Dental implants after gum disease
Gum disease needs to be taken care of, can you get dental implants after gum disease.?
Let’s have a closer look at the causes of gum disease and what treatments are available.
Also, whether or not dental implants are suitable for patients following gum disease treatment.
Gum disease issues
Gum disease or periodontitis (advanced stage) is a serious condition where the gum tissue becomes infected, the infection is caused by plaque build-up.
Plaque build-up is caused by bad dental habits such as poor teeth brushing and flossing.
These bad dental habits cause bacteria, it sticks to the teeth and hardens, if it is not removed it forms tartar, as tartar builds up it causes gum disease.
Be aware of gum disease
How to be aware of gum disease. ? The first signs are:
- Red, swollen bleeding gums,
- Gums may move away from teeth
- Teeth become sensitive or loose
- Pain felt whilst chewing.
- Persistent bad breath.
As gum disease progresses and it isn’t treated, teeth start to fall out, this advanced stage (perioddontitis) means that teeth become badly decayed.
Contact Hungarian Dentists Wexford for professional advice.
Dental implants following gum disease
Patients that have had treatment for gum disease often want to know can they get dental implants after gum disease.
Is it possible to get dental implants following gum disease?, will gums that are unhealthy affect the success of dental implants.?
Contact Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary for advice on treatments.
Healthy gums are required
Healthy gums are required for implants, dental implants are as close to natural teeth as you can get.
They consist of a steel titanium tooth root that a dental surgeon places straight into the jawbone as a replacement for teeth that are missing.
The titanium steel root is left in position to allow the gums to heal following surgery.
During this four month period the titanium steel root will fuse directly with the bone in a process called osseointegration.
The success or failure of the implant process largely depends on this part of the treatment, if the implant doesn’t fuse with the bone, it will come out.
Why would implants not fuse with the bone
In 95% of dental implant treatments they are successful, however, there are a small number of exceptions for different reasons.
The first reason is because the underlying bone matter isn’t wide enough or thick enough to support the new root.
This occurs in cases where gum disease is too far advanced and the jawbone has deteriorated too far to support the implant.
The second reason and one answer to can you get dental implants after gum disease is that the gums are too far gone.
In other words, gum disease was left untreated for far too long, basically the gums get eaten away, there isn’t enough support for implants.
It is possible to get implants after gum disease
It is possible to get implants after gum disease, it just depends at what stage you are at, there are treatments that dentists can use.
In cases where mild to moderate gum disease exists the disease has to be brought under control, how is this achieved.?
By making an appointment with a periodontist who can deep clean your gums and teeth, you will put you on the path to strict oral hygiene rules.
In addition the periodontist will advise you on what unhealthy habits to avoid that are affecting your teeth and gums.
These unhealthy habits include smoking, drinking alcohol, sweet drinks, and sugary foods.
Gum disease has improved
Over time the gum disease will improve, your next step is to call Fintan on 0873490104 to visit Hungarian Dentists in Wexford.
You will need the help and guidance of our professional Hungarian dentists to assertain if you can get dental implants after gum disease.
After examining your teeth and gums Dr Tamas may recommend that bone augmentation may be necessary to allow for dental implants to be inserted.
Bone augmentation involves the building up of the structure of the bone, this is achieved with your own bone or via a donor bone.
Bone augmentation is necessary to correct bone loss and to provide enough jawbone support for dental implants.
Sinus lift
In addition our dentist may recommend that you have a sinus lift.
A sinus lift is a surgical operation to provide enough bone under the upper jaw (maxillary) for a dental implant placement.
Your sinuses are lying next to your nose, they are air filled spaces, just above the upper molar and premolars and under your eyes.
During the sinus lift procedure the lining of the bone a thin membrane is lifted or raised to allow space to be created for dental implants.
A sinus lift is carried out usually before or at the same as the dental implant is placed.
This article called can you get dental implants after gum disease was researched and written by Fintan Duggan.
Fintan is the lead coordinator for Hungarian Dentists in Wexford and Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary where all dental implants treatments are done.
Fintan is available anytime on 0873490104 to answer your questions in relation to dental implants after gum disease.
In the vast majority of cases, gum disease once treated followed by strict daily oral habits mean that dental implants are a real option for most patients.
Perfect Smile Dental clinic in Hungary is a state-of-the-art clinic that provides top notch quality dental implant brands at very low prices.
Call Fintan on 0873490104 for more information.
All aftercare for patients coming back from Perfect Smile Hungary is performed in Hungarian Dentists Wexford town clinic.