Cost of dental veeners
Why is the cost of dental veeners in Ireland as high as €550-€1200 per tooth.?
Patients that want full mouth veeners could be looking at a bill for treatment up to €13,000-€15,000.
If other work needs to be done prior to getting the veeners the total cost of treatment can be extreme.
Cost of veeners in Hungary
We’re you aware that the cost of veeners in Hungary can save you some money.?
How much is the cost of dental veeners in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.?
A good example are the Pressmatic veeners that are priced at €365 each.
The Pressmatic E-max veener is a top of the range high strength porcelain veener.
Compare the cost of Veeners
Veeners are designed to snugly fit over teeth top and bottom, they greatly enhance the appearance of your teeth.
For patients that want to book a free consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford call Fintan 087 349 0104.
Compare the cost of dental veeners in Hungary against the same treatment in Ireland.
For each veener that costs €550 at dental clinics in Ireland the same quality veeners cost just €365 in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hodmezvasahely Hungary.
I’m confident that not only are you going to save a lot of money on veeners you are getting the very best quality and professional service.
An added bonus to the cost of dental veeners is the fact that aftercare is included in your free dental plan in Wexford.
Porcelain veneers
Emax are porcelain veeners custom-made in our in-house lab in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary.
They are wafer thin, our Hungarian dentists layer and bond them to the surface on the front of your teeth.
Pressmatic E-max veeners are simply designed to hugely improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth.
What are the advantages of veeners
Compared to traditional veeners or composite veeners the E-max has some advantages that include:
- Fitted without etching teeth
- Designer veeners
- Minimal preparation time
- Stronger bonding to the tooth enamel
- Less likely to chip against teeth on the opposite side
- Natural tooth shade
- Highly translucenct
- High aesthetic quality
Who can benefit from Emax veeners
When you look at the cost of dental veeners, some questions spring to mind.
Are they the correct choice for your teeth.?
Can you benefit from wearing teeth veeners.?
Here are some reasons to consider this cosmetic dental treatment.
In the first place veeners were designed to help patients that were unhappy with how their teeth looked, especially when they smiled.
Patients that feel they need to greatly improve the structure and appearance of their teeth can benefit from Emax veneers.
In addition adults that were born with badly misaligned, crooked or mishapen teeth could well benefit also.
Patients that have inconsistent gaps and spaces or chipped teeth could gain a benefit as well.
Veeners versus teeth whitening
Teeth whitening has been around for ages, but it just doesn’t come close to veeners.
There are a number of good reasons why this is the case.
When you are looking at the cost of dental veeners you have to consider the benefits.
Did you know that E-max veeners reshape your teeth, they also hide stains and and discoloration.
They do a great job at realigning teeth and making them perfectly white.
The feeling that you get when you look in the mirror is one that makes you want to jump for joy.
Having the ability to be able to smile with a new found confidence works wonders for your mental health and wellbeing.
Veeners procedure
Let’s say thar you are happy with the cost of dental veeners in Hungary based on a free consultation in Wexford.
Our dentist has taken a good look at the condition of your teeth, their structure, facial features and bite.
Emax veeners are the recommended treatment, the time for a trip to Perfect Smile in Hungary has arrived.
You arrive at our state-of-the-art professional dental clinic just two hours from Budapest.
We like to show our new patients how their teeth will look with veeners fitted.
The first couple of days in Perfect Smile are taken up in preparation for your new teeth veeners.
Our experienced dental team bond the veeners to the surface at the front of the teeth.
We then check that the colour and shape are what you want.
Within 7 days in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary your treatment is finished.
We know that you will be happy with how your new teeth look and feel.
Our staff will ask that you visit the Hungarian Dentists clinic in Wexford a few weeks after you return home for a check-up.
Strong success rates
At Perfect Smile Hungary we find a strong success rate with emax veeners.
They can last with proper care up to 15 years with a high 95% success rate.
I hope that this post cost of dental veeners has provided food for thought.
If you have any other questions regarding the cost, process or availability call Fintan on 087 3490104