireland.

That is why Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary set up their Irish clinic in Wexford over 21 years ago.

You can feel safe in the knowledge that aftercare is available in Wexford.

We offer lower cost dental porcelain crowns and bridges.

Here are some examples of the dental treatments that we offer.

All on 4 Dental implants

All on 4 dental implants image

Dental veeners

Dental veeners image

Dental crowns

Dental crowns image


I hope that you are now more knowledgeable about how to go about getting dental treatments in Hungary a European country.

Over 21 years ago patients began to gain confidence in travelling to Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary for more affordable treatments.

Since then many thousands more have made the journey, you can read some patients testimonials on this page.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental treatment in Europe please contact Fintan on 0873490104.

Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford image


Low cost dental treatment in Europe image

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