Best Cr​owns For Front Teeth

Best crowns for front teeth

Dental crowns are extensively used to correct teeth abnormalities, front teeth crowns are available but what are the best crowns for front teeth.

Keeping your teeth in good shape can be challenging, trauma, cavities, or gum disease can have an adverse effect on your teeth.

Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary and Hungarian Dentists Wexford have dentistry techniques that can fix most of these issues.

For a free xray and consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford clinic give Fintan a call now on 0873490104.

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Fix imperfections with crowns

We traditionally use crowns for fixing back teeth imperfections including molars, we also use the best quality crowns for front teeth.

Front teeth crowns have the ability to correct abnormalities and tooth decay and they do enhance the appearance of your front teeth.

‍We do all of our teeth crowns treatments in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary we offer aftercare in Wexford.

Our highly skilled dental team place the best crowns for teeth on top of the damaged teeth.

We use them to add a layer of protection to the inside of the teeth or to cover teeth following root canal treatment.

In essence, crowns for front or back teeth cover the damaged visible part of the tooth and restore its structure and functionality.

‍They can be used to fit over molar teeth, in addition they are a good idea to fix any damaged or decayed teeth at the front.

‍At our state-of-the-art dental clinic in the town of Hodmezvasahely Hungary just two hours drive from Budapest airport we offer both full crowns or onlays.

As the description suggests full crowns cover over the tooth in its entirety whilst an onlay only covers a portion of the tooth.

‍Best types of crowns for teeth

There are different types of crowns for teeth, each has it’s own advantages nd disadvantages, metal, porcelain fused to metal, porcelain or ceramic, zirconia or pressed ceramic.

Metal crowns

Metal crowns are made from chromium, nickel or gold, all of them are very durable and long lasting in comparison to the others.

However if you are looking for the best crowns for front teeth we don’t recommend metal crowns because they just don’t look natural enough.

Porcelain fused to metal

Porcelain-fused-to-metal are quite similar in term of durability like metal crowns, in addition they look more natural.

In terms of the best crowns for front teeth, PFM are a good choice, the one drawback is that porcelain can chip and leave the metal part exposed.

Porcelain or ceramic crowns don’t have any metal in them, so there is no issue with metal showing if they happen to crack or chip, they still look like real teeth.

If you are allergic to metal porcelain or ceramic may well be the option for front teeth, they are very strong but not as strong as metal.

‍Zirconia crowns

Zirconia crowns are made in dental laboratories from zirconium dioxide, it’s a very durable ceramic material.

Zirconia crowns are one of the best crowns for front teeth because of their strength aesthetics, and durability.

This feature is a big advantage when it comes to chewing and eating food, so they are suitable for both the front and back teeth.

Pressed ceramic crowns

Pressed ceramic crowns are manufactured in our state-of-the-art dental laboratory in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.

Our experienced dental technicians use compressed ceramic to make long lasting crowns for front teeth, we match them to the exact same colour as your natural teeth.

To find out more about the best crowns for front teeth and the cost call Fintan in Hungarian Dentists Wexford for a free consultation anytime on 0873490104.

Cost of the best front teeth crowns

The cost of crowns in Ireland run from €500-€800 each, the same quality crowns in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary start at €285.

So many people find the cost of crowns for front teeth over their budgets.

Consider finding out more about crowns for front teeth and the cost.

Call Fintan in Hungarian Dentists Wexford for a free consultation anytime on 0873490104.

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Why get front teeth crowns

You may or may not need teeth crowns, you may have teeth imperfections that can be fixed with composite bonding.

However, if the decay or damage is more severe our Hungarian Dentists in Wexford may recommend the best teeth crowns.

‍More significant tooth decay

You may have more significant tooth decay, more damage to the hard teeth surface, small holes or cavities have formed.

Bacteria from food forms plaque on your teeths enamel, this gets harder and causes tartar, tartar is acidic and eats away at the tooths enamel causing decay.

‍When cavities form and are not treated quickly enough cause significant damage to teeth.

‍Cavities are found more frequently on back teeth, if they affect the front teeth the best dental crowns are recommended.

‍Excessive trauma caused by an accident can cause huge damage, in cases like this front teeth crowns are required to restore appearance and functionality.

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This article entitled best crowns for front teeth was put together by your local contact for Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary and Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

His name is Fintan Duggan, his number is 0873490104, to find out more or to book a free consultation in Wexford call Fintan anytime.



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