Average price for a crown
The average price for a crown in many dentists clinics in Ireland is between €500-€600, that price does not include other work such as tooth preparation, shaving or shaping of the tooth.
The average price for a crown in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary is €300, porcelain crowns cost €285, whilst Zirconia crowns cost just €365.
Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary has it’s own supporting Irish clinic in Wexford where new and existing patients come for consultations and aftercare.
To get in touch with our Irish clinic Hungarian Dentists Wexford call Fintan anytime on 0873490104 for a free consultation.
A dental crown can literally transform a damaged tooth, restore it and protect it from further damage, the average cost for a crown is important.
Many damaged teeth
In a situation where patients have many damaged or decayed teeth a number of crowns may be necessary, the more needed the higher the cost.
Perhaps you have already been to see a dentist and a large number of crowns are required to restore the shape and functionality of your teeth.
When you look at how much the final cost is, the money that you will have to spend means the average price for each crown is close to €600 in Ireland.
Consider your options, its possible to travel to Perfect Smile Hungary where the average price for a crown is just €300, no doubt money can be saved.
In addition, travel costs, accommodation and food will not drive up the average price of treatment too much, an estimate for one week in Hungary is €750.
Crown treatment in one visit
Should you decide to come to Hungarian Dentists for a free consultation and you are happy to come to Hungary for treatment.
We promise crown treatment in one visit to Perfect Smile, we also offer the average price of a crown at €300.
The process involves you booking a flight to Budapest airport where our free transfer mini bus will collect you and your partner.
The taxi will bring you on the two hour journey to your accommodation close to our state-of-the-art dental clinic.
We prefer if you travel on a Sunday flight so that your crown treatment can begin first thing on Monday morning.
The experienced dental team in our state-of-the-art clinic are there to make your crown treatment go as smoothly as possible.
Your teeth will have to be worked on and prepared so that they can be fully restored and protected by covering them with a crown.
By the end of the week the money that you spent to bring down the average price of a crown will be worth it.
Fintan Duggan is the author of this post called the average price of a crown, dental crowns can make a difference to how your teeth look and how they function.
Why not ask for a free xray and consultation in Hungarian Dentists Wexford.?
Get in touch, call 0873490104 day or night.