Dental implants for front teeth

Dental implants for front teeth

Dental implants for front teeth are a practical and effective solution for individuals seeking to replace missing teeth.

When it comes to restoring your top teeth, dental implants offer numerous benefits, including improved aesthetics, function, and oral health.

In this overview, we will delve into the details of dental implants for front teeth, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this advanced dental procedure.

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Replacing front teeth with implants

Until the advent of dental implants for front teeth, people that needed entire top or bottom teeth replaced had just one choice, they had to wear dentures.

Dentures are still being fitted for entire teeth replacement and it’s TRUE that they are a very quick and cheap method to replace teeth that are missing.

If you are someone that has dentures then I’m sure you will agree that dentures do have certain drawbacks.

  • They will never feel natural like your normal teeth
  • They have reduced power when it comes to chewing and eating food
  • Dentures become loose and uncomfortable
  • They can fall out of the mouth
  • The underlying bone structure will deteriorate
  • Dentures cause gagging
  • You must take them out each night for cleaning

Nowadays, the use of modern technology means that dental implants for front teeth are a real possibility for many patients meaning those horrible dentures can be put into the bin.!

Why don’t you make a phone call to Fintan at 0873490104, he is your local person to talk to about getting dental implants for front teeth at much lower prices in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.

You simply need to book a free xray and free consultation with our Hungarian dentist Dr Tomas or Dr Eda in Hungarian Dental implant Centre Wexford town by calling Fintan 0873490104.

Dental implants are like real teeth

Dental implants are like real teeth, they take the place of missing teeth, they are embedded into the jawbone, they protect the jawbone and prevent any further deterioration.

Dental implants for teeth act, look and feel the same as your natural teeth, they look amazing and add an extra pep in your step, your self esteem and confidence will soar.!

Are dental implants for front teeth suitable for you

Its important that you make an appointment to meet our Hungarian dentist in our Wexford clinic because not every patient is a suitable candidate when it comes to dental implants for front teeth.

Dr Tomas or Dr Eda are dental implant treatment specialists, both are registered with the Irish dental Association since 2009.

They visit our Wexford town dental clinic every month, they are lovely dentists and will examine your teeth very carefully.

Following your xray and consultation you will know whether or not dental implants for front teeth are the correct option for you.

To book an appointment at Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford please call Fintan 0873490104, he can help you with an appointment and get you started.

If you find out that dental implants for front teeth are the best option to replace your missing teeth and you are happy with the cost of the procedure in Hungary, we will arrange the trip to Perfect Smile Dental for you.

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What types of dental implants are available.

Same day dental implants

You may have heard of teeth in a day or same day dental implants, this treatment allows our Hungarian dentist to place temporary prosthetic teeth during the same day as the dental implant placement.

What does this mean for the patient

Teeth in a day or same day dental implants mean that the patient will have in place a full set of fixed teeth to use when chewing, eating, talking and yes, smiling whilst the new dental implants for front teeth fuse with the jawbone.

This full set of fixed teeth are underscored and supported by 4/6 dental implants, known as all on 4 or all on 6.

All on 4/6 dental implants for front teeth (or bottom) involves using 4 or 6 implants by placing them in whatever bone is available, no bone grafting is required.

To find out more about dental implants for front teeth and the cost in Hungary phone Fintan 0873490104.

At Hungarian Dental Implant Centre and Perfect Smile Dental Hungary we are sure that your money will go much further in terms of treatment.

Special abutments for dental implants

Special abutments types are used to allow the temporary placement of a set of prosthetic teeth that allows the patient to travel home with the ability to eat, chew and enjoy food whilst the dental implants for front teeth settle and fuse together with the jawbone.

This method of dental implants for front teeth is a great way for patients to be able to travel back home to Ireland comfortable in the knowledge that they can eat, speak and smile naturally with those lovely ( albeit temporary set of new teeth).

They are temporary, because until the dental implants for front teeth fuse 100% with the jawbone and are secure the permanent crowns that are attached to the screw on top of the abutment cannot be put in place.

After a healing period of 16-24 weeks the implants will have fused with the jawbone, then the permanent crown can be fitted, a joyous occasion for all patients.!

Mini dental implants

Mini dental implants for front teeth are just that, they are called mini because of their size, they are of narrow diameter and much smaller than the most commonly used sizes in dental implants.

Mini implants are considered by our Hungarian dentist where a patient is not a good candidate for the traditional implant, because of their size mini dental implants tend to be slightly less stable.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants for front teeth are a titanium post that are placed by a dental surgeon in the jawbone to become the artificial root for teeth.

These posts act as sturdy foundations for replacement teeth, such as crowns or dentures, ensuring a secure and long-lasting solution to missing teeth.

When dealing with your top teeth, dental implants are strategically placed in the upper jawbone to provide optimal support and stability.

Advantages of dental implants for front teeth:

1. Enhanced Aesthetics:

Dental implants closely mimic natural teeth, as the replacement teeth are custom-made to blend seamlessly with your existing teeth.

This results in a more attractive smile and improved facial appearance.

2. Restored Functionality:

Unlike traditional dentures or dental bridges, dental implants for front teeth provide exceptional biting and chewing forces, allowing you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and ease.

Implants essentially restore the full functionality of your natural teeth.

3. Improved Oral Health:

Dental implants prevent bone loss in the jaw, which commonly occurs after tooth loss. By integrating with the jawbone, implants help stimulate bone growth and maintain the natural shape of your face.

Furthermore, neighboring healthy teeth remain intact, as dental implants do not rely on adjacent teeth for support.

4. Longevity and Durability:

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants for front teeth have the potential to last a lifetime. Unlike dentures or bridges that require occasional adjustments or replacements, implants provide a long-term solution for tooth loss.

5. Enhanced Self-Confidence:

By offering a stable and aesthetically pleasing tooth replacement option, dental implants can greatly boost self-esteem and restore your confidence to smile, speak, and interact with others without worry.

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The dental implants procedure will involve these important steps;

1. Evaluation and Treatment Planning:

Your dentist or oral surgeon will evaluate your oral health, including the condition of your jawbone, gums, and remaining teeth.

Appropriate treatment plans will be developed based on this assessment, contact Fintan 0873490104 to arrange an appropriate treatment plan in Wexford town clinic.

2. Implant Placement:

During a minor surgical procedure, the dental implant post will be inserted into your jawbone.

Over the next few months the process called osseointegration begins, the dental implants for front teeth begin to blend with the jawbone.

The process typically takes 4-6 months, both the jawbone and the implant fuse together to form the bedrock for your new teeth.


This post on dental implants for front teeth is hopefully enough information for you to help you decide on your next steps.

It’s important that you talk to our professional Hungarian dentist in Wexford to tease out the possibility of dental implants for you, of course the cost of new teeth will be important in your decision.

Call Fintan 0873490104, at Perfect Smile Dental Hungary and Hungarian Dental Implant Centre Wexford town we are confident that you will save a lot of money by considering dental implant treatment in Hungary.



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2 thoughts on “Dental implants for front teeth”

  1. This is interesting, but I am not sure about the overall process. My father could use this, but he would need someone to assist him on the trip.

    About how long does one spend in Hungary for the initial procedure and how many trips does one need to make for the whole procedure? 

    Do you have to stay overnight? If that’s the case are there good hotels nearby?

    Can we bring family members with us?

    • Hi Michael,

      Thevdental implants for front teeth treatment takes two trips to Perfect Smile Dental in Hungary. The length of each trip depends on each individual patient and their needs. But most are finished in 7 days each visit. Aftercare is in Ireland and yes, we do recommend that a family member travels as well. Thanks Fintan 


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