Best price dental implants
You know that dental implants are the best option to replace teeth that are missing or badly decayed but you also want to know the best price dental implants.
The best price dental implants are not available in Ireland because prices for dental implants in Irish clinics start at €1,350.
That price is quite for just one single implant, patients that require multiple implants will have to pay probably more than €15,000 for full mouth implants.
Price for dental implants in Hungary
Get a second opinion at Hungarian Dentists in Wexford, call Fintan 0873490104, get a price for treatment in Hungary.
The best price dental implants are available in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hodmezovasarhely Hungary just two hours drive from Budapest airport.
Perfect Smile Hungary can offer you the best quality dental implants at prices starting from €549, that’s €549 for one single implant.!
We are talking about the same implant Straumann, BioHorizons and Nobel that are used all over dental clinics in Ireland.
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary opened its Irish dental clinic over 20 years ago in Wexford because of demand for best price dental implants.
Hungarian Dentists Wexford clinic is visited every four weeks by a dental team from Perfect Smile Hungary.
Give our local Irish coordinator Fintan a call on 0873490104, get the ball rolling, meet with our Hungarian dentists in Wexford.
Consider treatment in Hungary
Why not consider dental implants treatment in Hungary where prices are much lower and your aftercare is available in Wexford.
Get a second opinion at Hungarian Dentists in Wexford, call Fintan 0873490104, get a price for treatment in Hungary.
We understand that patients want the best quality dental implant, the most professional treatment, aftercare in Ireland at a price that saves them money.
Give our local Irish coordinator Fintan a call on 0873490104, get the ball rolling, meet with our Hungarian dentists in Wexford.
He will check your teeth and gums, if you are a suitable candidate for implants he will recommend a treatment in Perfect Smile Dental Hungary.
Your dental plan will be detailed and provide an analysis of your teeth, options for treatment, the length of time for treatment and the best price dental implants in Hungary.
What affects the price of dental implants
Depending on certain factors the price of dental implants will vary from clinic to clinic.
The outcome of the treatment: The outcome that the patient expects from the treatment especially the cosmetic appearance.
The cosmetic appearance is probably the most significant consideration that affects the price of dental implants, the new teeth need to look perfect.
The gum and bone need to be in top condition otherwise the price of implants will increase because more work needs to be done.
The implants location in the mouth: Where the implants have to be placed affects the price, at the front of the mouth can be more expensive because of less jawbone to work with. The longer a tooth remains missing the more the bone degrades.
Number of implants: Depending on how many implants are required, in some cases all on 4 or all on 6 can be used, otherwise more implants are needed.
Clinics location: As you can see, the dental clinics location ie country can affect the best price dental implants, for example a dental implant costing €1,350 in Ireland costs only €549 in Hungary.
Give our local Irish coordinator Fintan a call on 0873490104, get the ball rolling, meet with our Hungarian dentists in Wexford.
Affordable dental treatment in Hungary
More affordable dental treatment is available in Hungary because of lower operating costs, treatment is professional and aftercare is provided in Ireland.
Savings of up to 60% plus can be achieved by simply hopping on a plane to Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.
Following your treatment in Hungary Perfect Smile will provide you with a Med 2 form to allow tax relief claimed back from Revenue.
Our team of dentists are highly skilled in dental implants treatment, our clinic is state-of-the-art and our aftercare service is top class.
From the moment you first meet our dental team in Wexford you experience a warm professional atmosphere and that is also the case in Perfect Smile Hungary.
Our clinics commitment to patients satisfaction and comfort is uppermost in our minds, so many have come to Perfect Smile Hungary for best price dental implants.
Don’t just take our word for it, read some of our patients testimonials here.
Fintan on 0873490104 can help to get you started with a free consultation in Wexford.
This post called best prices dental implant was written by Fintan Duggan Hungarian dentists Wexford.
The idea is to let you know that if the price for dental implants in Ireland is excessive you can avail of more affordable treatment in Hungary.