Dental Implants Supported Bridge

Dental implants supported bridge

Dental implants supported bridge is in some ways like a traditional bridge the difference being that the bridge sits on top of the implants and not on top of the natural teeth.

These implants are surgically placed small posts with a thread that take the place of the root of the tooth.

Once the implants are in place they must be allowed time (usually 4 months) to integrate fully with the jawbone before the supported bridge can be attached.

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All on 4 implants supported bridge

If you have been wearing Ill fitting dentures, or your gums are sore from wearing dentures, or you have missing teeth why not consider the all on 4 implants supported bridge.

This new revolutionary treatment is a great option for patients that are sick and tired of wearing dentures or have a number of teeth that are missing.

The all on 4 implants supported bridge system offers patients the opportunity to enhance their teeths appearance, to eat and talk with comfort.

To find out more about dental implants supported bridge procedure come to Hungarian Dentists Wexford dental clinic.

You can contact Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.

Dental Implants supported bridge are attached to dental implants to give you a new teeth that feels so natural, they are a permanent fixture.

Say goodbye to those not so nice dentures, brush your new teeth as you would everyday with your natural teeth, honestly you won’t know yourself.!

Your smile is restored

With the all on 4 dental implants supported bridge your smile is restored, you feel more confident, you can talk and eat with a new found confidence.

Some of the reasons to consider dental implants supported bridge is the issue with missing teeth causing bone loss.

Over time if missing teeth aren’t treated bone loss is inevitable, that leads to the contours of the jawbone shrinking, this leads to a sunken chin and mouth and wrinkled lips.

A dental implant supported bridge is a long lasting durable solution with a new set of natural looking teeth.

Unlike dentures there is no plate, the whole prosthetic is secured by just four implants.

The all on 4 dental implants supported bridge even stimulates the jawbone, making it stronger, it restores chewing ability, and is so comfortable to wear.

To find out more about dental implants supported bridge procedure come to Hungarian Dentists Wexford dental clinic.

You can contact Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.

Advantages of implant supported bridge

You want to have teeth that are attractive, attractive looking teeth play a huge role in how you feel about yourself.

How you feel about yourself in a positive way is the key to happiness, being able to smile normally, chat with friends and family, have photographs taken that you look good in.

All of these positive things are now possible because of the all 4 dental implants supported bridge procedure.

Give us a call at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104, our friendly dentist will be able to tell you if the all on 4 system is suitable for your needs.

At your free xray and consultation our lovely Hungarian dentist will take the time to hear your story.

Your concerns will be addressed and the procedure will be explained.


The implant supported bridge procedure

The implant supported bridge procedure is performed by our dental team in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.

There are many reasons why so many patients from Ireland travel to Hungary for procedures like this, one really important one is the cost of treatment.

All on 4 dental implants supported bridge cost in Ireland from €650 for the bridge.

The dental implants cost from €1,500 and the crowns cost from €500 each.

Did you know that the same procedure in Hungary costs at least half of the price in Ireland.?

Give us a call at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104, our friendly dentist will be able to tell you if the all on 4 system is suitable for your needs.

Treatment in Hungary

Yes, the treatment is performed in our state-of-the-art dental clinic just two hours drive from Budapest airport, all follow up treatment is done in Wexford.

The dental implants supported bridge procedure means two trips to Hungary.

If you are a bit nervous we completely understand, a mild sedative can help you to relax.

On the first trip our experienced surgeon will place the four implants into the jawbone, this process takes one week.

You return home for a period of four months to allow the 4 implants to fuse with the jawbone.

At the end of that period Hungarian dentists in Wexford will check your implants for a successful outcome.

All being well you return to Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary to have the bridge fitted to the implants, that also takes one week at the clinic.

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Why trust us

It’s a good question, why trust us.? Trust is something that Hungarian Dentists Wexford and Perfect Smile Hungary have over 35 years earned.

Trust is earned when you do a good job for someone.

We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our equipment, our technology and our highly trained and experienced dental team.

For many years, large numbers of patients from Ireland were happy to travel to Hungary for less expensive procedures safe in the knowledge that aftercare is in Wexford.

You can contact Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.


Fintan Duggan did the research and wrote this post on dental implants supported bridge, we hope that you found it helpful.

You can contact Fintan at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 0873490104 anytime.


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4 thoughts on “Dental Implants Supported Bridge”

  1. Hello, 

    What an informative post! I really appreciate how you broke down the process and benefits of dental implants supported bridges. It is great to see such a comprehensive guide, especially for those considering this option. The comparison of costs between Ireland and Hungary is particularly eye-opening! 

    It is reassuring to know about the aftercare available back home. Thank you for sharing such valuable information. I am definitely considering reaching out for a consultation

  2. A workmate of mine recently got an implant-supported bridge, and it’s been incredible hearing about his experience. He struggled with ill-fitting dentures for years, which made him hesitant to eat certain foods and enjoy social gatherings. After getting the bridge, he was amazed at how comfortable it felt and how confident he could finally smile without worry. It’s great to see him enjoying meals again, knowing that he no longer has to deal with those embarrassing moments when his dentures would slip. He mentioned that the whole process was smoother than he expected, and the results have truly transformed his daily life. 

    What really stood out to him was the added benefit of preventing bone loss in his jaw. He hadn’t realized how important that was until the dentist explained it. Now, not only does he have a natural-looking smile, but he’s also protecting his jaw health. I find it fascinating how this procedure can improve quality of life in so many ways. Has anyone else had a similar experience with an implant-supported bridge?


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