My Teeth Are Really Bad

My teeth are really bad

My teeth are really bad are words that we hear often from patients at Hungarian Dentists Wexford.

We understand how bad teeth can impact so much on people’s lives.

Everyday things like eating, speaking and smiling are a chore for many.

Not only that, unsightly imperfections can have a negative effect on self-esteem and confidence.

You may not be as happy as you would like to be because your teeth make you feel uncomfortable.

At Hungarian Dentists Wexford we know from our experience that we can help you with treatments to correct this.

We are experts at restoration treatments involving dental crowns or veeners.

In situations where there are none or they have deteriorated too much we recommend implants.

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Struggling with bad teeth?

If you are struggling with your bad teeth because they are misshapen, discoloured or chipped we can help.

No matter how bad your teeth are

No matter how bad you’re situation is are there is always a solution.

Even if you have any at all, we can help.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, we want you to know that there are options.

Your options range from bridges, to veeners, to implants, solutions for nearly every imperfection in the mouth.

Missing Teeth

You may feel that they are bad because some are missing.

We recommend dental implants as a solution or snap in dentures.

If you have a lot missing or some that are too bad to be saved, you probably are a good contender for dental implants.

The treatment is completed over two visits to Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.

The first visit involves planting the implant post into the bone.

A fusing period of 4-6 months follows, the implant post must fuse with the bone.

During the second visit the abutment is put into place.

The abutment is screwed into space inside the implant.

Once the abutment is attached a dental crown is added on top.

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Dental implants- bad teeth

Implants are a really great treatment when people say my teeth are really bad.

The cost a this treatment is a lot less in Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary.

You can find out more how to get cheaper treatment in Hungary by calling Fintan on 087 349 0104.

Snap on dentures

Not everyone is a suitable prospect for dental implants, the idea of surgery can be off putting.

You may not be a good contender for implants, or you may not like the idea of surgery.

There is another option, state-of-the-art snap on dentures, these snap onto the bone.

They provide a natural appearance and stability, they look like real natural teeth.

There is less surgery needed, talk to us at Hungarian Dentists Wexford on 087 349 0104.

Bad teeth- bone loss

You may feel that your teeth are really bad, one reason could be bone loss.

Bone loss is caused by gum disease.

Gum disease means unhealthy gums, unhealthy gums mean bone loss.

Treatments for bone loss include bone grafting, sinus lift, or zygomatic dental implants.

Some patients feel that severe bone loss means they can’t get implants.

In 95% of cases that isn’t the case.

Even if bone loss contributes to tooth crowding, teeth being misaligned or a sunken look on the face, there are options.

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Bone loss treatment

Our surgeon in Perfect Smile Dental Clinic Hungary uses existing bone extracted from the hip, tibia, jaw or other parts of the body.

The beauty of adding new bone to insufficient bone is that they fuse together as one.

When the new bone fuses it provides great support and reinforcement for the jaw.

Sinus lift

A sinus lift is yet another option where teeth are bad.

It will grow new bone on the sinus floor to allow Zygomatic implants.

Zygomatic implants utilize very long posts connected to the cheekbone for more support.

Zygomatic implants in studies have reported a 97% success rate even after 1 years.

No need for bone grafting.

Misaligned or crooked teeth image

Misaligned teeth- bad teeth   

Where they are crooked or misaligned they are considered by some patients in one short sentence, that is my teeth are really bad.

They are crooked for a number of reasons, teeth crowding, heredity, unhealthy chewing issues, or physical trauma.

Nevertheless, the cause of oral imperfections doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre Hungary has a solution.

Fintan is your local person to contact on 0873490104 if you would like a free consultation to find out more.

Invisalign for really bad teeth

If they are crooked or misaligned then invisalign could be a good solution for you, even if you have gaps invisalign may be able to help you.

Invisalign is custom made brand of almost invisible braces, these are created in the laboratory from computer generated images.

Invisalign is a much faster method to correct crooked or where they are misaligned, invisalign is capable of straightening them in as little as 12-18 months.

Traditional braces are somewhat old fashioned at this stage, they also take longer to straighten them, usually up to 24 months.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are a more cosmetically appealing treatment for misaligned or where they are crooked.

It’s a thin shell that is placed over the tooth in question and stuck on.

Porcelain veeners are a great treatment for covering teeth imperfections, they create a bright, beautiful smile.!

Fintan is your local person to contact on 0873490104 if you would like a free consultation to find out more at Hungarian dentists Wexford.

This type of treatment takes only one week at Perfect Smile Dental Clinic in Hungary.

Every aspect of porcelain veeners treatment for really bad teeth is completed in 7 days.

The first step after you arrive at Perfect Smile Hungary is the preparation to make sufficient room for the veeners.

Our Hungarian dentists fuse the new veeners to the natural teeth using a bonding cement under a special infrared light.

If you follow instructions on how to care for your new veeners they should last for 15-20 years.

Teeth decay- really bad teeth

Tooth decay can over time leads to really bad imperfections, tooth decay is not nice to look at, it can hasten more serious issues if not attended to.

Fintan is your local person at Hungarian Dentists Wexford to contact on 0873490104 if you would like a free consultation to find out more.

In cases where there is severe gum disease that involves inflammation or an infection in the tooth root, root canal treatment may be necessary.

With the expert help of an endodontist the infected pulp will be removed from the inside if the tooth.

The inside of the tooth will need cleaning and sterilisation.

Then our dentist may recommend a porcelain onlay or inlay.

This treatment is a type whereby a decayed tooth is filled using a porcelain material that is an exact match of the natural tooth.

Porcelain inlays and inlays have an advantage over other solutions because they are a complete restoration that will last.

They are also stain resistant and they blend seamlessly with what was remaining of the decayed teeth or really bad teeth.

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Porcelain crowns

We hear a lot of frustrated patients say my teeth are really bad, it’s perfectly understandable.

If teeth are badly weakened or worn down our Hungarian dentists will recommend the following:

Porcelain crowns to support what’s left of the structure of the teeth.

A dental crown is a bit like a veener the difference is it fits over the entire tooth.

Veeners simply covers just the front part of the tooth.

A crown can be a good option where they are in bad condition to provide structural support.

At the same time crowns can completely hide any imperfections.

Where there are multiples together that require crowns, our dentist may want to use a dental bridge.

A dental bridge is made up of many crowns connected together.

Teeth that are out of shape

When they are that are out of shape can drive people to say they are really bad.

The good news is mishapen teeth including chipped teeth, malformed teeth or cracked imperfections can be fixed.

Depending on what our Hungarian dentists in Wexford find during the consultation will determine the treatment.

For example, if the patient is worried about the appearance, most are healthy then porcelain veneers are chosen.

On the other hand, if the teeth have structural damage and aesthetics are important, then a crown or bridge are recommended.

No matter how severe or really bad you they are we can help.

Fintan is your local person at Hungarian Dentists Wexford to contact on 0873490104 if you would like a free consultation to find out more.

Overbite- Underbite

Both overbite and underbite are connected to teeth being misaligned.

Invisalign or braces is a common treatment for overbite or underbite.

Invisalign will realign the teeth over a period of 12-18 months, a retainer may be used to make sure the they stay aligned.

In the more severe cases the dentist may suggest jaw alignment surgery.

Any malocclusion will need to be rectified.

In addition this procedure will ensure that the jaws align correctly.

Gummy smile image

A gummy smile

A gummy smile could be the result of excess gum tissue, or teeth grinding.

The solutions include using a local anesthetic, a scalpel, to reshape the gum.

This treatment is called gum contouring.

Therapeutic botox is commonly used by dentists to correct teeth grinding.

If the teeth grinding is brought under control the gummy smiles appearance improves.

Our dentists ar Perfect Smile Dental Implant Centre can sometimes use porcelain veneers to make the gums less prominent and the teeth more prominent.

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Fintan Duggan did the research and wrote this post to explain more about the causes and solutions to oral imperfections.

The idea was to let people know that no matter how bad a person’s teeth are, solutions are available.

Call Fintan on 0873490104 for any questions that you may have.


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