Are dental implants worth the money?

Are dental implants worth the money? Let’s find some answers to are dental implants worth the money? After all dental implant treatment in Ireland can cost as much as €2,000 per implant. There is no doubt that dental implants are a very effective way to replace missing or broken teeth. They are a permanent solution …

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Dental implants Ireland

Dental implants Ireland People are looking for information on Dental implants Ireland, I feel that the cost of dental implants could be reduced by considering travelling abroad for dental implant treatment. They are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. If you are considering dental implants Ireland, you may …

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Patient testimonials


Good afternoon Fintan. Everything went well thanks.
They seem to be happy with the bone augmentation. Their professionalism and care were spot on. I didn’t experience any pain. Just a little tenderness and swelling remain a week afterwards. Angelika planned everything perfectly.
I’m due in Wexford mid November for check-up etc.


Hi Anne,

How did you trip to Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary go.?

Great it was a very positive experience all the staff were very professional and friendly.Angelika really goes above and beyond and I had no pain We got out and about and actually had a mini holiday! Thanks for your help too . Anne


Hi Marita,

How did your trip to Perfect Smile Hungary go.?

Hello! Trip to Hungary was lovely. Really enjoyed it. The weather, apartment where staying was nice.And I am happy with treatment of course. Happy smiling 🥰


Hi Mike, how are you.? Did your treatment in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary go OK.?

Hi Fintan, yes I’m very happy with the care and outcome. I’m delighted I chose to stay in the appartment as I think a hotel would have been much more restrictive. Biggest issue was the language in getting out and about but overall that wasn’t a big deal either. Very happy customer and I’ll see you in September.

June 2024

Hi Galina,

How did your second trip to Perfect Smile Hungary go this time.?

Hi Fintan, I apologise for delay in responding. The trip was good, the weather too. Have done a lot, I am satisfied with everything, only the one tooth still sensitive and I am going to visit the doctor on 15th June in Wexford to check it.

April 2024

Good morning, John. I hope that you got back safe and sound from Perfect Smile Hungary and that the treatment went well for you and Joanne..Fintan

Hi Fintan, yes everything went great,we’re back safe and sound,we look forward to seeing you soon,thanks a million.

John Wexford

Rita Wexford

January 2024

Hello! My name is Rita I recently had treatment at this dental clinic, and now I can confidently recommend it to everyone who wants to receive quality treatment. Very professional dentists with extensive experience work there. You will find yourself in a very friendly atmosphere where you will surrounded with care and attention. Fear and doubts disappear at the first meeting with them. I would like to express my gratitude to my doctors Dr. Csaba Borbath , Dr.Tamas Vereb and Dr.Ede Honcz , and also to the coordinator Angelika who will help you with everything.

Kind regards Rita from Gorey Co. Wexford.

Russian translation

Здравствуйте! Многие люди ищут хорошего стоматолога . Могу порекомендовать эту стоматологическую клинику так как сама проходила здесь лечение . Выбор мой был сделан по рекомендации другого пациента который также проходил здесь лечение и остался очень доволен, а также потому что они работают в Ирландии и при необходимости можно обратиться к ним после лечения. Здесь работают очень профессиональные стоматологи с большим стажем работы , используются самые высокие технологии. Весь медперсонал очень дружелюбен и внимателен . Хочу выразить искреннюю благодарность своим докторам с золотыми руками и добрым сердцем , а также всему медперсоналу за ваше чуткое отношение .
С уважением Рита.

Hungarian Dentists (owner)

Hi Rita,
We are so pleased that your treatment in Hungary went so well. Thank you for contacting us.
Fintan 0873490104


James, County Clare

Fintan: “How did your treatment in Hungary go James?”

“Hi Fintan everything went well”


Would just like to say that the service provided by the Hungarian Dental Implant Centre is 5 star. From the moment I met Dr Tomas and Angelika, I felt confident in my decision to proceed with my treatment and they then arranged everything.

From that moment, they were with me every step of the way through my treatment. The care and attention they provided from the beginning to the end of my treatment has been excellent. On arrival to Hungary, the service continued and would not hesitate to recommend.

We were made feel at ease, and always there for us every day of our time there. To also have the added security of knowing they still return monthly to Ireland means I also have peace of mind if I do ever need to visit. For anyone who is thinking of getting a dental procedure, give these guys a call. It has changed my life.

Sandra Wexford


Hi Fintan. Thanks. Yes I got on very well. Clinic and treatment was first class. Accommodation was lovely. Staff at clinic were lovely and very helpful.I have booked for my next trip on March 3rd.I’m in a bit of discomfort at minute but I guess that’s to be expected and hopefully it will settle by the end of the week. I have a appointment in Wexford on 12th January.But overall very happy with everything. 😁


Hi Fintan. Just to say everything went far better than I imagined in Hungary. I was able to do bone augmentation that wasn’t possible in Ireland in my lower mouth. Got implants too. Dr. Barboth is amazing as were all the staff. The clinical side is so advanced and the daily aftercare very good. I will see you Dec 7th in Wexford and will talk properly then. Regards- Siobhan Murphy


” My name is Julie, I’m a secondary school teacher, I’m in my early 60s and have had a lot of trouble with my teeth over the years, when I was in national school I bumped into a friend, the result was a broken top front teeth.

I have never been blessed with nice teeth, bring a family up meant that dental work had to take a back seat for a long number of years.

Retirement and inheritance opened up the possibility of dental treatment so I made an appointment with my local dentist, he examined my teeth, he suggested that my best option for better looking teeth would be to have porcelain crowns inserted into the upper mouth.

I said fine how much do you estimate the cost would be, he replied about €1,000 for each one, for a full top teeth porcelain crown inserts you are looking at a cost of €14,000, I took the information home to discuss it with my husband.

Needless to say, we were a bit taken aback by how much porcelain crowns could cost in Ireland, as luck would have it my husband was chatting to his friend John, he had just returned from a Hungarian dentist where he needed to get full dental implants and a bone graft.

My husband put John on the phone to me, I asked him how much do full dental implants cost in Hungary, he replied a lot less than in Ireland.

After discussing the treatment and service with John he offered to book me into the Wexford clinic for an appointment, I went there and was greeted by the lovely Angelika and Dr Thomas the dentist, they completed a full examination and xray of my teeth.

A few days later a very detailed dental plan was emailed, my husband and I were a little bit shocked but delighted at the porcelain crown dental treatment plan cost, unbelievably low at just €4,000 a massive saving of €12,000.

To us it was a no brainer, travel to Hungary, stay in a hotel for one week, have the treatment done and completed in that time, return home for any aftercare and yes, have a perfect smile.

Our experience of the service offered by Hungary Dental Implant Centre Wexford is to be highly recommend, I’m absolutely delighted with my new teeth, the procedure has given me a whole new lease of life.”

Julie D

9th March 2023

“A friend of mine did his teeth with you , he is delighted”

Victoire von Schoen Hi Victoire. Thank you. Its nice to hear about happy patients..

“Hi Fintan, thanks for your message. Everything is going well. I had surgery yesterday & screws put in for 3 implants. Mouth is a bit swollen and tender today, but otherwise all going fine. I got the cuppa soups, so thanks for that tip. I’m due back home this Sunday. There’s another couple here from Portadown, Joy & John Hamilton so will travel to airport with them. All the best. Teresa.”

“Cyril has healed very well and no problems at all to report”

December 2022
“Hi Fintan. Same to you and your family.
Treatment went very well so far. I am very happy with the progress. My partner James was so impressed he end up getting 3 implants while we were there!
Still full of stitches and bruised but getting better by the day”

Getting dental implants abroad

Getting dental implants abroad Is it worth getting dental implants abroad. Dental implants are costly in Ireland, there are many other options such as Hungarian dental implants, Turkish dental implants, Spain, Croatia and others offer dental treatment at much lower prices. The question is getting dental implants broad worth it.? Lower cost dental implants start …

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